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In version 0.2.3 the _lua_ tag is no longer inserted at the top of the file when saving a new cart. External editor does not syntax highlight until put in.


Cart #mkusyhi-0 | 2021-09-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hey there! this is my first pico-8 game :) any feedback is appreciated.


Galaxy defender is a arcade style shoot em up there are 4 different types that act differently but the more difficult they are, more points you get.


-X to shoot
-Arrow keys to move


Cart #hello_kromah-1 | 2021-09-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello :)
I finally gave a go at Pico-8 this week end and here's a little hello world contribution.
I hope creating a thread for a not-actual game project is still accepted!

Very exciting for upcoming projects as well as discovering more of yours!


I was working on a new project that involved learning how rom cartridges worked, so I asked around for help and someone suggested that I use SD cards. I ended up liking the idea and decided to use that in my current Pico 8 fanmade handheld project as well. What I did was created a shell that goes around a SD card to give it a cartridge look and feel. A USB SD card reader will read the 'cartridges'. I also wrote a bash script that will search for a p8.png file in your SD card directory and have Pico 8 run that file or run splore instead if no SD card cartridge was connected. Firstly, when you plug in a SD card to your card reader, you should type in

sudo fdisk -l

. This should list your SD card. Mine was listed as /dev/sda1

I then mounted the SD card and made sure Pico 8 could run the file. While in my Pico 8 directory, I typed in

./pico8 -run /media/usb0/run.p8.png

and Pico 8 ran the file, but use whatever directory you mount your SD card in. Why did I call the cartridge run.p8.png? I tried just using

./pico8 -run /media/usb0/*p8.png

, but I thought, if I had multiple cartridges on the same SD card, it would pick one out of random, and I didn't want that, especially for multicart games. Maybe there is a better way at doing this. If there is, please let me know. I made it where the first cartridge can be called run.p8.png, but other cartridges can be called whatever you want. I modified /etc/rc.local and added a line before the screen driver where it would mount the SD card. For me, I put in

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/usb0

I then created a bash script that would either load a game from a SD card cartridge or run splore if there was no cartridge connected.

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This problem has happened to me multiple times now where I'm doing music in the sfx editor, (and the pattern editor maybe?)
And I hit cmd+r.
Pico-8 crashes immediately and I've checked my backups folder to find this time nothing was saved...
I'm not sure if it's because I don't have any code and I just made a cart to do music in, and it doesn't happen all of the time when you run, but when it does happen it crashes and you lose everything :(

I'm not sure how to recreate it but if you could find it please squash this bug/crash, thanks.

I'm on mac, version 0.1.12c


The Clockwork DevTerm is a small portable computer with ultra-wide screen, miniature keyboard, built-in gamepad keys, and a thermal printer. You can buy one configured with a Raspberry Pi core that can run PICO-8 (among other things). I recently live-tweeted my unboxing and set-up. This post is a summary of my review of the device, and PICO-8 set-up instructions.

Clockwork also makes the GameShell, a portable Game Boy-like gaming device. Both DevTerm and GameShell are designed as modular kits that you assemble. As with GameShell, the hardware designs and software for DevTerm are open source. The parts are high quality, the modules are well designed for reuse and expansion, and assembly instructions are easy and clear. The modular design, the breezy assembly process, and the iconic side knobs set the tone: this is your machine, and you can open it at any time.

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Cart #picofantasytactics_0_7-0 | 2021-09-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

now with movement!
now with health bars!
now with functioning items and stats!
now with functioning skills including the mighty FIRAGA!
now with multiple skills and animations!
now with improved dying!
now with attack and move in the same turn
now with CURE!
now with ordering based on character speed!
now with JOB SELECTION!!

planned features (prioritized)
todo: character progression (experience, levelling, and skill tree)
todo: enemy AI
todo: battle objective (kill all enemies or kill specific enemy)
todo: game intro screen
todo: battle intro screen
todo: non-attack skills (buffs, revive, slow, haste, protect, shell)
todo: status ailments (poison, sleep, silence)
todo: more content (monsters, skills, gear, and items)
todo: more content (battles, history)
todo: exit action menu to check out other characters
todo: UI to view characters stats and gear
todo: mission (kill enemy X to win battle)
todo: more advanced animations


Just my attempt at remaking final fantasy tactics.

Still very early!


This cart runs ok at first but fails when returned to from the breadcrumb.

Cart #fohekireba-0 | 2021-09-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


	for i=1,5 do
	load(cart,"leave "..cart)
goto _

There's no newline after "goto _", adding one fixed the issue.
This only happens on the bbs.

1 comment

Cart #picokiller-3 | 2022-01-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

688i Pico Killer
By Ivan Joukov

Demake project of our good old "688(I) Hunter/Killer" by Jane's Combat Simulation.

Set a course and a speed on navigation screen to move. Try to be close enough to the enemy submarine hidden somewhere on the map to have a sonar contact. When you have a contact lock it on the sonar screen, stop your ship to stay in range and wait for your crew to calculate the firing solution. Once it's done launch your torpedo via the attack screen.

A red "!" in the top right of the screen indicates a contact, slow down and check your sonar. You'll lose contact, lock and firing solution if you go too far away from target.

Use Z / X buttons to switch tabs.

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I hope you like my first game ever.

Cart #dungeon_con-1 | 2021-09-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #noclipfinaleextended-0 | 2021-09-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Decided to extend Finale, and add a bit of a better animation. It evolves as the music goes on, so watch until the end. Enjoy!


Cart #wazazopidu-0 | 2021-09-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Move Left = Left Arrow Key
Move Right = Right Arrow Key
Jump = X
Stick = Z
Climb Ladder = Up & Down Arrow Keys

UPDATE 1.01: Thanks everyone for the feedback with this previous version( https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=44479 ). I updated the stick jump controls, they should be a lot easier to time the jumps now because the stick will now remain pointing down once the initial swing is complete. Also added the tap-to-turnaround-in-place function. Previously the player would move one tile if left or right was tapped. Lastly, the bridge level has been reworked(it was hastly put together the first time).

Please let me know what else is needed to tighten it up more and I'll try implementing it in the next update!

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So, as demonstrated by my recent post, I have finished my Pico-8 album, noclip. Now I want to export all the music from the cartridges. However, the exporter for music only exports one pattern. If you select multiple, it will simply export the one you just clicked on. Are there any tools made by the community which can export all the music from a cart and reconstruct it? Cheers in advance.


Cart #noclip_finale-0 | 2021-09-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is the sixth and final song in my album of short Pico-8 songs, noclip. Enjoy!


Cart #pintopistola-0 | 2021-09-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

1 comment

please i need to know this


Cart #stake_v1-1 | 2021-09-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a new snake game, inspire by another snake game called "snake_v1".

What's the different from other snakes?

  1. There are more than one kind of foods with different score.
  2. There is bombs born in the ground, be careful don't touch them.
  3. When the score is bigger than a certain number, the snake will change it's color, and the game speed will be quicker.

Thanks for playing my first game.


Cart #stick_electriclemon-0 | 2021-09-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Move Left = Left Arrow Key
Move Right = Right Arrow Key
Jump = X
Stick = Z
Climb Ladder = Up & Down Arrow Keys

STICK is a prototype of a simple platformer idea. The player character uses a walking stick to poke switches and help them make difficult jumps and avoid dangerous terrain. In this case the only dangerous terrains are spikes and falling off the screen.

I also threw in some collectable mushrooms for good measure that add to your score, as well as a timer that will give you a % bonus to your score if you're quick enough.

It's short, and has some occasional wonkiness which I'll be ironing out. But I'd love to get feedback regarding how the controls feel, especially opinions about the fact that I made the player character snap to grid in the x dimension, which I realize is an unusual choice for a platformer.

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Coming soon!

Ghost Bar

(Pre-alpha photo. Everything seen is susceptible to change.)

In this janky port of the beloved arcade title Tapper, the bartender has been reduced to a mere 128 pixels, and all of his customers turned to ghosts! Thirsty ghosts! The worst kind of ghost. Help him keep the ghosts hydrated with plenty of Bud family and corporate friendly rootbeer.


Releasing on Linux, Windows, Mac, Pico-8 consoles, and like every browser!

Disclaimer: This is a teaser. It might never happen. Also I was bored and wanted to make something look like a game ad.


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