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Cart #simplepowdergame-1 | 2021-07-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

V1.1 I forgot to comment the code. I felt like that would be a useful thing to do so that people understand how this works. Also, I changed the massive if chain in the tick() function to an elseif chain which should slightly improve performance, though optimization has never been my strong suit, so if anyone wants to try to fix my spaghetti code, be my guest.

Cart #simplepowdergame-0 | 2021-07-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my first thing that I made outside of simple experimentation with the engine! I hope you all like it! Most things have interactions with most other things, so just play around and see what you can do!


Thank you to Dylan Bennett for the tutorial!
This is my first game, I hope you enjoy it

Cart #sitikiwedo-0 | 2021-07-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This is a small game about a small dragon kid that jumps around collecting gold and video game treasures.

This was my first PICO-8 project (and "finished", published game).

How to play:
You control a small dragon kid. You can jump on slimes, and bounce off slime balloons. You can jump up — or off — walls.

If a slime knocks you out, or if you land on spikes, you will lose 5 gold. Gold is worth 1, and video game treasures/large gold bricks are worth 10. Try to collect as much gold and treasure as you can!

Special thanks:

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I found that, when entering the editors, the map resets itself and, furthermore, resets the map for the game being currently played as well.
An example of this bug (using Super Mario Remix):

@zep can you please fix this or make this a setting or something? (I would prefer it being a setting available using config)


Hi there.

I wonder if this is a bug.
I'm messing around with pico 8 trying to make a shmup and after woking for a while in the shooting mechanics of enemies and player I decided to start with the level design.
The thing is I drew some enemies on the map just to try things out and now my spritesheet is showing some strange artifacts as if it had become corrupted.
Is this normal?

Thanks, have a good day.




Cart #thepacifist-20 | 2021-08-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The Pacifist is a shooter where you don't shoot, you move. It builds upon Geometry Wars' Pacifism Mode.

How to play

The goal is to pass through gates when there are enemies in the circle around it. Each enemy killed that way raises the multiplier and gives points.
There are three lives, represented by the condition of the ship. The darker the ship, the less lives you have left.
There are two base powers:

  • Time Freeze: Use the Z/0 button to freeze time for 1.5 seconds. It uses a portion of the power bar.
  • Shield: Use the X button to use a shield, repelling enemies that are close to you.

Powerups pop up now and then to help you.

Known bugs

  • When dying after the third life, enemies spawn immediately but they shouldn't.

Version History

Version 0.8.4

  • Bugfix

Version 0.8.3

  • Fixed a bug that made it possible to have virtually infinite shield
  • Changed the way power-ups are picked. You have a choice of two power ups and have 10 seconds to decide which one to pick. At the beginning, you don't get two power-ups like you used to, but the time between power-up spawns has been reduced.

Version 0.8.2

  • Replaced the Dimensional Shift with a time freeze power on the Z button.
  • Added a power-up to level up the time freeze (making it use less energy)

Version 0.8.1

  • New enemy type spawns later

Version 0.8

  • Changed the color palette so enemies would be even more clear
  • Added a new type of enemy
  • Adjusted the difficulty

Version 0.7.4

  • small bugfix relating to Performance Mode

Version 0.7.3

  • Fixed some powerups that were not spawning.
  • Fixed the shield radius.
  • Added a power-up to level up the shield, decreasing its energy usage and increasing its range slightly.

Version 0.7.2

  • Added a shield on the x button that shares its power bar with the Dimensional Shift. I think it's fun to use, but renders the Shift almost moot. I'll have to rebalance those two powers in a future version.
  • Made the enemies go in slighty off directions the farther they are from the player. It's subtle but it prevents enemies from all doing the exact same thing.

Version 0.7.1

  • Hotfix

Version 0.7

  • Added audio and visual feedback when gates are spawning.
  • Pink dot's countdown now affects the background grid.
  • Added a true difficulty curve (instead of hadcoded spawns) For now it's not a curve, it's linear, but I'll try to adjust it to make it fair to new players and fun for veterans.
  • Fixed the diagonal player angles which made it possible for enemies to spawn in the trajectory of the player.
  • Small ajustments to powerups.


  • Fixed a memory leak caused by some particles not removing themselves.
  • The physics-based grid now updates at 30fps instead of 60. It makes it run almost flawlessly on RG351 devices.


  • Added a menu option to disable the physics-based background grid for slower devices.

Version 0.6.2

  • Re-arranged enemy physics to make them more bouncy. As a result, it can be a bit easier, but I think it's for the better.
  • Added a physics-based background grid to make things more dynamic. The physics engine was made by aatish (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=84525)
  • Fixed the GateUp powerup. Now, you are limited to 3 stacks of this powerup.

Version 0.6.1

  • Made the pink and orange enemies more aggressive
  • The Slow Pink powerup was removed
  • Added visual and audio feedback when catching a powerup

Version 0.6

  • Expanded the play field to 192x192 instead of 128x128. It drastically changes the balance of the game so I'm still not sure if that's what I want.
  • To counter-balance the first point, I changed the spawn rate of enemies. The pink one is less lethal so I'll try to balance it in the future.
  • Added 5 types of powerups that spawn randomly every 45 seconds
  • Extended the song
  • Cleaned up the UI
  • Removed the fake background scroll because it became very weird with the real scrolling field.

Version 0.5.2

  • Fixed the score limit. Now the theoretical limit is 999,999,999 points, although the display will probably be broken at that point.
  • Fixed a very minor sound problem when killing enemies
  • Small refactoring

Version 0.5.1

  • Nothing added, simply a refactoring because the code was getting messy and hard to work with.

Version 0.5

  • Initial version here. To learn to play, look for the "How to play" section below.

What's next?

  • Balance out the powers
  • Add more power-ups
  • Add debuffs (maybe)
  • Adjust difficulty
  • Adjust, adjust and adjust to optimize the fun and make it rewarding



Cart #pev4v2-0 | 2021-07-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Little platformer test I made by a combination of different tutorials.

Update #2: Now with animation and changed jump button to X
Update #1: Now with coyote time

previous version(s)

Cart #pev4v1-1 | 2021-07-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cart #pev4-0 | 2021-07-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #sobcartv2-0 | 2021-07-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A modification of the Celeste SOBcart!

New features:

Save best times using cartdata, so times are saved even after closing the cart

Toggle spawning times being counted in your time w

Delete current level (or all levels on Summit) best time from pause menu


Hello all.
I'm brand new to all things Pico 8, having dabbled with programming since the 80s.
I'm having LOTS of problems though.

I added particles to my platform player.
I saw a tutorial about adding objects and function within them, so I tried to change my particle system.
It broke. The error says: Unclosed { but I can't find where I've gone wrong.
I apologise if this isn't how to post code on this.
Can someone help out, please. (This is trimmed down in the hope I don't over stay my welcome!)

function _init()

function add_new_particle(x,y,die,dx,dy,grav,grow,shrink,r,c_table)

     if self.r<=1 then

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Cart #sosejonoy-0 | 2021-07-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Hello, I purchased pico-8 2days ago and I still haven't received it, I tried emailing for help,
I still have no answer. Is this normal?

1 comment

Cart #hero_of_the_legend-0 | 2021-07-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is a little top-down legend of zelda like game. I hope you enjoy it!
(the music transition going in and out of the forest is a bit janky, but I couldn't figure out a better way to do it.)


Hello, could someone please send some Good Starter Tutorials For Pico-8 or Voxatron?
It would be very Nice Thanks :>


Cart #boxodile-0 | 2021-07-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a work in progress puzzle game, currently with 6 levels. Z to pick up / drop boxes, or jump. X restarts the level. You must put all of the boxes onto the button to unlock the door.


Cart #unsafeathome-2 | 2021-07-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Unsafe at Home: A 64x64 baseball bullet hell time wasting experience!

In the distant future, Blaseball is the only remaining sport, as foretold by prophecy. One day, two friends run across an ancient document: the official Major League Baseball rulebook. However, it is badly damaged and the two are left to interpret the rules for themselves. Here is what these two friends from the future think baseball used to be.

  • One player, the pitcher, attempts to hit the other player, the hitter, with baseballs. The book clearly says hitter, not hittee, which would make more sense, but these were ancient humans, so . . .
  • The hitter attempts to circle the bases counterclockwise as many times as he can without getting hit. Each time he does this, he scores a run. He must stay in the baseline at all times. He can circle the bases clockwise, but will not score runs in that direction, and in fact must recircle ALL the bases he circled clockwise in the correct direction before he is awarded a run for crossing "home", which is what people called fourth base in those days.

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Cart #wormsimulator-0 | 2021-07-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Worm Simulator!

This isn't much of a game, just the first thing I made to get acquainted with PICO-8! You play as a worm that can dig around in the dirt, moved by the arrow keys. Might go back to this someday to turn it into an actual fleshed out game :-)


Pico's Big Adventure release!

Finally my first pico game reached a sort of completed stage: start menu, three levels, minimal sounds, gorgeous (?) graphics... I'm pretty happy with it, and I hope you'll have fun playing!

Cart #picobigadventure-5 | 2021-07-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


  • jump with X,
  • launch yoyo with C
  • launch stones with C plus down arrow
  • pickup shrubs with down arrow

The original, Terry's big adventure, had some nice ideas I managed to port here, and was somewhat original - even if I can't be sure it wasn't ripping off something, apart from being a mario clone, or at least sailing on mario popularity- due to an improbable weapon and some bizzarre enemies.

I tried to keep the code organized and readable, but lost focus here and there. If that doesn't hold you back, feel free to reuse the code. It's nothing original, but the animation system let you create a variety of behaviours, all you have to do is define some general characteristics and add sequences of sprites along with optional movement modifiers. Maps let you place enemies with the "id" sprite, and modifiers for starting behaviour and drops can be placed in an adjacent tile.

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Cart #scan_it-0 | 2021-07-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


The Retail Experience

Scan-it is a fast paced retail simulator! Deal with the most difficult customers while scanning their groceries at an ever increasing rate! Scan the barcodes of candy bars, pop cans, cereal boxes and more! Remember, at this store "We don't scan? You don't pay!". So you better keep scanning if you want to come to work again tomorrow!

The Backstory

This game was made for the "My First Game Jam: Summer 2021" hosted on itch.io. Although it isn't my first game (it's the second game...) it was my first Game Jam! Please feel free to let me know what your thoughts are on the game! Any feedback on the art, music and/or code is also welcome. I enjoyed being part of the Jam and learnt way more than I was expecting!


Cart #picodroid08-1 | 2022-11-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


X - fire/ enter influence mode/ enter lift/ connect to terminal
O - back button when connected to a terminal.


It is the year 2521 and a cyber attack against the underground cities has caused all robots to malfunction.

You control a prototype influence device armed with a low-powered laser and capable of taking control of these robots. Your task is to clear the 8 city levels of all rogue robots.

Hold X to enter influence mode and run into another unit to pair with it. This is achieved by fighting for control of the robot's cpu. Failure to do so will result in your own circuitry burning out.

Use lifts to move between city levels and use terminals to access the central database. Power coils are positioned at various points allowing you to recharge.

Be careful of robots with short range 'disruptors' and use the terminals to view robot classes that are immune to disruptor damage.

How To Play

The objective of the game is to clear all 8 city levels of robots.

Here's a YouTube video playthrough, almost to the end.

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Cart #slimekoban-1 | 2021-07-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Here's a puzzle game I made, it's the first Pico-8 game I made without the help from tutorials
I also made a video on making this game, thanks!


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