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Cart #maximumball-0 | 2021-01-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

How to Play

Punch the ball at the targets. Hit as many targets as you can within the time limit! The quicker you hit a target, the more points you get.

My high score is 2008. Can you beat it?


⬅️&➡️: Move
Z/🅾️: Jump
X/❎: Punch


  • The targets spawn in a specific order. Use this to predict where the next one spawns.
  • Move or jump in the direction you're punching to make the ball go faster.
  • Hold X/❎ after game over to get back into the action quickly!

Cart #fervour-1 | 2023-03-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Slice, swing, shoot and dash your way to victory

Monsters have stolen souls from your land and it is up to you to get them back.
As a dodgy armless creature that uses weapons as substitute to arms, it should not be that difficult, right?


Keyboard: Arrow keys, Z and X
Controller: D-pad / Joystick, A and B

Balance update

I went back and played this game and realized I could improve it a bit.
It's still not perfect, but I think the changes I made improves the experience a lot!

  • Increased move speed
  • Increased attack speed
  • Reset health between levels
  • Increase stamina recovery when standing still
  • Decrease range and speed on dig enemy
  • Saves between levels
  • Remove weird floor tiles
  • Add splats when enemies are destroyed
  • Better feedback when you hit the boss


Sebastian Lind

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This was made by my son (7 years). Of course, i helped him the most with coding.
But all assets, sprites, sounds, level design and concept is done by him.
he had a lot of fun with it.

Instructions: Find the exit (green arrow) and don't touch the lava block. The game has 9 levels.
See the block declaration below.

Cart #midijebobo-0 | 2021-01-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


See my cart:


Cart #mot_wolf3d-3 | 2021-01-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This isn't really a game - unless you consider it a short "Walking simulator" - it's more of a tech demo.

The engine is a basic Wolfenstein-3D like 3D engine. It has floor and ceiling textures and render reasonably sized and complex rooms at 60 frames-per-second, in a 128x96 viewport.

  • Arrow keys = move
  • X = toggle map mode

If anyone feels like something out of it, it's fairly easy to get started with (details below).

Levels are built using the map editor, using the sprites on page 1.

The bottom left sprites are walls, except the left-most one which positions a door.
The next row up is for placing objects.
The numbered circles are for placing triggers that trigger code when the player reaches them.
The gray arrows at the top are for setting the player start position and direction.

You can use the top left 124x32 tiles of the map area.

Wall textures (and door texture) are sprite tabs 2 and 3.

You can define up to 8 (including the door).

Objects are sprite tab 4.

They are always 16x16 pixels. You can define up to 16.

Objects must be defined in the "otyp" array (code tab 1):

-- y    h   w  solid flat
 { .33,.4, .5, true},
 {   0, 1, .3, true},
 { .5,.45, .7, false,true},
 {.375,.5, .7, true},
 { -.3,.4, .3, false},
 { .3,.35, .4, true},
 { .5,.45, .8, false,true},
 { .1, .8, .4, true},
 { .2, .6, .6, true}	
  • y = y position (-0.5 = ceiling, 0.5 = floor)
  • h = height
  • w = width
  • solid = true if object will obstruct player's movement
  • flat = true to flatten object to floor/ceiling

Floor and ceiling textures are defined at the very right of the map.

Floor and ceiling "plane types" must also be defined in code tab 1:

-- plane types
--       tex  scale height xvel yvel
pl_tile ={ 0, 0.5   }
pl_panel={ 1, 0.5   }
pl_dirt ={ 2, 0.125 }
pl_stone={ 3, 0.25  }
pl_sky  ={ 4, 7,    10,    .007,.003}
  • tex = Which "texture" to use. 0 = topmost.
  • scale = Texture scale factor.
  • height = Optional. Set the plane height, e.g. for sky textures. Otherwise defaults to floor/ceiling height.
  • xvel,yvel = Optional. Creates moving planes.

You then select the floor and ceiling planes by setting the "floor" and "roof" variables.

floor={ typ=pl_dirt,  x=0,y=0 }
roof ={ typ=pl_sky,   x=0,y=0 }

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Cart #rndpopart-0 | 2021-01-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

So, this cart generates a random pop art picture from pico-8's 32 colors and 4 preset pictures.
This cart's data is really messy, so only use it if you have a lot of spare tokens in your cart.
Re-run the cart whenever you want a new picture.

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Cart #werewolves-2 | 2023-02-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

And now, the wolf-men crew, performing this little dance just for you!
a song visualizer for a music made by my cousin :)

press C to stop


Cart #activitiespreview-0 | 2021-01-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

So, as I said in my previous post, I am working on a game jam game. There is a problem with the cart above. When score, which the game uses to check progression, reaches 35 it should change the lvl variable to 10 to progress the game. However, when it does eventually reach 35 nothing happens. I simply cannot tell what in the world is going on inside that would halt progression like this. The jam ends tomorrow afternoon BST and if this isn't fixed, I might not be able to upload on time.

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Cart #rainbow_compile-0 | 2021-01-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


A collection of doodles i've created,
wrapped in a little menu where you select which one you wanna see.
I thought it was too much work to upload ~12 carts separately,
so i cobbled and compiled this together, with little concern for token limits.


This supports keyboard and mouse controls to navigate...

while on SELECT MENU:

  • UP / DOWN - select option
  • RIGHT-ARROW / LEFT-CLICK - confirm

while viewing a DOODLE:

  • LEFT-ARROW / RIGHT-CLICK - go back to menu

You can also do
to return to the select menu at any time.


Cart #pico_aquarium-0 | 2021-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

(non-interactive aquarium)


GRiPPY is a hardcore, subversive platformer where you cant walk or jump but you can climb. You play as Grippy, a creature with very, very strong arms, but no legs. You must travel by hurling yourself across the world and latching onto anything you can GRIP, climbing through a mysterious underground complex and overcoming hostile terrain. Find a way out to win!

Cart #grippy-6 | 2021-04-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


  • O/X (z/x on keyboard): reach out a hand and grab
  • left/right: rotate aim angle
  • down (hold): aiming mode; reach without grabbing
  • up: hop

You can change your control settings in the pause menu.

Check it out on itch.io.

I spent a lot of time and effort making this game. The map, sfx, token limit, and spritesheet are packed. If you like it, you can purchase executables on the itch.io page. If you find any bugs, let me know!

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Cart #picpots-0 | 2021-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my first game for Pico8, a "remake" of the classic "Crackpots" from Atari 2600.
I'm no professional coder and also my first time using Lua or anything related.
Also, I suck at pixel art. So is a bit influenced by the original game.

Planned features :
Building getting smaller each wave failed
More spider types
More game modes maybe? (random spiders, etc..)

The title font is inspired by Bubble Memories arcade.
And the code for shake effect and collision detection was from Doc Rob [URL here] (gamedev.docrobs.co.uk/screen-shake-in-pico-8)

I hope you like it ;)
Any feedback would be welcome.


My second game in PICO-8!
Again made mostly by following NerdyTeachers' tutorials

Cart #busudehihi-0 | 2021-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


So, I'm working on a game jam game, and I see speed-running potential in it. I'm trying to make a built in speedrunning overlay, and I need to be able to pause the


function so that in the transition areas the time pauses so you can rest for a bit. However, I haven't been able to find anything that can stop, or emulate stopping the time function. I need an answer by Friday afternoon BST since that's when the jam ends.


Cart #ginepgowe-0 | 2021-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Another massive update to my Connect 4 project. Now has smooth animations and detects wins.

I still plan to add:

  • Music
  • Title Screen
  • AI
1 comment

Steep enough lines aren't rendered correctly when they originate off screen

This code should draw a completely solid screen. It does not.

for i = 0,260 do

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I've got two big frustrations with gamepad support in HTML exported games and the BBS. The following is based on testing in Chrome on Windows and Mac using an XBox 360 Wireless Controller and a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. I'm using this test app for everything following.

Cart #netties_joy_test-1 | 2021-01-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

D-pad does not function as direction inputs

When exported to HTML or uploaded to the BBS, d-pads are either ignored or treated as extra pause buttons. (It seems they are ignored on the HTML export and behave as pause buttons on the BBS?) The gamepad browser API supports other controller layouts but is designed around common modern controllers, and it has a concept of the "standard gamepad" canonical device, which allocates buttons 12, 13, 14 and 15 to up, down, left and right. I would be great if the D-pad was supported here, by mapping these buttons to player direction inputs, either in addition to or instead of the analog stick.

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I'm uploading this as a quick and simple joystick tester, largely to have something to point to when discussing issues with HTML5 joystick support. It just visualises the control state for all 8 possible players.

Cart #netties_joy_test-1 | 2021-01-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #ravuwuszu-0 | 2021-01-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #fikozezipa-2 | 2021-01-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I was kinda bored so i made a small shmup to surprise myself with. I kinda wanna add even more enemy types later but this is fine.

  • up & down for up & down
  • Z/X fires a large pulse that gives iframes, destroys enemies and deletes projectiles. Beware the endlag.
    (it'll also save you if you use it within 8 frames of getting hit; a shrill sound plays to indicate success)
    (i put in that move because you need it because things move vertically sometimes sorry)

enemy types:

  • magnets: they do nothing (and have no collision), but other enemies react to them
  • red & blue: magnetic. they attract to opposite-colored and repel from same-colored. (they ignore things that aren't red/blue)
  • green: centipede. they form trails behind other objects.
  • yellow: spinner. they orbit around magnets.
  • grey: gravity. they're lightly attracted to all other objects, but have actual momentum.
  • burgundy rings: they indicate that an enemy can shoot. such enemies also shoot on death, so beware.

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Pico-8 on Linux is having problems in full screen mode. When launching full screen, 3 out of 4 times the screen flashes and the programs sits in the background, but can't be accessed and has to be killed. The same thing happens when switching from windowed to full screen mode. Everything works fine in windowed mode.

It seems like this was a problem back in 2016, but was reported fixed. However I am experiencing this in 2021 on Ubuntu with the Xfce desktop environment.


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