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Cart #ninjoe_dragon-4 | 2021-12-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Made for TOY BOX JAM 2020


It was a lengthy battle that left you wounded and weak. You cannot recall what the fighting was for but as you wandered the battlefield, exhaustion took hold and the darkness consumed you. (XX) , collapsing where you stood.

The fall was great, you did not see the opening before you fell and you did not have the strength to battle the fatigue. Perhaps you were lucky for in this state your body was able to absorb the impact.

Time passed and you wake in a strange cavern, this was the battlefield no longer. You notice a door behind you, trying it proves futile. You expected it wouldn't open. The door was oddly recessed into the wall, looking out of place for an exit. A wall ahead of you held a lock; it looked like it may open if only you had the tools. Your equipment stripped, no picks at hand, you search something of use.

You spot opening underneath you, or so you suspect, it seems as though it is something you may enter and with luck may provide a way out. If nothing else, it isn't here.

However you have arrived in this place, it was certainly by the devising of some creature.

You are Ninjoe,

You have arrived in the Dragon's Lair, this lair is not one of the Dragon's making but the making of another. The Dragon is trapped here by a curse, the hoard has been scattered as well as the cursed treasures within it.

Once the treasures are separated the curse strengthens its hold on the occupants of the lair... perhaps if they were brought back together... ?

Help Ninjoe escape the Dragon's Lair, if you can ... but will you also help the Dragon?

... Do you even want to?

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Cart #appabode-0 | 2021-01-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a PICO-8 remake of the Atari 2600 game Haunted House! Can you collect the 3 pieces of treasure and escape the house before losing all your lives or running out of matches? How quickly can you do it?

Use X/Z to light a match - be warned, it won't stay lit for long! You can't see treasure or keys without light, and you can't pick up what you can't see. The monsters in the house will pursue you and will blow out your match if they get close. If they catch you, they'll steal your key and treasure to hide them in the house again.

Use left & right arrows on the title screen to toggle match flicker on and off. If you are a player for whom flashing lights/colors can trigger seizures, you'll want to turn the flicker off.

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Baie lekker verjaar en voorspoedige 2021!!!

Cart #veelsgeluktharina2021-0 | 2020-12-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Die liedjie is my poging om They Might Be Giants se Older na te boots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdIRrmNN_C


Cart #yorunakena-1 | 2021-02-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Enjoy this "better than this worst Atari2600 classic" for this new year that we hope better, 2021.

read the post-title intro in attract mode for instructions.


Cart #foreverred-2 | 2024-08-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Foreverred is a mod of Celeste Classic that took over a year to develop. Starting as a update to my first mod, Everred, it grew into a full re-imagining of the levels, and eventually into the biggest Celeste Classic mod ever released.

The mod is over three times the size of the original game, and features brand new levels, mechanics, sprites, and music - huge thank you to my friends Augie745 and RubyRed for their wonderful original tracks!


Z - Jump
X - Dash
Arrow Keys - Move
E - Toggle Flashing Effects

Lots of credit to Maddy and Noel from EXOK Games for the original game, and to the Celeste Classic Discord for all the help and feedback. Extra special thank you to my developer friends Gonen and Meep, who helped optimize, compress, and fit everything into one PICO-8 cartridge. This project wouldn't have been possible without them.

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Cart #lonesector-0 | 2020-12-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A simple and brief adventure game. Find a way to warp back home after landing in a strange lone sector.

Thanks to PrincessChooChoo for the warp animation.

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Cart #steps-1 | 2020-12-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Steps is a small Minit-like game where instead of dying from time, you die after a certain amount of steps. Explore the cursed island, solve puzzles, and find the hidden coins. Try to run away from the island by finding the Icarus wings as it is the only way to escape the cursed island.


  • Arrows: to move around
  • X: to start the game and activate boots


  • Try to find different patterns to find secrets (notice different patterns, different wall tiling)
  • Try to find the torch before entering dark dungeons
  • Some walls are just fake walls where you can walk through them.
  • Be careful when using boots in the dark dungeons

Ahmed Khalifa


Cart #eightbitultimate-5 | 2021-02-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


First team to 4 points wins!

Arrow keys to change the player's direction
X or Z button once to select the player
X or Z button again to throw to him

Press the button once to change direction. Tap quickly to stop running.

gfx, sfx, music, code by roroyobert.


Achievements unlocked:

  • do A Programming that's not conceivably related to my job
  • do A Chiptunes (yes, that's the Dies Irae, because 2020)
  • come one step closer to embodying a stereotype

Cart #fohubefik-0 | 2020-12-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #zofesayafo-1 | 2021-01-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My second pico-8 game.

It is intended to be a de-make of Konami classic Scrambler.

You can destroy the enemies either with the cannon or the free-fall bombs. Meteorites cannot be destroyed, though.

Avoid colliding with the terrain.

Destroy "F"-marked tanks for fuel. If you run out of fuel you'll crash!

Game includes two very difficult levels.



Jan-3rd 2021

Improved collision detection (now it's pixel-perfect).


Cart #frozax_tttd-1 | 2020-12-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here is my submission to the "Toy Box Jam 2020"!
This is my first game jam ever.

Known issues:

  • The game can only save up to 89 rails blocks due to limited save game size on pico-8.
  • You can't destroy rails.
  • T or X crossings are not supported

Have fun!


I'm making a sexy little 16x16 sprite editor with playback and more that should rely on the D-Pad and Buttons. Doing so mainly for use on the Retroflag-GPi case, or any other handheld.


UPDATE 11.01.21

  • Added Move-tool
  • Added Palette-swapper
  • Added Tooltips on hover (disable in menu)
  • Added Save (cart overwrite? dunno?)
  • Added Export Spritesheet
  • Added Clear All (Default Empty Project)
  • Improved usability/ button press consistency


  • Improved Menu Items / File related Functions
  • Nerf the Mouse
  • Subtle Sound effects
  • General Debugging

Give it a go!
Any help/advice/ideas appreciated.

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I have a weird thing going on that I'm 100% sure is because of something I'm doing wrong, but I can't quite figure it out. Hoping one of you will have some insight!

When I run my cart, I have a title screen music track that plays using music(X), then fades out using music(-1,500) when the user presses X/Z to start the game. There's an intro cut scene where a different track plays using music(Y) then fades out when that cut scene ends, also using music(-1,500). The user plays, there's no music during the game but there are a variety of SFX that play from time to time. When the user wins or loses, there's another cut scene that plays music(Y) - however, for whatever reason, it only plays one of the 2 SFX in the pattern this time around. When that cut scene is done, the user gets the score screen, which plays either music(X) or music(Z) depending on whether the user wins or loses, but again only one SFX in the pattern plays. The user can then press X or Z to go back to the title screen, and music(X) only plays one of the 3 SFX in that pattern.

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-fixed issue where vegetation would regrow instantly when frame counter loops around.

-added more sounds

A holiday-inspired island simulation with dinosaurs and humans trying their absolute best to prosper.

Created after watching Jurassic Park™ 1-5 during the holidays.

You can only observe in this game.

Arrow keys to move camera.
Z to track an entity.
While tracking an entity, tap Z to show/hide ai.
hold X to speed up.
hold X and tap Z to lock ultra speed up and show a faster summary board.
Tap x or z while in ultra speed summary screen to return to normal speed.

The summary board will show the current count of each entity type, as well as the highest generation achieved.

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Is there a PICO-8 official discord server?

If there is, how can I join?

If there isn't, are there any plans to make one?

Because I would like to have one.


Also, I'm getting better at PICO-8.



Rock Paper Scissors / my first game !

Cart #rockpaperscissorsmyfirstgame-0 | 2020-12-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Her is my first game !
Its just rock paper scissors, press left/up/right to select your choice.
It took me 4 day to make it, its slow, but i was abel to understande code logic !
The IA is very simple, it just chose at random when you select something.

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Cart #picotrainsim-2 | 2021-01-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a prototype, I wanted to test various things I learned.

v0.3 : updated rail scrolling and start message, added help screen and log
v0.2 : graphics for cabin panel, engine sound
v0.1 : initial prototype release

Development is now over, I will not update it as the things I wanted to do are beyond my capabilities.

Check the ultimate Pico Train Sim by Powersaurus here : https://powersaurus.itch.io/cab-ride


Cart #tobubotog-4 | 2021-01-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I feel like I've learned enough to try my hands at doing a simple shump game, like I imagined when I first saw Pico-8.
Any input on controls or better ways do stuff would be greatly appreciated by this novice right here.

Thanks for taking a look.

--future plans--
Add another boss type.
Give bosses unique weapons.
Adding more enemies.
Adding power-ups.
Different flying and shot patterns for enemies.
Fixed score add from defeating boss.
Boss gets more health depending on your score.
Changed how the player and player shooting handled.
-----30Dec2020 Update-----
added two new enemy sprites
added a boss, let me know if it needs to be tuned up or down in difficulty.

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Cart #sasnagoza-0 | 2020-12-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Arrow keys to move around, X to place a grass tile. Just a quick and dirty implementation of tile bitmasking.

Basic process is:

  • Create table same width/height as map, store what kind of tile is here (empty,grass,water,etc)
  • When you hit the X key, assign the corresponding index in the table to 1
  • Run a function to update the map accordingly
  • Show map and cursor

The autotile function checks the cardinal directions for neighboring tiles of the same type using the table, then returns a value 0-15 depending on what came back. Then we pull from another table filled with sprite indexes to figure out what should go on the map.

I used this article to figure out the best way to go about this: https://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-use-tile-bitmasking-to-auto-tile-your-level-layouts--cms-25673

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by PeP
Cart #dots-0 | 2020-12-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

upload test


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