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Hi! I'm here again and i'm testing a hitbox thing.

Also you can walljump. How interesting.

And double jump. i'm awesome.

Btw im not gonna use it, 2 hard 4 me

Cart #sayudiziwo-0 | 2020-09-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Also, just a fun fact, i make Puzzlescript games.

That's it, i wasted your time.



I thought I'd have a go at making something myself that I could play on my LED matrix display and seeing as I haven't done any Lua or Pico-8 before, I picked something to re-create, rather than come up with something new from scratch.

I always liked this on the C64, so here is my attempt at it so far. Still plenty to do;

Picidium (Uridium)

[edit, added title tune and a few other tweaks]
[edit2, added control option]

Cart #picidium-4 | 2020-10-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #yeduzahise-3 | 2020-09-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Program a tiny virtual console, the "Turtle-2", with increasing levels of capability at your fingertips.

This isn't "done" (there isn't a lot of error checking so there are various ways to make it crash, and I want to add more SFX and animations and maybe figure out custom background music), but it's a playable version of the core ideas. If anyone checks this out I'm curious what you think, whether you find it fun to play around with, and whether you create any interesting designs (share screenshots!)

I'm on the fence about trying to extend it to challenges / puzzles or just leave it as this open sandbox.


The header of my account is one of my so many Puzzlescript games.

That's it, i wasted your time.


Cart #amongus-2 | 2020-10-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Just a little prototype of a character from Among Us who can bounce around and change their color.

First version:

Cart #amongus-1 | 2020-09-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Update 1, 9/21/2020: made movement smoother and made shadow smaller.
Update 2, 10/3/2020:
-Normalized diagonal movement
-Added walk animation
-Added color select screen


Hi! I'm ThaCuber! I want to post here my first game ever on here, even though i didn't finished it.

Please tell me guys what you thnk about it!

btw yes i used @MBoffin's top down game tutorial, don't tell that on the comments pls

Cart #mahiyajimu-0 | 2020-09-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Oh, and, i am proud of it, i don't care if you don't


Cart #wuyasudike-0 | 2020-09-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hello :-)
I've recently started pico-8, and its been fabulous. I normally am a game developer in the Godot engine, so I don't have much experience with programming graphics, so I decided to make a raycaster. It went well, albeit with a lot of reconsideration about my life. Anyways, so I have everything mostly working how I expected it to have, except for this weird thing. The lines that I render to the screen as fine from a distance, but as I get closer to them they warp. This isnt the standard fisheye affect that other raycasters have, or maybe it is, but I dont think it is. I'm stumped. I'll be eternally grateful if anyone can figure out what I'm doing wrong.

edit: sO I removed the big fish-eye effect, that was easy and I already knew how to go about fixing that, but I still have the issue where going close to walls makes them warp inwards... It's weird.

[ Continue Reading.. ]


I've just bought Voxatron and it looks really cool, but I can't launch either the vox or vox-dyn apps, i have no problem with the pico 8 ones
and yes i have set them to allow to run as exe

Tells me there is no application that can run 'shared library' files

i can run the windows installer on wine and use it fine but i would prefer to use the native version meant for linux



There is a Deluxe version of this game up on itch.io, which includes a Desktop Pet and a few wallpapers, for just 5$!

Cart #explorers-0 | 2020-12-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Explore an archipelago, encounter fellow explorers, and seduce and haggle with them to help you complete your map!

There is no time constraint, no danger, there's no gameover. Instead, this game proposes a calming experience of exploration and encounters. You can just stop playing when you feel satisfied. A play session will usually last 15 to 30 minutes.


  • arrows to move around
  • [o]/z to confirm dialogue options
  • [x]/x to look at your map

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Cart #piratestrial-4 | 2020-09-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

this is my entry for alakajam #10

-- GOAL --
Visit the huts, ships or the wise monkey to collect maps
Maps will give you hint on the chest position
Once you have enough maps, seek a shovel
Dig to find the treasure
The first pirate to find 2 treasures win the game

(arrow keys) Move your tiny pirate around
(x) Dig if you have a shovel
(z) Show your maps


I feel like I'm wasting a lot of tokens with counters/timers in my game.

For example, most of my timers work like this:

timer -= 1
if timer <= 0 then
 timer = timer_reset

 --do stuff here

So I'm using a lot of global variables to store the timer values and timer reset values, as well as it not being a function in itself. I did try to make a function from it with something like:

function(timer, timer_reset)
 timer -= 1
 if timer <= 0 then
  if timer_reset ~= nil then timer = timer_reset end
  return true
  return false

But that only reduces the timer variable within the function, and not the original. When looking up on if there was a way to reference the original variable, I just found posts saying this isn't possible in Lua.

Is there a better method for this?


Hey @zep,

I know this is pretty minor, but I often find myself adding this to my programs so that I can use it in tables of functions/behaviors or other similar circumstances:

function nop() end

It'd be cool, and kind of in keeping with the half-lua/half-asm feel of PICO-8 to have a handy built-in nop() function for such occasions:

function assign_behavior(o,b,f)
  o.behavior[b] = f or nop

-- saves me having to do this elsewhere:
if(o.behavior[b]) o.behavior[b]()

I can't be sure, but I bet it might be useful for some tweetcarts too.

Seems like it'd be trivial to add as an efficient built-in C-side function as well. No need to handle args or closures or anything, just spot it and return the empty set immediately.

Anyway, I know it's about as minor a request as a person could possibly make, but still, I figured I'd at least ask. ;)

PS: Honestly, I think even vanilla Lua could use this as an actual built-in, like a pseudo-keyword. In some cases it could be as useful as nil.


Cart #nightride-0 | 2020-09-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Drive at high speed through traffic and survive the dangers you'll encounter.

Will you make it through the night?

This is one of my prettiest games so far.
Hope you enjoy it!



so I was messing with a little tweetcart esc thing;

::♪:: if(t>=256)t=1u+=1
goto ♪

and when I put the "if" next to the "::♪::" it turns gray like it's part of the "::♪::".
and then when I put a ";" before with a space or without it gives me a error even if the "if" is pink..?

Is this a bug? I'm on 0.2.1B

I feel like if it doesn't like the if touching the label it should like it if there's a simicolin touching between them.. IDK..

PS: anything after a goto is gray for some reason even with spaces now that I think of it

1 comment


I felt like transcribing a little tune I made in Caustic to Pico8.
Could use a bit more work (instruments, balancing, is pattern 14 off key?) but I'm happy enough with it.


Working out some of the rough edges of the 'platforming' before adding some items and dialogue stuff.

Any feedback is appreciated!

Cart #mozajumizo-0 | 2020-09-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #heatmappath-2 | 2020-09-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I just finished this method for path finding that I will implement in my other projects.
This method is resizable and really easy to implement and understand.
I spent the last day concocting this.
Essentially it creates a heat map/height map of costs that can be traversed by agents by referencing the node list.
Press X to place walls or remove them.
Press Z to set the end node to the nearest node to the on-screen cursor.
Cursor controlled with arrow keys.

The method works this way:
Create an empty list for checked nodes. We will push nodes into and out of it. Any node inside is there only temporarily.
We start with the first node, set it to visited, and put its neighbors into the checkedNodes list.

[ Continue Reading.. ]

1 comment

Cart #kittypath-0 | 2020-09-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Slight modification of my path finding method, except this method is now modified to allow an arbitrary size grid to be instantiated. I invite you to open it up and fiddle with the code.
The agent is the cat creature, and hopefully my code is readable enough. Simply changing the SIZE variable at the top should be enough to get a feeling for different grid sizes.


with devkit, storing data in multicarts, and all that, would it make sense for the PICO-8 editor to be rebuilt in PICO-8 itself, as an open source program? if this was done then people could make their own tweaks after copying it, adding whatever useful tweaks they want to the built in thing? its like the ultimate in customisablity, and we'd see all of these cool variants of the tools. plus it would make PICO-8 feel more self contained as people wouldn't resort to external editors. (Want an editor feature? make it yourself! wouldn't that be cool?)
could totally work here.
i personally see the editor as a built in thing as opposed to some external development thing.

so, thoughts?


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