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Cart #siege_of_darkwood-9 | 2020-12-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my remake of a long forgotten 68k Mac shareware game of the same name, originally created by Robert Chancellor. I've updated the rules from AD&D to D&D5e and added some extra items.


You play as Derek Silverhand and are tasked with protecting Darkwood from Torque's approaching hordes.
Survive 10 waves of enemies to win the game!
Darkwood will fall if Derek falls in combat or the advancing hordes destroy the castle!

How to Play

Prepare yourself

Buy equipment like swords and armour from the 4 item shops.

Enter the battlefield

Enter the battlefield and engage with your target

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Hi, i'm using here a qwertz keyboard.

The problem with this layout is that the buttons on the bottom left side do not match.

Where the US/UK keyboard layouts have the z, is here an y.

So the actual layout here, is yxcvbn.

I know that c and v are the same as z and x, but it is very uncomfortable to do so.
Especially when playing on the executable, and then trying out the web version.

Can you change or add a setting to the Web Player, so that it respects the keyboard layout of the machine ?

The standalone (exe) version of pico 8 works perfectly, but some carts are web versions only.


Cart #watertechdemo-0 | 2020-08-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


I thought I would upload this tech demo I've been working on. It is based on the 'Kingdom' series. I am going to hopefully build a game around it but it might take some time. Hope you enjoy!

Use arrow keys to move.


Delve Feedback help

Cart #delve-0 | 2020-08-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hi! I was looking back on this project that I wanted to get back to work working on..
But before I do that I wanted to get feedback on what to add,change,etc.
(I allready know somethings like music,horizontaldrill,notcrashingonlvl4,enemies,etc...)
But I wanted feedback regaurdless for things I might miss!

Thanks if you looked at this!

Asking what people think about my game with 0 ideas thrown at the player is probably not the best idea so here's some topics that I would like help with thanks again :) :

  • controls
  • titlescreen / options
  • map generation issues
  • area concepts or misc ideas about gameplay

(some problems I might already know about but please tell me anyways)


Cart #virulent-2 | 2021-03-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Virulent is a turn-based game where you use action points to manage a viral outbreak on earth. The story is that the earth is hit by asteroids carrying a deadly virus, your task is to launch missiles to prevent any more infections, while administering remedies to infected countries and cure them.

Virulent is a remake of an Atari game called "Epidemic!" by Steven Faber (1982). I hope you enjoy playing it.

I dedicate this game to every person who has been separated from their family or loved ones during the tragic corona virus outbreak of 2020. We miss you dearly.

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Okay, bear with me, because this is a pretty niche bug and also I can't post the actual code because it's spoilers for a demo I'm putting together.

I have code that basically works like this:

local a,b={},{}
--a loop that populates a,b with 128 nums each

--some code that involves nested looping through a,b to draw pixel-by-pixel on the screen
goto _

This is not a super uncommon design pattern for my tweetcarts. One thing I'd intended to do was encode the contents of a,b rather than the code that populates them. So I did, and the performance tanked.

Weird. Maybe there's a performance difference I'm not aware of?

What was odd is that I know a and b are local in both cases, and they take up the same storage as far as I can tell. I started poking around, and I tried this:

local a,b={},{}
--a loop that populates a,b with 128 nums each
local anew, bnew = {...my constants...}, {...my other constants...}

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=80528#p)

Cart #juhatozuto-0 | 2020-08-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Entry for the One Hour Game Jam, Theme: Leave.

1 comment

Cart #cosmic_wisdom-0 | 2020-08-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Press Z/X to receive wisdom.


I'm working on my take of the great Lemmings game. Interesting to make a dynamic background based on pixels instead of tiles. Right now most mechanics are working.

To do:

  • menu
  • levels
  • finetuning

Cart #dont_tank_it-1 | 2020-08-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


In Don't tank it!, players take on the role of a tiny tank that likes to shoot around randomly.

The goal of the game is to have as many bullets active without getting destroyed.

Each level gives you one more bullet to handle.
To help you stay alive for longer, the tank is equipped with a shield, but after you use it you have to recharge it by moving and have bullets active!



Keyboard: Arrow keys
Controller: D-pad or Joystick


Keyboard: Z
Controller: A / Y


Keyboard: X
Controller: B / X

Have fun and good luck! Do not hesitate to leave a comment about anything!

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Here's my follow-up to my first Pico-8 game (Pico-Bot). This one is called Pico-Tron and will be a Robotron-style shooter. There aren't many of these types of games on Pico-8 so thought I'd try my hand at one. It won't be a slavish recreation, instead it will have lots of new features of its own. It currently has 13 enemy types, with around 790 tokens remaining that I might use for a few more enemy types. I still have the sfx and music to do too. Should hopefully have it finished soon.


Cart #lazerhunter-0 | 2020-08-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Made this by following (and changing here and there) Dan Lambton-Howard's Pico-8 game tutorial in MagPi magazine issues 83-88. First time i've made a game and was lots of fun. My kids helped out with drawing sprites and some of the sounds so all good fun.

1 comment

This cartridge fails the assertion, which normally I would write off as a floating point bug, but pico-8 uses fixed point representation so this seems like an actual bug in pico-8 to me?

function _init()
 local x=0.6
 local y=0.3
 local sum=x+y

function assert_equal(a,b)
 local s=a.." ("..tostr(a,true)..") does not equal "..b.." ("..tostr(b,true)..")"

function _draw()

The assertion fails, saying:
0.9 (0x0000.e665) does not equal 0.9 (0x0000.e666)

This is just one example, but this happens to me more often than not when trying to compare decimal numbers :(



I made this game following this tutorial.

Thanks SO much to Lazy devs for making the tutorial.

Check out the original here

Here is the awesome person who made the original:

So sorry I forgot to give credit when I first posted this game.

I created plasma ball and I plan on adding more.

things I plan on adding:

  • laser powerup
  • custom sprites
  • custom gamemodes
  • more I am not thinking of right now

post level ideas in the comments

level format:

/ = skip a line
b = normal brick
x = empty space
i = indestructable brick
h = hardened brick
s = sploding brick
p = powerup brick

letter then number to place 1 more than the number
ex b7=bbbbbbbb  (8 b's)

rows are 11 bricks long and will start a new line automatically

ex:  ///b9bb9bbbpbbpbbpbbb9bb4pb4 is level 1


these are the powerups (slow, extra life, sticky, expand paddle, reduce paddle (extra points!), mega ball, multiball, plasma ball (breaks indestructible bricks) and laser)

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Cart #isoheight-0 | 2020-08-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Inspired by @slainte 's post, I wanted to code a simple isometric map renderer with height information.
This is my first try - feedback on tiles and general how to approach this stuff is very welcome.

Right now the height is bruteforced rendered by overlaying the tile sprites height times. This could be optimized by checking the surrounding height and not drawing the area that will be painted over anyway.

Feedback very welcome :)


Hey all,

Pico Midnight is a tiny game that takes place on a virtual pub called Midnight. It's my first game with pico-8; and what we can do is very limited, but it's been a fun learning opportunity for me. You can hang around in the Midnight and talk to patrons, and what they say are quotes from real messages. I'm hoping to make it episodic and add more rooms and characters in the future.

Cart #picomidnight-0 | 2020-08-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Thanks for reading!

PS: The intro music has been taken from this youtube video


I am working on a project for URL LOWREZJAM 2020 and I think it is time to present it here to get some comments maybe.

The cart is quite far from being playable but as there's been some expectation around it I've dediced to keep the wip cart here so ppl can comment and try it. Don't expect too much out of it, still very early

Updated with a bugfix... using potions broke unit release

Cart #fantasytactics-8 | 2020-08-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

It's going to be a "tactics" like game (tactics ogre, final fantasy tactics...). Still plenty of work to do and not sure if I will be able to put everything up for the Jam but for sure I am gonna keep working on this to a point it becomes a playable game. For now working on 2 carts... the game itself and the editor and probably I will release the editor/isometric renderer on it's own cart in case someone wants to experiment with it once it's kind of "complete"

Project is in MODE 3 as the jam is 64x64 and I am using some odd sizes around (my general sprite/object box is 10x16) even though I am adding full support to custom sprite sizes for the renderer itself.

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Cart #sadnessandsorrow-0 | 2020-08-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A cover of Sadness and Sorrow, originally composed by Toshio Masuda for the Naruto OST.
Initially, I wanted to also include the shamisen solo, but it was way too complicated and I ran out of SFX slots to use. Perhaps I'll revisit this in the future and try to include it.


This is a simple game I made with my (now 4-year-old) son. Perhaps influenced by Lexaloffle's BBS icon, its protagonist is a giraffe. It eats falling leaves.

Cart #giraffeeatingleaves-0 | 2020-08-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

It has no victory or defeat conditions (my son still doesn't demand them, so I keep not including those).

I wanted my son to start getting used to a mouse, so this game has mouse support! It was fun having to activate it via POKEs. (I was reminded of the Sinclair Spectrum 48k of my youth). The game also works with the default "button-based" control scheme.

  • Arrows: Move head
  • X: Eat

The code, as usual, has been heavily cleaned up before posting.

Notes about the graphical design:

  • I only programmed the giraffe head and the leaves with my son. The telescopic neck and body at the bottom was added as a surprise, later on.

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Cart #mb_topdown_vox-0 | 2020-08-06 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I had a lot of fun making this. This is the top-down adventure game tutorial I made for PICO-8, but re-written to work in Voxatron.

I had to make a few changes to how things worked, since it's in 3D, of course, and there are things that Voxatron doesn't have, like a map editor or its associated functions like mget() or mset(), or other functions like btnp() and so forth. But other than those few changes, it's basically the same code as from the tutorial.

Feel free to take it and make your own games with it. :)

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