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Cart #gamesetmatch-0 | 2020-04-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

In order to stave off death by boredom and feel like I'm getting something productive done while stuck at home, I made a game! It's an 'educational' game about venn diagrams. Trust me, it's at least a little bit more fun than it sounds. A little. Big thanks to @gearfo for finding a way to draw venn diagrams! And one last note, don't look at the code. It's rather messy.


Cart #gamoriyoro-1 | 2020-04-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

this is a speedruncartridge for speedrunning picohot. the only reason i uploaded this is because some people can't download the files correctly for some reason


Hello, this is the pico-port of our Windows Store game: Skiddy, the slippery puzzle.

Cart #bbp_skiddy-1 | 2020-04-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Help skiddies leave a level by sliding them around all together and using the available obstacles to your advantage.
110 levels with different completion medals (explained in the tutorial).
Can you get them all?

It was a lot of fun to write this lean version for this wonderful fantasy console.
I only cut some bonus levels and hard mode to fit in the .png cart compression limit.
You can erase your progress from the pause menu.

Thanks to zep for his font and to the community for the awesome learning resources


  • fixed a crashing bug after tutorial
  • cosmetic and music fixes

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Cart #fishfillet1-0 | 2020-04-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Posted this a while ago on my itch, but I wanted to try to post it on the BBS.
Hope u enjoy!

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Cart #ayayayayayaya-0 | 2020-04-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Recently I made this little not-quite-game for a 48-hour jam, although I only spent about 6-8 hours noodling on it. I have no plans to expand or improve it into a complete game. I just wanted to share it here so the source was available in case anyone else wanted to mess with it.

Here's the description from the entry:

Explore a dark maze with a flashlight from a top-down view. Find and collect the gems by shining the correct type of light on them, and see what message they spell for you.

You can play in the browser. Click the little grey button to the right of the game viewport to make it full screen. The only controls are the arrow keys: left and right rotate the direction you are facing. Up moves you forward, in the direction of your flashlight, and down moves you backward. As you explore, the mini-map will fill out with what you've seen. When you've collected all the gems, the game will let you know that you've won!

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According to the documentation, all of PICO-8's drawing operations are subject to the draw state, however, the 'sset' called without it's third color parameter differs from 'pset' in that it does not respect the draw state.


function validate()
 -- reset the draw state

 -- set the corner pixel of both sprite and screen

 assert(pget(0,0)==6,"screen color does not respect draw state")
 assert(sget(0,0)==6,"sprite color does not respect draw state")


Excluding the c param of sset always writes 0

Excluding the c param of sset should mirror pset and write with color/pal awareness, documentation should reflect this

The documentation should be updated that sset completely ignores draw state.

An additional concern is pset respects the camera and clip states as well, which would be undesirable to bring in line with sset as it would likely break compatibility and not be intuitive- however currently sset's two parameter version is effectively broken and correcting it to be in line with pset shouldn't break existing carts.

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Cart #getbit-0 | 2020-04-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

To know how to play this game, check the official website to the card game this is based on.


Cart #xenophobia-7 | 2020-07-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Here is my second game made in PICO-8...


Arrow keys to move.

X - Shoot
Z - Special Shot when blue bar is full

Destroying enemies yields pickups:


Red Orb - +Health
Blue Orb - +Special Bar

Pod Ship - Adds one then a second pod ship to your arsenal

Make it through the wave of enemies to fight the boss for each level!

Have fun and thanks for playing!! :D


After trying to debug why my recent game doesn't work on the forms (but works fine in Splore and when exported), I've discovered if you don't include a breadcrumb string parameter in the load function, the cart will never actually load, and will just hang instead.

I'm assuming this isn't intended, since it's marked as an optional parameter, and it behaves fine inside Pico8 itself (or an exported cart).

As a quick example:

load("#cartid")                  -- won't work on forums (but will everywhere else)
load("#cartid", "back to title") -- will work

Also, as a side note, this may or may not be intended, but it seems the "fantasy glitching" when reloading (ctrl+r) effects the general use / work ram. Meaning if you rely on it to pass data to and from carts (like in Picoware), a player doing so may break the game.


Cart #ix_bash-0 | 2020-04-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Menu: Z to start game.


P1: LEFT/RIGHT to move the player, Z to punch enemies

P2: S/F to move the player, TAB to punch enemies


You and a friend are on a high girder and there are weird monsters coming from both sides! Your only option is to punch them...or die!


I thought February felt short, so March naturally was the longest month of my entire life. So much has happened, so many things gone wrong this month and still going wrong, if the news is to be believed. I finished my 2-year make music every week​ project this month, though, and I worked on this game in a fairly healthy way! I did bits and pieces over the month, made solid improvements, iterated. When it wasn't happening on the last night of March, I didn't stay up late and suffer. I just went to bed because the POINT of ending this challenge is to be done with that stress at the end of every month. And I'm glad to be done with that part. But #onegameamonth was such a keystone for me, for such a long time, I don't know how it's going to feel not having that push anymore. I guess if it feels awful, maybe I will come back to it, in the same or some other form. But I wanted to end it on my own terms before it drove me to hate making games, because that would be a terrible tragedy. I want to keep loving this forever. If you're reading this, and you ever, ever tried or played one of my games, thank you sincerely. I didn't make them just for you, but I made them with the idea of you in my mind, and it was that that pulled me through the tough times and drove me to make things better.

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Hello, I’m Piotr and I work for SUPERHOT. I present to you PICOHOT a homage to the original SUPERHOT game.

This whole idea got born out of a marketing concept in which we planned to fit a game on a floppy disc. Someone came with a brilliant idea to use PICO-8 for that. We loved both the retro feel and ease of use that came with this tool. Technological constraints made it an intriguing design challenge.

PICOHOT was created by team of 3 people - me, Wojcieh Dziedzic (@WojtekDziedzic) and Mariusz Tarkowski (@m_tarkovsky).

Thanks to the PICO-8 community and zep for creating such an amazing tool. You guys made working on PICOHOT a blast!

Main points:

SUPERHOT’s “time moves only when you move” mechanic.
The Basic SUPERHOT three-color palette for clarity.
It’s 3D!
A few story levels and an endless mode.

If you have any further questions ask me here or hit me up on my Twitter account - @piotrkulla. I’ll write another, more technical and in-depth post soon that will explain a few worth sharing things like encoding loads of data and even some code (sets of instructions for levels) in strings to save tokens.

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Cart #thyef_title-2 | 2020-04-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Point, click, and scamper like a mouse,
for riches untold in a strange house.
As a thief you only have one goal,
The diamond is the ticket to your payroll.

Now Fixed On The Forums!

I've discovered the bug that was causing issues going between rooms, I've reported it here

I've also uploaded a web exported version to itch, if you'd prefer that version.


Stop the looter collectivists from stealing the ingenious and innovative mind! An shoot-em-round defense game loosely themed after Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged."

Cart #zadojiyonu-0 | 2020-03-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #minicrush-0 | 2020-03-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hey there. This is my first attempt at a PICO-8 game. Love the format (I'm an old ZX Spectrum boy so the limitations really call to my heart).

Inspired by the Y character I stumbled upon in the PICO character set, then moving it too quickly across the screen I got the sense this character was in constant panic. So I wanted to add some peril to their panic and ended up with this.

The code isn't great, and the falling through the occasional floor is a bit buggy (I'd love any tweaks to the code make it better).

I had lots of ideas to make the game more complicated, but I kinda like that it's a burst of frustration (and the music is intentionally annoying!).

Let me know what you think. Someone managed to get 31 platforms!!! My personal best is 18 so far :)


Cart #fleb10-0 | 2020-03-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Long ago and far away on a distant planet called FLEB, lettuce was the coin of the realm for a race of beings simply calling themselves Flebians.

Lettuce ! With its leafy greens, tender shoots, and mouth watering crunchy taste. Indeed it was the most valuable thing on the planet for its lifegiving properities and in many ways it grew abundantly.

That is until one evil Flebian up and made himself King over all rationing lettuce down to the smallest bits so he could keep all for himself.

This did not set well with the remaining Flebians, but what could they do ? He had hired a whole host of other Flebians with strange and mystical powers. Some able to take a great deal of damage with armored bodies while others could actually shoot Fireballs right out of their mouths !

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This is my first game on Pico-8 : La légende de Tiki-Gabou.

The game is in French (I am French), but it has no text other than in the introduction screen and the end screen.

It's an adventure game, with riddles to solve, like buttons to push, stone blocks to push, keys to open doors, this kind of stuff.

I started this project between Christmas and the new year, and finished it today. I gave myself 3 month for the developpement, so objective reach !

I hope you enjoy the game =)

Cart #tiki_gabou-0 | 2020-03-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #ketosozeja-0 | 2020-03-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #sahodegimo-0 | 2020-03-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Platformer. Good Luck!


I just noticed that on the exported cartridge files, it says "www.pico-8.com" on the top (the .p8.png images). I tried going to that address, but I get a 406 error. That should probably be fixed somehow...


Cart #guitar_mike-0 | 2020-03-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I made this for a week long game jam between me and a coworker. The theme was "music is a weapon"... I didn't follow the theme very well, but it was fun making this. Fun fact, the character is actually a rotoscoped + minimized version of me.

This game is super stupid, but I hope you enjoy!


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