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Here is my recent video review of the GameShell from the perspective of a PICO-8 enthusiast


Hi all!

Based on my embryonic understanding of polar coordinates, you can draw a spiral by incrementing R and THETA in lock step.

So I put together this little blob of code:

-- draw a spiral
-- in polar coordinates, you
-- do this by incrementing r
-- and theta at the same time.

for r = 1,99 do
	theta = r / 100
	x = r * cos(theta)
	y = r * sin(theta)

And that almost yields a spiral! At least it yields a curve. Yay curves!

Is it possible that I'm drawing my spiral, I just need to somehow scale it down so that the dots are contiguous and maybe the angle of turn is sharper?

Any clues are appreciated. I'm just trying to gain an understanding of the basics and build from there.



Cart #snaketris-0 | 2019-05-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License | Edit

A mashup of Snake and Tetris. Made for the Retrospelsmässan (http://www.retrospelsmassan.se/eng/) Game Jam.

Music and sound by sfabian. The music is a mashup as well; if you're smarter than me you just might know of what.

This was demoed as basically an arcade game so optimized for that, with hiscore entry etc.


Cart #modelr_jam-0 | 2019-05-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Made in 48h for the first ZJam

Roberto Serrano


Early version with opening doors but hardly anything else:

Cart #nuzukeheba-0 | 2019-05-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Much later version with sliding walls, triggers, and enemy AI being tested:

Cart #sudugpir-0 | 2019-05-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Severe performance issues in the latter.


by zmc
Cart #jmpr-1 | 2019-05-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

First try at PICO-8. It was lots of fun to learn about and play with. I think it's a great tool to quickly test small ideas. Hopefully this will be the first of many small PICO-8 experiments.


Cart #wightofsteeluno-0 | 2019-05-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

My game, Wight of Steel, is a sequel to a game I made on Scratch about a year ago. However, unlike its predecessor, this game focuses on challenge, precision, and speed. Albert, a black mass with glowing white eyes, goes on a journey to become the Wight of Steel. You probably won't beat this game, but it is 100% possible. If you beat the game without using a password, the time it took for you to complete the game will be displayed.

Move horizontally - Left/Right arrows
Jump - Z
Fast Fall - Down arrow
Reset - Hold up arrow and press X
Holding the Z key will make your jump higher.
Holding the down key as you are jumping will make your jump shorter.

1 comment

Cart #rocket9-0 | 2019-05-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

First game with PICO-8 (already loving it!).
Your standard spaceship game but you only earn points while boosting. The closer to the right edge, the more points you earn (+1/2/3/4).
Shooting at asteroids can save you, but ammo is limited. Pickups give you +50 ammo.
It gets harder the higher your score.


Cart #unlocked1-2 | 2019-05-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Who needs gameplay when you have ACHIEVEMENTS? Don't worry about beating levels, finding ways to kill enemies, or beating the final boss...there are none. Focus solely on your ultimate destiny...doing random tasks that have nothing to do with anything. Metagame yourself with ease! Self-satisfaction never felt so...artificial!


Use the arrow keys...if you dare.

Version History

  • v1.02 (May 17, 2019)
    Fixed a bug with the 0th achievement description, and with holding UP immediately upon starting
  • v1.01 (May 6, 2019)
    Made some important secrets even more secret
  • v1.0 (May 5, 2019)
    Initial release

Cart #rspr_greygraphics-3 | 2019-05-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


I made a small demo of a function I have been working on. It is called rspr and can draw sprites with any rotation.
It has the following signature:

-- 	sx,sy,sw,sh - pos,dimensions in spritesheet
-- 	a - angle
-- 	dx,dy,dw,dh - pos,dimensions on screen

It takes the angle in the same format as sin and cos and draws the sprite rotated around dx,dy.
You can scale the drawn sprite with dw,dh and it can draw sprites of any size.
However, large values for dw and dh cause some serious performance losses, so you should avoid scaling up sprites to unreasonable sizes.

Due to this slowdown, I would really like to have this function implemented natively in pico-8. What do you think, @zep?

[ Continue Reading.. ]


Cart #ssuhadobe-0 | 2019-05-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello. First time poster here.

I've uploaded an asteroid mining WIP. It's attempting to generate asteroids of different composition and size.

You can move through them with left and right arrows.

I used the 3d demo code from Picozine 2 with a randomly deformed icosohedran mesh for the asteroid body. Instead of then rasterizing the faces, I've opted to spin the asteroid body for each palette color. This, ideally to give a sense of dust scattered around.

Do these look like asteroids? Am I just putting off rasterizing the faces?

Any feedback greatly appreciated.

Inspirational community here. I'm really enjoying Pico-8.


Cart #cotlk-0 | 2019-05-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Curse of the Lich King

The evil Lich King, Raq'zul, has cast a life draining spell on the world - in hopes to become immortal. Many heroes try to find him deep in his lair, but all have fallen to his army of monsters and devious traps. Now it is your turn!

Curse of the Lich King gives you tactical grid based combat in a roguelike dungeon crawling setting. A cast of monsters will try to stop you, all in their own way as you descend towards the Lich King's crypt. Loot everything you see to make sure you find food and weapons to help you on your journey. But beware, not everything is what it seems...

Are you ready to solve the tricky battles and master the Lich King's lair? Can you save the world? Good luck!

[ Continue Reading.. ]


When I run pico-8 v0.1.12c Rapberry Pi version on my Freeplay CM3, the gamepad is not working anymore. The gamepad was working on previous version of pico-8.
I got this error message :

the path /dev/dri cannot be opened or is not available

I don't know if the message is related to the gamepad or not
Maybe someone can help?


Case solved: issue was triggered by one of my USB sticks constantly sending inputs

When exporting Tiny Sim, some keys are stuck:


Cart #pasteldispel-0 | 2019-04-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

An intense crayon battle royale for 2-4 players!

... or rather a slightly more intense remake of Achtung, die kurve! with some new special effects and a different style.

How to play:
Use left and right buttons (default: arrow keys for P1 and S/F for P2) and avoid colliding. You can pass through other pastels in the darker areas.




Apologies if this is common knowledge and I asked on Twitter as well, but...

Is it just me or does anybody else get extreme audio stuttering on Android with Chrome on the web export? This has happened across three diffferent phones and three Pico8 versions. Audio is fine on Samsung's browser and Edge mobile. Was there ever a fix for this that I missed?

1 comment

Hey @zep,

Looks like the ability to load carts via their BBS post ID is currently broken?

Which, with the current absence of the [Copy Cart] BBS feature - means it's a bit of a faff to load a BBS cart into standalone PICO-8.

Thanks in advance.



Cart #video_mode_tester-0 | 2019-05-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This cartridge is intended for PICO-8 newcomers to learn how each mode works.

Use the arrows to change the video mode. Valid modes are 0~7.

It writes to the address 0x5F2C in Draw State RAM to set the video mode (display resolution or reflection).

The sprites used here are Jelpi sprites!


look its karel the robot

Cart #karel_the_robot-0 | 2019-05-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

wow karel is an intro-duction to programming that ueses phive whole instructions.
karel can move(), which makes it go forewarde
karel can turnleft() whchic should be obvious
karel may dropchip() thath puts a chip on the ground?
karel can takechip() and that picks up any chips that are on the same tile as it
karel is capable of checkchip() whitch returns the chipcode of the chip its on

okay if you want human redable instruction go to this link


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