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It's officially released on Steam!!


old version

Cart #konsairi_a-1 | 2019-03-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

The game has a larger map!
More game-like updates have been made.


Update contents

  • Added new Area maps.
  • Root vegetables may come off all at once.
  • Added new Enemies(Virus).
  • Added new NPC.
  • Status improvement by meal.
  • Some actions cancelable.
  • Detailed behavior.

Next plan

  • Completed game system
  • More NPC, More Roots, More Enemies!!
  • Add Ending scene(additional carts?)
  • Add the farm that grows favorite root vegetables
  • (Game will be sold in game store)

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Cute Sunshine Strikes Again! Charge up your cuteness explosion and clear the sky from the evil rainclouds. Will we ever see the blue sky again?

It's still a work in progress! If you have any thoughts on the game or ideas what we could improve, please let me know in the comment section.


This is another game from our Pico 8 Game Jam.
In "Between Water and Fire" you have to keep the balance and make sure that your tea kettle doesn't get empty or cold.
Whenever you're in the blue area, the water bar rises and the fire bar sinks (and vice versa).
Any ideas and feedback are very much appreciated!

More updates coming soon :)


"Night of the Worm Slayer" is a game that we're developing as part of a Pico 8 Game Jam in school.
You are a belligerent garden gnome. Find your way through the maze, dodge the cats and slay the worms that tyrannize the garden!
Today we're working on the hitboxes for the cats. One of the gifs shows you what the player's field of vision is going to be.
Tell us what you think :)


(FYI we've pinged you in the secret discord server about this, but maybe you have those notifications turned off or something, so I'm posting it here for you to see)

The Advent Calendar 2018 cart hasn't been showing up in SPLORE since sometime Thursday night/Friday morning UTC, I think (around the time I posted my Day 7 cart). I also cannot find it via the search in SPLORE. (I've only been able to get to it because my Day 7 cart has a link to it in the menu :)

Also the thumbnail that shows for the BBS thread (and in pinned posts at the top) is wrong; I think both of these things started happening at the same time, so I'm wondering if they are perhaps related?


it took a while but I finally got a print of the console from my last post (with some small changes) Now I just need to adjust USB and HDMI ports to fit the raspberry pi better. After that I will probably work on figuring out how to make the physical carts work, along with the power button. After that I should be done but who knows how long all of that will take.

(Sorry for the sideways pictures)


Cart #avoision-0 | 2018-12-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Just discovered PICO-8 about a week ago (how did I not know about this sooner!?), and this is my first PICO-8 release. It is a demake of a very simple game I made a long time ago named Avoision.

Instructions: You control the green square. Try to capture the red square while avoiding the moving white squares. Super simple, but I've found it to be fun in small bursts. Enjoy!

You can play the original (HTML5) game here, if you're so inclined:

Gameplay video (of the demake):


Cart #mikimekar-2 | 2018-12-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


  • Game is now finished
  • Instructions are now available


  • Added boss attacks
  • Added boss deaths
  • Added new sprites


  • Added boss intro
  • Added score system


  • Added death animation
  • Fixed collsions
  • Added soul hitboxes


  • Fixed missing enemies


  • Added more effects
  • Souls now spawn
  • Game Over can now be exited


  • Fixed explosion crash bug


  • Finished main menu
  • Adjusted explosion particles


  • Added a menu which still is not fully completed


  • Our Pico8 game where the player has to fight through the 9 stages of hell
  • Still WIP

How to reproduce:

  • go to a game page
  • launch game
  • go to comment section
  • type some text

Bug: nothing appears (input is captured by pico)

Workaround: refresh the page / don't launch game before posting comments.


Cart #gayujimebo-0 | 2018-12-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #nunidtinu-0 | 2018-12-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #super_snow_shoveler-0 | 2018-12-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Day 11 of the Pico-8 Advent Calendar 2018!

a battle between efficiency & exhaustion
~a winter classic~

Hey there folks, it's mid-December, and you know what that means: time to shovel the driveway! The snow's packed pretty heavy though - if it piles up too much, you'll have a hard time pushing it and probably just make a mess!

Make sure to check back on the calendar each day for a new gift!

1 comment

Do you know any good ways to obfuscate code for games? (BTW haven't got it)


I wanted to see the code from the following cart: https://lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=27636

I am unable to view the code from the bbs as previously.

Also, searching for "small text" from within splore results in "COULD NOT CONNECT TO BBS" even though I'm able to refresh other parts of splore such as featured, new, etc.

Thanks! (as a workaround, I'll just download the png)


Hello all,

I may be missing something but I thought we were able to look at the code of a cartridge hosted online via a web browser?!

I don't seem to be able to do it now and I don't have access to my own Pico8 executable right now to load the cartridge.

Am I making sense? I thought when playing a cart online there was the word [CODE] underneath that you could click on and view the code.


1 comment

Cart #train-0 | 2018-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I made this little toy for fun. Feel free to make your own tracks (gimme credit tho). :)


Cart #zuguzufayi-0 | 2018-12-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a simple game just using up, down and z to shoot. Try to dodge the oncoming grey blocks while collecting the red for life and yellow for ammo.

You can shoot oncoming blocks but, beware, you may shoot a useful ammo or health block!

The closer the blocks get the more points you score - how close will you let them get?


This function is now available in PICO-8 0.2.1 - split()

Cart #split_string-0 | 2018-12-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

SPLIT_STRING is make a table with using a delimiter from string value.
There output the all value become string value in table.

split(string, delimiter, delimiter-2d)

a=split('1 a 20 split_test --------',' ')

for v in all(a) do

a=split('1 2 3;a b c;this is split',' ',';')
for b in all(a) do
	for v in all(b) do


Cart #trafficworld-3 | 2018-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Controls: Left, Right

Get past the traffic herd to escape and win!

Hit z/x/c to restart after win/loss

Taffic World!!! Evade the cops and escape!

This is a simple but playable prototype of an idea I had about crashes and traffic management. I started it in the recent ludum dare but didn't have enough free time over the weekend to get something done so I figured I'd just finish it up through the week.

Basically, crash other cars, cause pileups, and stall the cops until you can get through the gridlock. There's only one level and it's very simple right now... if there's enough interest I may expand on it.

Possible full-fledged game of this would be something like infinity lanes rather than just 15 and various driving floats and food trucks and such that you can visit somehow. Basically a literal traffic world made of only lanes and driving endlessly in some one direction. Not sure how it would work exactly but I figured this simple first stab gives an idea of some of the mechanics around causing accidents.

[ Continue Reading.. ]


Chrome 71 (December 2018) implements the new autoplay audio policy for the Web Audio API, which affects the Pico-8 web player. The BBS is OK because it implements a "curtain" that the user clicks on to start the player, which does the Web Audio enable interaction. But this breaks the exported web player as of Pico-8 0.1.11g: If I export a game to its own page then load the page, Pico-8 starts immediately and is disallowed sound. No interaction enables sound after this point.

One fix is for the exported web player to implement a curtain similar to the BBS. I don't know if that meets everyone's needs but would resolve the issue for the exported page. I assume we can work around this by implementing our own player curtain.

Interesting side note: This appears to affect stat() calls regarding sound as well. I have a cart that paused on stat(24) != 0, to wait for music to finish playing. The web export with sound disabled never gets past this point. I added a timeout for the pause to get around this, though I still don't have sound in this case.

[ Continue Reading.. ]


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