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Cart #mojosafona-0 | 2018-12-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Toggle noise screen and title screen with Button x.


while exploring an internet hole the other day i began reading about chromadepth glasses. It got me thinking about being able to get "pop out 3d" effect in pico8 and voxatron without needing to do any kind of Anaglyph effect by only using the colors at the proper "depths" as described below

their description:
"The ChromaDepth glasses create striking 3D images from normal 2D images by pulling forward the color red to the foreground and sorting the remaining colors according to their position in the rainbow. ROY G BIV! (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet). The ChromaDepth process encourages fantastic 3D illusions without compromising the quality of the image when viewed without the glasses."

i can personally vouch that these work even with glasses because a few smoke shops ive been to sell them with giant fabric wall scrolls

Chromadepth Glasses if anyone is interested

i think crayola used these around 8 years ago


Using Chrome on Android (on a Pixel 2 so this is the latest version of OS and browser) when I hold down a button (including d-pad buttons) on the mobile web button overlay (in fullscreen mode), it now causes a vibration as if I am selecting text on the page. I'm guessing it thinks it is selecting some invisible text in the overlay or something...there is no visual indication of text highlight. I can definitely say this did not happen on the previous version of the BBS.

Sorry for all the bug reports, lol. I hope the info helps :D


Cart #pico8adventcalendar2018-31 | 2018-12-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

It's the Pico-8 Advent Calendar for 2018!

This is the main menu for a collaboration organized by Bigaston.

Come back on each day from the 1st to the 25th of December for twenty-five different surprises, each made by a different developer! This menu cartridge will link to all of the games as they are released, though the individual cartridges will also have their own threads.


Light Bikes! Get together with a friend and compete in Light Bikes!

If you like this game please drop a comment and a like down below. Any support is much appreciated!
Thank You!

Cart #bsrudmo-1 | 2018-12-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

1 comment

Cart #dubayubeno-3 | 2018-12-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hungry Harry is back! Help Harry as he travels around the world putting a stop to the mushroom gang!


Walk - arrow keys

Jump - Z or C

Lick things - X

High Jump - jump while licking

Long Jump - jump while licking AND holding a direction.

GOAL: Find the portal at the end of each level. Harry will get hungry over time, so make sure to eat enemy mushrooms as well as berries you find sitting around the levels.


Blue mushrooms are tough and can't be licked normally. If you eat a spicy pepper, Harry will turn red-hot for a few seconds. Use this time to eat the blue mushrooms.
If you lick while in the air, Harry can get a little extra boost. By licking on the ground and then jumping soon after, Harry can jump extra high or extra far, depending on whether or not you are holding a direction key down.

[ Continue Reading.. ]


A couple days ago, I uploaded an unlisted cart (with an all lowercase alphabetic ID). Today I tried to update that unlisted cart, and it tells me:

Upload successful!

Tag for this version is: [# sillytree-#]

(I've replaced my real cart ID with "sillytree" because the real one is still super secret :p and also put a space after the first "#" so that the BBS doesn't try to display it as a cart)

There is no number after the hyphen there (the current version is "-0" so I would expect a "-1" now) and when I go to the cart's info page, it still says there is only 1 version. And if I try going to /cart_info.php?cid=sillytree-1 it says that does not exist.

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WIth the previous version of the BBS, I almost never got logged out. With this version, it seems like every time I visit, I have to log back in. A couple days ago I was even sometimes getting logged out just clicking around to different pages.

Is this short login session time by design?



I'm learning Pico8 and programming in general, so I'm trying some very very simple things.

I've made a triangle using lines, and using the arrow keys I can move one of the vertices of the triangle.
How can I make it so if I push button5 the arrow keys stop moving that vertex and start moving the second one, press again and changes to the third one and finally press again and changes to the first.

Thank you so much!

So far this is the code I have:

function _init()

function _update60()

    if btn(0) then
    if btn(1) then
    if btn(2) then
    if btn(3) then

function _draw()

Hi @zep,

Before you pull the trigger on v0.1.12 - can I ask whether you've enabled extcmd in binary exports?

I just assumed it would work as the screenshot/gif record facility is there in exports, but when I try the code below on a Mac binary export (which is still 32-bit BTW), it does nothing:

extcmd("screen")  -- works in PICO-8, not in binary export?

Is this something that could still be rolled into the next version?

Thanks as always! :D


Cart #hituditeku-0 | 2018-12-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cart #yonipakifi-0 | 2018-11-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here's a Pico-8 ray tracer with the amazing ability to render both spheres AND planes.

Let it run all the way through even though the colors will be funky at first. After it renders the image, it will switch to high-color mode.

-NEW High Color Mode
-Textures (2d)
-Diffuse and Specular Shading

[ Continue Reading.. ]


This is a really weird bug, but stat calls for pattern index, note index, and "number of ticks played" do not always sync up and sometimes one changes before the other. It was intermittent and hard to track down. In order to compensate for this, I had to write something to insulate myself from it:

function poll_songpos()
  local pat = stat(24)
  local n = stat(21)
  local ticks = stat(26)

  -- compensate for bug (!) where pattern sometimes changes before note
  if pat ~= songpos.pat and n ~= songpos.n then
    songpos.pat = pat
    songpos.n = n

    if songpos.prevticks > 0 and ticks >= songpos.prevticks then
      songpos.ticks = 0
      songpos.waitingforticksync = true
  elseif pat == songpos.pat and n ~= songpos.n then
    songpos.n = n

  -- compensate for bug (!) where pattern sometimes changes before ticks
  if songpos.waitingforticksync then
    if ticks < songpos.prevticks then
      songpos.waitingforticksync = false

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=59474#p)

Can Install my Pico -8 purchase on multiple platforms? For example, can I run it on both my windows and raspberry Pi or do I need to purchase individually for both? Thanks


The new BBS 4.0 "cart menu" (the one that slides over and covers the screen and shows other carts) is really cool! However, it seems it allows music to continue playing, while not running _update on the cart. This will basically completely break some audio synchronization stuff I do with stat calls in some of my carts (I do this heavily in one which is going to be released very soon!)

You can see an obvious demonstration of the issue with this cart, which displays the notes that it sees are playing: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=28685

Until now, I did not see a way for music to play without the update method being called for so long (besides minor frame drops, which I do some work to account for), and this feels kind of like a violation of a basic assumption (at least an assumption I had) with the API so I'm hoping this web behavior can be changed so that the cart is either completely paused or completely running, and not a weird in-between state? @zep


I never imagined I'd be excited about releasing a website update, but here it is! This update addresses many ancient bugs and issues, but also aims to support the PICO-8 / Voxatron fantasy console ecosystem. There are new features to make collaboration, sharing, teaching and exploring carts a little easier.

lexaloffle.com is now also running on a new server, on top of a leaner stack that should be much more responsive. Along with a lot of new code running underneath it all, there will still be some new bugs to deal with (apologies to those who were around earlier this week for the bumpy migration process!) -- feel free to report any issues in the comments here, or in the PICO-8 bugs sub-forum.

New Features


View a feed of everything going on using the Superblog. You can also follow other users to create a tailored feed.

Featured Carts

The list of featured carts (same as in SPLORE) is now sorted by the time each cart was added to the list, so that it's possible to come back periodically and see what's new without digging too much for notable releases. Selection will be based on a combination of user interaction, manual curation, and the phase of the moon. To kick things off, the first few pages of the old featured lists will be fed through a few carts per day.

[ Continue Reading.. ]


If you try to write an emoji in a BBS post, it will be posted, but the entire body of the post is empty.

If you include an emoji in a comment to a post, the comment is silently rejected. Or perhaps it's posted, but if so, it's not displayed at all (not even as an empty comment, like with a post).


Cart #dijikehutu-0 | 2018-11-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Very basic!

Avoid the crabs and collect the gold to get the highest score.

Simple :-)

Thanks for looking

1 comment

Cart #waminudatu-1 | 2018-12-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here is the latest little game from Tic Tac Toad to help you pass the time while waiting for Santa (or equivalent)! Simply use the mouse or the keyboard to uncover pairs of cards and try to match them.

This game is a part of the PICO-8 Advent Calendar - be sure to check each game out.



It looks like the "/bbs" bit is missing.

For example, this is the image URL on my settings page:

But the correct URL is apparently:


When sorting by likes, anything past page 1 seems to display an empty page.

compare this: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?cat=7#sub=2&orderby=featured

to this: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?cat=7#sub=2&page=2&orderby=featured


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