Sometimes it'd be nice to mute the music in a game you downloaded from the BBS, but not mute the sound effects. Maybe their music isn't to your taste, maybe you've played it way too much and now you want to listen to your own music instead; there are plenty of reasons.
One easy trick is just typing music=min
to kill the music completely. If you'd rather be able to toggle the music on and off, here's a quick snippet:
-- pancelor music toggle v4 -- _music_fn,_music_last=music,-1 function music(...) if _music_muted then _music_last=... --save 1st arg else _music_fn(...) end end menuitem(5,"♪music",function() _music_muted=not _music_muted if _music_muted then _music_fn(-1,500) menuitem(nil,"…music") else _music_fn(_music_last) menuitem(nil,"♪music") end return true end) |

I've just released Geo2D, a Lua library with 100's of functions for 2D computational geometry. The repo also includes a picotron compatible version: This cart demonstrates some of the features, like closest point, aabb operations, polygon triangulation, etc. Enjoy!
(In browser press 'x' to skip to next demo, or 'z' to reseed the current demo.)

Made for Bigmode gamejam:
This is my first game jam and first time releasing a video game, and this game is about being king of electrical kingdom where you must balance the amount of electricty and poltical power you have. If either go to zero then you lose.
This is my first game jam and first time releasing a video game, and this game is about being king of electrical kingdom where you must balance the amount of electricty and poltical power you have. If either go to zero then you lose.
Please leave a comment if you enjoy, and leave any feedback on bugs or additional features...

Features undulating rainbow bobs, and per-scanline palette changes. Bobs use color indices 0-31 which are Picotron's default colors for all 4 palettes. The background uses indices 32-63 on all 4 palettes randomly set at start and when you hit a button, and the scanline table is reset every frame to oscillate the sections rendering each palette. 160 colors on screen! Feel free to steal utility functions, I had fun figuring out the bit packing for setting up the scanline table correctly.
I'd love it if some of you far better coders helped me make this demo cooler.
This is my very first coding project ever. I decided to go with PICO-8 to learn to code. It's a silly little anti-game, but I'm proud of it because I set manageable goals for learning the very basic principles of coding, and managed to actually make something complete in just a few days.
Many thanks to @ptoing for the help and assistance with making the sprites.
Watch attentively until it hits the corner. Then press the instructed input to gain ◆!
❎ to view credits
🅾️ to toggle sound

I made a bunch of projects about 2 years ago. I used VSCode to do the development as I struggle to read the pico font.
I generally made my projects like this:
My p8 files normally looked like this:
cartdata("gcou_domination") #include _debug.lua #include _globals.lua #include _utils.lua #include splash.lua #include draw_functions.lua #include game_logic.lua #include main_menu.lua #include main.lua |
Then I just do all my work in lua files.
Fast forward to now, I am trying to teach my friend Pico and I opened my old projects and there is just endless errors, the pico extensions no longer seem to work on Lua files, the lua language server seems to be a LOT stricter with linting.
I get all of these types of errors (some of them are actual issues, which pico doesn't seem to mind about others are Lua rules that intentionally overrided by pico (e.g., += -= etc)
Unexpected symbol +=. [ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=161502#p) |

(300 chars)
r,c,🐱,🅾️,✽,♥,◆,★=rnd,cos,camera,128,-64,32,.25,{}for i=1,99do ★[i]={x=r(🅾️),y=r(🅾️),z=r(3)}end::_::cls()⧗=t()🐱()for v in all(★)do pset(v.x,v.y,7)v.y+=v.z if(v.y>🅾️)v.y=0v.x=r(🅾️)end 🐱(✽,✽)for y=✽,-✽ do a=⧗/5+y/10^3n=a%◆+.125for i=-1,0 do rect(c(n)*♥,y,c(n+◆*sgn(i))*♥+.5,y,(a*4-i)%7+8)end end flip()goto _ |
You are a blob, and you are beneath a tower in an underground cave. One day, the water streambed in your cave dries out, and you find a gallery that leads to the tower. At the top of the tower lies the fabled golden elixir, which is said that one drink of its liquid will grant one wish - to restore your streambed. (Or you could wish for more wishes.)
Monsters and other dangers protect the elixir, and you must get past nine floors to get to it.
Use the arrow keys to move one space. Bump into pots to break them, and sometimes get an item. Bump into chests to open them, and if it is a small chest, you will get a food item or a throwable one. If it is a large chest, you'll get a weapon or armor. Items get better the more you progress through floors.

A strategic card battler where you summon demons to defeat increasingly powerful opponents. Build your deck, discover synergies, and master the art of demonic summoning!
- Strategic deck building and card synergies
- 52 unique demons to discover and collect
- Demons come in one of four types - ghosts, objects, elementals and beasts - each which has certain abilities which all demons of that kind share
- 38 demons have unique abilities

Hello everyone. It was quite a long time since my last post (over 3 years!), isn't it? Anyways, I think that I plan on getting back to PICO-8 and try to make a game. Again. I already have an idea in my mind what I will make so it would be pretty much impressive, especially after so much stuff that was discovered and added in this amazing fantasy console.
Also Picotron looks really interesting even at such early state. Though, I currently have neither money (not that I'm broke, just I barely became 18 and don't have too much time and energy even for part-time) and patience (few last years kinda damaged my mental health, I think) and time (because I have final exams to prepare for and pass, since I want to go to university) to afford it.
Also I want to change my PFP from Mortis to something else. And maybe should try to make a REAL game for Steam release.
Oh, and my English got majorly improved as well since then!
Anyways, thanks for reading.

Sokoban with a twist! The box pusher is always in a bubble. Which boxes it can see and push depends on the bubble it is in.

- 24 levels
- Music and sound effects
- Hard and easy mode
- Undo (only in easy mode)
- Progress storage
- Level selection
- Stats view (once you solved all levels)
Can you solve all levels? And if you do, how many moves did you need?
This is a polished version of the game I developed during this year's Global Game Jam, with theme 'bubble'.
Change Log

This is my first game called "Hyper Realistic Bunny Simulator". It's still a work in progress and needs a lot of optimisation but it works, which is always a plus in my book!
The game is simple enough - you are a bunny that has to eat all the carrots in Farmer Smith's field, whilst dodging the farmer's gun (run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run, run, run!)
The title is based on 80s games by Codemasters and I went for a CBM16/Plus 4 look.
I hope you enjoy.
Edit: Version 1 update.
Fixed a bug that made the health bar go negative when filling the screen with poop (yeah you read that right!)

This game is based on the ancient game of Mancala, specifically the common variant called Kalah. It features a challenging computer opponent as well as a 2-player mode.
How to Play
The board is made up of 12 cups and 2 stores on the sides. The 6 cups nearest to you and the store to your right are yours, and the rest are your opponent's. The goal of the game is to have more stones in your store than your opponent's store by the end.
On your turn, you must select a non-empty cup on your side. Once selected, you will (automatically) pick up all the stones in the cup and begin "sowing," the process of placing stones one by one counter-clockwise around the board, starting to the right of your selected cup and skipping your opponent's store.