I made a bunch of projects about 2 years ago. I used VSCode to do the development as I struggle to read the pico font.
I generally made my projects like this:
My p8 files normally looked like this:
cartdata("gcou_domination") #include _debug.lua #include _globals.lua #include _utils.lua #include splash.lua #include draw_functions.lua #include game_logic.lua #include main_menu.lua #include main.lua |
Then I just do all my work in lua files.
Fast forward to now, I am trying to teach my friend Pico and I opened my old projects and there is just endless errors, the pico extensions no longer seem to work on Lua files, the lua language server seems to be a LOT stricter with linting.
I get all of these types of errors (some of them are actual issues, which pico doesn't seem to mind about others are Lua rules that intentionally overrided by pico (e.g., += -= etc)
Unexpected symbol +=. Global variable in lowercase initial, Did you miss local or misspell it? Miss corresponding end . Missed symbol then. Duplicate field new. This variable is defined as type boolean. Cannot convert its type to number. - number cannot match boolean - Type number cannot match boolean Fields cannot be injected into the reference of nil for flipX. To do so, use ---@class for nil. |
I have now had to follow this: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=52800
which gets me some code completion, and helpers, but not as it was and certainly not fixed.
have there been major changes to the VSCode lua language servers, are there any up to date setup instructions, can anybody offer their 2 cents on this matter.
Thank you.
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