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Cart #nicev1freestyle-0 | 2024-12-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Freestyle Chess == Chess960 == Fischer Random

NICE: Nice Is Camp39's Engine

The Good

  • pass n play and board flip option
  • clean interface & themes
  • play against computer
  • opening book for standard chess
  • endless openings with Freestyle Chess (press up while on chess960 to view positions)
  • all rules, including 50 move and 3-fold repetition

The Bad

  • my first engine ever... its a little slow
  • my first engine ever... its a little dumb
  • maybe 2.0 will be better!

About NICE

This was a real accomplishment for me and is my first engine. The move generation follows the tutorial of Bluefever Software video series on Youtube: Programming a Chess Engine in Pure Javascript.

When it came to the search functions I learned a ton by following the book: Chess Algorithms by Noah Caplinger.

The limitations of Pico-8 though make for a challenging adaptation of these types of tutorials. (translating from zero-based arrays can give some crazy nasty bugs). The speed limitations make some variation strategies useless e.g. "killer moves" only make sense with a depth of at least 4. It was a really cool experience and gave me more insight into the game.

I liked the board layout from cart #quickchessyness-4 by @Adam_Howell so much that I copied it :)

This cart will need some updates however. I was unable to get quiesence to work without a move taking FOREVER. Maybe due to my move ordering, maybe due to the evaluation function, maybe due to lots of things. Its all very complicated and hurts my brain since it is recursive at iterative depths. Hard to pinpoint problems like that. If any kind soul wants to offer tips, I'm all ears!

@Krystman of course released the fabulous Pico Checkmate, cart #54038 6 years ago. I definitely looked through his code for clues but couldn't manage to find a way to cut off a search if time got too long. But I did follow his lead and purge illegal moves right off the bat instead of making and taking them. Without a full quiesence search though, I don't think NICE will stand a chance against Pico Checkmate.

This cart, while not having the best engine still has some nice features. Chess960 is chess but with almost random starting positions. Its just like standard chess with the exception that castling can be a little weird. Just remember that king and rook end up in the same ending positions as in regular chess, regardless of where they started. Otherwise, same rules apply. This eliminates the same opening every time you play against the computer. Also, to prevent that from happening in standard chess, I coded in a small opening book with response options being chosen randomly so that you can get different responses even if you play the same.

I hope this cart is popular with hand-held users (I don't personally own one). The pass n play is not something I've seen on other chess carts and I imagine a game of chess on a long flight or bus ride would be cool, but playing upside down is a bit awkward.

Crazy idea: what if there was a cart with the move generation and graphics already on it (and optimized to the max) and then two different users could put in a tiny engine each and let them battle. Maybe more realistic on picotron?

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Cart #evelyn04_file_explorer_demo_01-1 | 2024-12-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

How to use:

Arrow keys to move mouse
X to select. Will also open directory tree if not on a file
Z to close a file or return up a directory

Information on the project:

[hidden]This is my attempt at making a file explorer within Pico 8! It was made as a test to see if I could make something functional with minimal research prior or during. I spent about a month on this project, with the bulk of that in the last week or so after finals. Currently this program reads data from a table and takes the fields of each item on the list to determine how to handle the data. My goal for this point was to get most basic functions working and to have a decent user experience. Currently working are folders (return and directory), text files, and images. Images have an issue with lag depending on the "file", although that is when used at 2x scale or above.

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Cart #czpico0001-22 | 2025-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I made this 'game' as a little thought experiment about the nature of Quantum Mechanics.

The idea here was to make a version of Conway's game of life that incorporates some 'quantum-esque' probabilistic behaviour.

Here is how the 'Game of quantum life' works:

The playing field is 64x64 cells and wraps around the edges both horizontally and vertically. Each cell can have one of 16 values, displayed as different colours. Cells that are alive have colour 15, cells that are dead have colour 0. Cells that are in superposition cycle through colours 1-14.

The seed is always created with a random number generator, according to the weighting you select on the start screen. The rules depend on the mode.

Classical rules (standard Conway game of life):

  • All cells can be alive or dead
  • Live cells stay alive if they have either two or three live neighbours, otherwise they die
  • Dead cells turn alive if they have exactly three live neighbours, otherwise they stay dead

Additional quantum rules:

  • Cells can also be in a superposition of alive and dead
  • Superposed cells with 2 or more live neighbours will be ‘measured’ and will turn either alive or dead, each with probability 1/2
  • Dead cells with exactly 2 live neighbours may turn alive with probability 1/8192.
  • Dead cells with less than 2 living neighbours may go into superposition with probability 1/4096.
  • Superposed cells with less than 2 living neighbours may turn dead or alive, each with probability 1/16384.

The “Copenhagen” and “Multiverse” modes both use the quantum ruleset, they only differ in whether a measurement is counted as a collapse or as a branching. The branch counter displays an estimate of how many branches were created in total from the seed, this is given as 2^

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Cart #citibikebotany-0 | 2024-12-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Help Jargon grow flowers on her daily commute.

Get it Together- Go Team
Laundry Machine Heart- Mitski
Red Room- Hiatus Kaiyote


Cart #timerly-1 | 2024-12-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This application is a sophisticated timer manager, designed to enable users to create and monitor multiple timers simultaneously. Each timer can be started, stopped, or deleted effortlessly, and offers precise time customization, allowing users to set hours, minutes, and seconds through a clear and intuitive interface.


Cart #santamania-0 | 2024-12-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


SantaMania is a rhythm based arcade game that started as a shmup and later turned into a boss rush. The goal is to finish the game with as much life as possible. All feedback is appreciated. Have fun!

The code runs on duct tape and wishful thinking, but if you have any questions about it, feel free to ask.

Special thanks to @Krystman for all the tutorials.
@Krystman Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@LazyDevs

How to Play

Use the Left and Right arrow keys to control Santa.
Press X or O in rhythm to shoot "Ho Ho Ho."


Design/Art/Code: ArenaLlanura
Music: A variation of "Jingle Bells" by James Lord Pierpont

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Cart #midnight_blue-1 | 2024-12-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Merry Christmas everyone! This winter, don't forget to spend quality time with your snowman friend. You can collect stars too if you like, but the real treasure is memories of whooshing through the snowy landscape together.

Use DPAD/cursors to fly around, and fly downwards for extra speed. After unlocking star mode, tab (or the pause menu) can be used to toggle it on -- press [O] (Z/C) to add a star and [x] to remove the last placed star. Toggle edit mode back off to return to collecting them.

Created for the 2024 PICO-8 Advent Calendar, which also comes as an itch collection. There are 25 great games in there, along with a lovely calendar cart by @SmellyFishstiks to explore them ~ check it out!

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how do i test for big numbers that print different than their true value?

function _init()
 a=rnd(-1) --prints -20954.2428

function draw()
 if b==a then
 end  --prints false

I have some big numbers that would be nice to know their true value.
thanks and merry Christmas!


Cart #fairway-0 | 2024-12-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Dash to the flag! Made in roughly a week for the Celeste Classic Advent Calendar.


Left-click + Drag - Dash
Right-click + Arrows/ESDF - Free cam mode
P/Enter - Pause menu


Cart #d5_bluey_keepyuppy_wip-0 | 2024-12-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #p8mania_prealpha_01-2 | 2024-12-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #wolfe3d_snowglobe-0 | 2024-12-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Here's a snowglobe I made while thinking about how to do this in 3D some day. Mouse required.


Cart #abyssalshooter-1 | 2024-12-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Abyssal Shooter is a simple shmup set within a deep underwater abyss. Survive 10 waves of vicious aquatic creatures by shooting bullets, launching missiles, and unleashing devastating special attacks!

This game was made by following Lazy Dev's Pico 8 Shmup tutorial. Big thanks to Krystman for an easy introduction to Pico 8 development.


v1.1 - Previous release started the player on a later wave w/ 2 bombs already built up. Reset both of these to zero as intended

v1 - Release!

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Ho, ho ho! Merry Christmas 2024!

I made a little thing or whatever you want to call it, where you can decorate a little tree with ornaments, and a star.

This is one of my first projects on PICO-8, and my first Release on the BBS!


In the very bottom left of the screen, there is a button that lights the tree on fire! Don't worry, it wont damage anything! And the button above that, adds snow!
But the button above THAT, resets the whole tree, smoke appears and then when the smoke fades away, BOOM, nothing on the tree.
Those three buttons use the amazing particle effects from https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=53826 by atzlochtlan, credit to them. *(I hope its not illegal to use without permission...)*

In the very top right corner of the screen there is a button to go into view/screenshot mode, #Merry will appear at the bottom, you can use the a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and Backspace keys, to change the text that appears after the hashtag.

If you move your mouse off the screen in view/screenshot mode, the button in the very top right corner will disappear for optimal screenshot/F7 taking conditions, and if you move your mouse back on screen, it will reappear, but I have found that in Web-View the mouse cannot properly move off the screen.

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Cart #p8mes-1 | 2024-12-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

It's that time of year again — Christmas is just around the corner.
This is just a tiny demoscene-inspired greetings cart. Nothing special, just a bit of pixel art for our loved fantasy console.

Greeting to the whole pico-8 scene, appreciate it! Appreciate you, keeping the spirit alive.
To all coders out there and gamedevs, musicians and graphic wizards.
Big thanks to Lexaloffle.

Enjoy the holidays with your loved ones and families, and have a great start to the new year.


code and gfx by me
cheerful tune by Gruber Music
original font by DamienG


Cart #midpoint_displacement-0 | 2024-12-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A simple terrain generation algorithm using the midpoint displacement method.


Cart #pen_factory-0 | 2024-12-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

"Pen Factory” is a port of a mini-game that was originally included in Part-time Job Hell 2000 for Pico-8. The player, as a factory worker, is constantly putting caps on ballpoint pens that are flowing on the conveyor belt. There is no game over or time limit.

Game controls
Z key: Put a cap on a pen
X key: Rotate the pen to adjust the direction.

Check the orientation of ballpoint pens flowing on the conveyor belt.
Rotate the pen as necessary to attach the cap in the correct orientation.
If the cap is put on correctly, the score is counted. If you make a mistake, it counts as no score.
The game has no time limit or end condition, so you can continue until you are satisfied.

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Cart #zonidufadu-0 | 2024-12-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Generated by AI (ChatGTP)


I released "pXI": a demake of XI[sái] on itch.io.
At this time, there are no plans to release the source code. Sorry!


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