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Cart #evelyn04_file_explorer_demo_01-1 | 2024-12-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

How to use:

Arrow keys to move mouse
X to select. Will also open directory tree if not on a file
Z to close a file or return up a directory

Information on the project:

This is my attempt at making a file explorer within Pico 8! It was made as a test to see if I could make something functional with minimal research prior or during. I spent about a month on this project, with the bulk of that in the last week or so after finals. Currently this program reads data from a table and takes the fields of each item on the list to determine how to handle the data. My goal for this point was to get most basic functions working and to have a decent user experience. Currently working are folders (return and directory), text files, and images. Images have an issue with lag depending on the "file", although that is when used at 2x scale or above.

The files shown in this demo are meant to provide an example of how it would look to a user. To encourage people to explore all the available features, and to provide a fun minigame, pieces of "evidence" are scattered around for users to find! :)

Plans for the future:

As things progress I aim to add more file types, including audio, video (will likely act more like a gif but I want to add sound as well), and programs/games. Beyond that I have plans for actual storage capabilities. This would include the ability to create and delete files as a user, and storage to a text file. I have seen from other programs people have made, such as PicoCAD, that that is possible.

This is my first post on here, although this is not my first project. I have also uploaded this and another project to itch under the same username.

To aid in converting the images I made into usable text I used Depict by Jenny Schmidt on itch

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