Endless Data
299 bytes
(299 chars)
pal({5,1,12,4,137,9,141,2})t=0::_::?'⁶1⁶c' t+=.1 for r=0,10do for c=8,-1,-1do srand(c+r*16+flr(t))x=r+c*16-t%1*16y=14*r+x/4h=30+sin(rnd()+t/(r+3))*15b=(1+r*3)%9fillp(flr(rnd(999)))rectfill(x,y,x+11,y-h,b+2+0x1c)fillp() for i=0,6do x-=1y-=1line(x,y,x,y-h,b)line(x,y-h,x+12,y-h,b+1) end end end goto _ |
Golden Cooking particle!
(255 chars)
s,b,c=srand,{peek(0,8)},0::_::cls(1)c+=1for i=1,8 do b[i]+=btn(i-1) and 2 or 0 s(i)i=c-rnd(1024)s(i\10)x,y,r=(rnd(127)+b[1]-b[2])%128,(rnd(127)+b[3]-b[4])%128,sin(i/20)*8circ(x,y,r,2)oval(x-r,y,x+r,y,10)oval(x,y-r,x,y+r)circfill(x,y,r/2,7)end flip()goto _ |
Hello! This is my first cartridge for Picotron. You explore a castle and try to get to the crown. I barely know what Lua is, so please pardon any rough spots or gameplay.
This was mostly an experiment to see if i could actually make something with Picotron since I got it when it first released and then never used it. Thanks to the help of other people, there was a template I was able to use to create this! Massive thanks to taxicomics for making the original template.
(i know the thumbnail is screwed up, i sadly have no idea how to fix)
the old quarter
(294 chars)
local w,l,a,s,x,h,c,u,v,b,p,q=0::_::u=cos(t()/180)<<8&-1v=sin(t()/150)<<8&-1for i=0,86do w=(w+71)%192x=max(w-63.5)-8s=0for y=max(127-w-w)-16,min(256-x-x,127)do p=x+u q=y+v a=p\12c=a+q\12if(c!=b)h=((a~c)&15)/3b=c l=h s-=.29if(s<h)l+=2s=h pset(x,y,l+(p~q)%3/3)x+=.5end end?"⁶1⁶!5f11█ˇ5●67" goto _ |
Dungeon Starter Pack
How To Play
Arrow keys to move the player(s)
p/esc/enter to open inventory (hold for settings)
c to undo time (you can hold)
- tab to open editor
Do you know Bitsy, because if you dont you need to check it out.
I wanted to make a game that also serves a template for future works.
Its very simple to work on, since my main focus was to make creating objects easy.
this is a average object in the game:
{name="milk", tile=53, pushable=true, text="milk" }, |
When you open the project you will be greeted with a message telling you which tabs are important.