This is my first pico-8 game! I made it to give out pre-loaded onto a few Miyoo A30 retro handhelds as a thank you gift at my bachelor party (so some of the ending text is specialized for that context).
I would appreciate any feedback that I can incorporate into my next games. Thank you for checking it out!
How to Play:
- Move with the d-pad.
- Jump with x (the in-game tutorial says a because that's the label on the Miyoo A30)
- Grab/throw with o. You need to be on top of the object to grab it.
- Drop through platforms with down+x.
- Place an item directly in front of you (without throwing) with down+o.

This is the file name input code for writing a .p8l file with printh.
The following characters are excluded from input to make it safe to enter file names:
'\\/:*?"<>|!\'#$%&()+-*^=~`@{}[]<>,.;' |
If these characters are included in the file name, an error will occur and I have experienced my edited data being ruined. This is to prevent this from happening.

By the way, there is no reference document for the excluded characters, and it seems that there are more characters that pico8 cannot handle in file names than the host OS.
I have not checked the excluded characters in detail and have set them based on a guess. Has anyone checked all the excluded characters?
SOKOVILLE is a game I have been working on for a few months in Love2D. At its core, it is a sokoban-like puzzle game. You solve puzzles throughout the world, which enable you to help characters in that world.
A simple example is: There is a boy in the town who is missing his dog. You're in the forest and you come across the dog. You need to push blocks to make a way out of the forest, and you also need to push the dog out of the forest and back to its owner.
This Pico-8 version is a demake of sorts, and is way for me to make a proof of concept for the game. It is meant to be a lightweight implementation , whose primary purpose is to get feedback for the main game.
Perform all the tasks in the task list.
Press/Hold arrow keys to move
Press X to cycle items
Press/Hold Z to rewind
Hold Z + X to view tasks
1- Updated tasks to set expectations after completing all tasks and ensure player knows what's next. Fixed some wording for NPCs to be more clear. Change 'Save the BBQ' completion condition.

A little music toy. Characters are from VVVVVV
Arrows to navigate
O to move pitch up
x to move pitch down
Move down from the sequencer to see a list of options
(Transpose is global, Octave is different for each instrument)
To save, press O on the save button then press ctrl+C to copy the save code.
To load, press O on the load button then press ctrl+V to paste the save code, then press X to enter it in.
Demo songs are Kraftwerk - Musique Non Stop, Kraftwerk - Boing Boom Tschak, Eels - Mr E.'s Beautiful Blues
Uses the Defy library
If you make a song with this please share it here! I want to see it!

Race a speed boat around a track. Controls are fast.
Its a little rough, but I'm considering it feature complete at this stage.
Technically I've learnt a bit about dynamic features.
For instance, the speedboat on the menu is moving itself, the waves are dynamically generated, and bouncing off the wall is based on your angle of hitting it.

A (barely) unfinished game I made a few years ago. Like 2048, but instead of numbers, you have chess pieces! They will move in the direction you press, but they'll choose at random if there's multiple options. A piece can capture a piece of the same type and upgrade!
Pieces upgrade as follows:
Pawn -> Rook -> Knight -> Bishop -> Queen
Two White Queens combine into a Black Pawn. Black pieces upgrade similarly, but with a twist: a black piece can also capture a white piece of the same type, and it simply destroys it with no reward!
The win condition wasn't implemented, but you should consider it a victory if you manage to create and combine two Black Queens.
The Ultamite Pizza Tower Demake
Anybody Can Make Mods
Once Mods Are Done Post Them At Pizza Tower: Pico Engine Mod Webpage
Arrow Keys Left And Right - Move - Select Your Character
Arrow Key Up - Taunt
Arrow Key Down - Grab
Z - Dash - Change Color In Menu
X - Jump - Select Your Character

Music - Wario Land 2
Characters - Mcpig
Code - @allmightythunder

Block Buster
A simple but addictive falling block game where you swap stacks of coloured blocks to prevent any stack from reaching the top. Includes 2 timed modes and an endless mode with their own highscores.

How to play
Move the cursor left and right and press O to swap the selected stacks.
Press down to drop the blocks faster, or X to immediately drop them to the top of the stack.
As you match blocks the speed that they fall will increase. For endless mode higher levels apply a multiplier to the score.
In timed mode see how many blocks you can match within 2 or 5 minute rounds.
In late August I was looking to keep myself occupied with a simple coding project while I waited for my other half to go into labour. The code comes in well under the token limit at 3833 tokens, 90% of which was written in one day and I've slowly added bits of polish in the time since. The hardest part for me was trying to make such a simple game visually interesting. I'm fairly happy with how it's turned out and now I can finally push my first release to the BBS some 4 years after I became excited by PICO-8! :)