Bonjour à tous et toutes,
je suis en train de créer un jeu sur le thème de goldorak. Je m'appuie sur les tutos de JP que j'ai acheté sur le site Ce tuto explique la création d'un shoot'm up.
J'ai un problème avec les collisions. J'ai réussi à régler à "tâtons" à peu près quelques problèmes mais je n'ai pas réussi à trouver toutes les solutions.
En fait, mon goldorak fait 5 cases de 8 pixels par 3 cases de 8 pixels
Mon goldorak fait donc 32 pixels et mes ennemis en font 8, lorsque j'utilise la formule de MBOFFIN (lorsque 2 boîtes ne se chevauche pas alors il n'y a pas de collision) cela fonctionne mais le problème c'est que, soit les sprites tirs considèrent que l'ennemi fait 32 pixels alors qu'il en fait 8, soit ils considèrent que goldorak en fait 8 alors qu'il en fait 32.
Bonjour à tous et toutes,
je suis en train de créer un jeu sur le thème de goldorak. Je m'appuie sur les tutos de JP que j'ai acheté sur le site Ce tuto explique la création d'un shoot'm up.
J'ai un problème avec les collisions. J'ai réussi à régler à "tâtons" à peu près quelques problèmes mais je n'ai pas réussi à trouver toutes les solutions.
En fait, mon goldorak fait 5 cases de 8 pixels par 3 cases de 8 pixels
Mon goldorak fait donc 32 pixels et mes ennemis en font 8, lorsque j'utilise la formule de MBOFFIN (lorsque 2 boîtes ne se chevauche pas alors il n'y a pas de collision) cela fonctionne mais le problème c'est que, soit les sprites tirs considèrent que l'ennemi fait 32 pixels alors qu'il en fait 8, soit ils considèrent que goldorak en fait 8 alors qu'il en fait 32.

Squeeze Game
This is an Artfight attack for ( 's character Squeeze! They're such a cute lil guy ;u;
Stretch out that tongue to eat hash-browns, their favourite! Watch out for cars and falling bombs from the sky!
- Left/Right Arrow - Move
- Up Arrow - Jump
- Down Arrow - ?
- Mouse Click - Launch Tongue
- Mouse Movement - Move Tongue
Thanks for playing!!
Here is my artfight: ♥ ♥

Since I've purchased Pico-8 I've transitioned into a beautiful trans woman, and my nickname that I used to purchase Pico-8 has my deadname in it.
Would it be possible in some way to change it into something different? I'd love for my carts (including the old ones) to not have my deadname slapped on them on the forums & in SPLORE (and yes, I know my old carts that I signed with it, still will have the cursed deadname inside them...)
Also there's the need to rebuy Pico-8 if I make myself a new account, with my truename or something more neutral as my nickname.
So, is it possible to change my forums & SPLORE nickname to get rid of my deadname? I wanted to start using Pico-8 again, because I didn't use it since 2020-ish and there were lots of changes made, libraries released & really nice games since then. I would be very glad if it is possible :) I'd prefer to be LilyUwU2001 starting from now, if possible.

This is literally just a mockup 128x128 image. Not a single sprite pixel placed or line of code written yet.
Picotama 2 has the same rules as Onitama, explained for those unfamiliar:

At all times each player has two movement card options (red player's turn in image, choosing between upper right and middle left). The chosen card determines how the pieces (2 Masters, 8 Students, 1 Spirit) can move and always remain the same orientation (unlike the 180 rotation in regular Onitama). Here the red player has highlighted their Master and intends to use the top right card to move two spaces diagonally. Once a card is used, a timer of 6 turns is placed on it, all other timers go down by one, and the "1" card becomes available for the opponent. This makes red's choice an immediate game loser, as the next card available to blue is the lower middle, because...
There are two ways to win:
The Way of the Stone - Capture your opponent's Master.
The Way of the Stream - Move your Master onto the opponent's home square (where the Masters start).

This is a maze generator in 191 characters.
t={-2,2}function g(x,y)if(pget(x,y)<7)return line(x,y)::l::r=rnd(t)if(rnd(2)>1)then g(x+r,y)else g(x,y+r)end line(x,y)if(rnd(99)>1)goto l end cls(7)g(0,0)pal(7,8,1)pal(6,7,1)::_::flip()goto _ |
This is my first time doing this, let me know if it could be improved.

I made this little game just to see if I could figure out how to make an isometric game without using a tutorial so it's more a tech exercise than a game. But, if you miss tank controls or have nostalgia for 80s computer games that weren't quite ready to shed their arcade roots, then this might maybe be for you.

I finally got a framework ported. isn't my work, its @KuuttiGang
this isn't using p8x8 since it'll work under a sandbox.
the only thing I had to change was the button symbols and implement
the pico-8 fget system (the only thing I got from p8x8)
Anyway, if you use it, credit the original author. you can credit me
if you want, idk tbh. anyways I'm about to use it myself so, I'll be
right back, under a new name
(the web player is faster than the picotron app, I dunno what to do abt that)
Please do not play this, not looking for feedback, only test the upload process.
Getting back into game dev after a ~10 year hiatus.
Is anyone else old enough to remember those little horse racing games where you just watch ASCII or pixel horses race and try to guess who would win, or the horse race games at the carnival with the water guns? I wanted to create something simple like that but I figured someone else already had. Lo and behold, I ran across a BBS cart that was just that kind of basic game. I loved the simple, colorful animated horse sprites in the cart and since it was CC4-BY-NC-SA licensed, I started thinking about how to turn it into a fully fleshed out horse racing game, and that's how Horseplay was born!
In Horseplay, you are a naive, fresh-faced kid heading to the track with $100 and a dream of hitting it big. Place your bets at the gambling window and see if you can take home some big winnings! Keep an eye out for a shifty looking guy at the track. Rumor has it he has some hot tips about the horses, but he seems more than a little unsavory . . .

I'm trying to change my email, so tried to change it through my account settings. After I put the new email in the email field, I get an confirmation email, but when I click at the confirmation link that's sent to that email, the bbs email doesn't change, I just get log out from my account. Pls help!

- Collect Holy Water to fill your Flasks and Level Up! Each Level will grant a different powerful Blessing. Activating a Blessing will consume all flasks.

My first video game! Coded entirely on PICO-8 in May 2024, while restlessly tuning into the Lazy Devs Shmup PICO-8 Tutorial.
This was also my first PICO-8 project, and it won't be my last.

I would write my frustrations if the cookies of my login didn't run out and ended up deleting my draft so I'll make it quick before a vein pops; Platform stutters, no matter what I do, at random intervals. There's no cart (it's so annoying I cannot even write code). I've tried to:
- Reinstall older versions.
- Cleaning the pico8 roaming folder.
- Nvidia drivers and settings (vsync and such).
- Change foreground_sleep_ms and host_framerate_control.
This started happening after I upgraded to windows 11, before that I had 0.2.1 and I had no issues.
Please help.

My first game in pico-8, spend a lot of time on it.
It's a puzzle game and also a fangame of Bug Fables, I was addicted to it recently
- Automation Puzzle Solving
- Some sort of Zach-Like Time and Resource cost
Programming Art Music(Cover) by me
Bug Fables belongs to Moonsprout
Game Test: Kkaii
Link to itchio: