Hello! This is my first post here, to present my also first game in Pico-8 :D As the title read, yes, it is another Tic-Tac-Toe, but I picked this one because I consider it an easy playground to learn the very basics of the platform without having to worry about complex gameplay or content. This is not the first time I develop a game... it is the second! My first one was 14 years ago for iOS, a small match-3 that was super fun to make.
My version of Tic-Tac-Toe is the vanilla one, and the simplest possible in terms of development: just 2 players, no CPU, sharing P1 controls. No algorithm to check board, no fancy modes, nothing, just pure old TTT. I've introduced some sound and particle effects to learn how to do it and that's all.
Movement Keys:
Arrow Keys to move and look
X to dash
C to jump
There are 9 levels in total, if you are stuck at a level press 'F' to skip forward. If you've accidentally pressed F, press 'S' to go back
pls play my level then fill in the form...
Im really sorry if this topic has been there already, didn't find anything about it so i thought i might post it. So its not news that some regions dont have access to PayPal and/or Swift systems. I was wondering if there is a way to get around? Steam maybe? That also accounts for pico-8. Educational edition is cool and all but license is far better.
If no, well, bummers. If yes please tell me.
So I was playing around with making a dynamically generated scrolling background, something simple, and I thought about layers of water, with different hues, and some dithering, by slapping strips of tiles to the screen. And that got me thinking about foolish billionaires and implosions and an innocent young man pressured by his father.
So, anyway, I made an extremely simple little "simulation" of a trip in a suspiciously familiar-looking submersible down to the Titanic, except things go wrong.
Cursor keys make you go up or down. That's it. There's nothing else you can do, if even that after some point.
There's not much to this. It's not so much a game as dark commentary. If this sort of thing bothers you, please don't play it.
It's as finished as it's gonna get.
A simple idea I wanted to share with you.
I use a p8 file with a few utility classes. I place the unit tests on the first tab.
When I run my library code, it tests it.
If I want to include my vector class, for example, in another program, I include it “#include utils.p8:1” (only tab 1). This way, the weight of my tests doesn't count on the other program.
I find this an elegant way of managing tested reusable code.
Disclaimer: While this demake does contain an introduction level for each new element, I would highly recommend you play the original game before this! Because the demake is a lot shorter than the original, the difficulty ramps up faster than it probably should.
Arrows - Move
X/V - Undo
C/Z - Idle
R - Restart level
T - Title screen
There are 4 "worlds" containing 8 levels each, adding up to 32 levels in total.
Save Data
Your progress will be saved automatically. It will keep track of which levels you've unlocked, which one you were currently on, and your time. You can clear your save data from the pause menu.
My first game in Picotron !!
Hello there :3
I recently got this workstation and wanted to make something with it.
So why not make a little simple game to start with !!
For now, you can play only with the mouse. But I think I will add some other control in the future.
It's a little bit basic for now. But if you install it with load #picotoe
you will be able to personalize the color of the X
and O
symbol. (You can find it in the sprite tab)
However, I want to try some bot
feature. So don't hesitate to follow and keep in touch with future progress.
This is a simple transition, that should be fairly easy to use. All the code is in rgb_transition.lua. Simply call rgb_transition_setup()
when starting the transition, and then on each frame, after the game is drawn, call rgb_transition()
. It takes one argument: Whether the transition should be fading in or out. True fades out. In this test cart, press X to reverse the transition.