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CoCo Clicker V1

Cookie Clicker Demake - Malsarthegreat

Cart #cococlickerv1-0 | 2024-04-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is my first Pico-8 Game! Love this fantasy console and I love clickers so I thought I would take a stab at a classic!

It is fairly basic at the moment with only 5 upgrades and 1 sfx but I am pretty pleased with the UI so far!

Plan on continuing work on this but this is what I have for now!

Features so far:

  • Cookie clicking!
  • 5 Upgrades
  • 1 sfx
  • cartridge saving and loading (persistent storage)
  • cookie animations
  • milk animation
  • Simple/usable UI

A few known bugs:

  • Alchemy upgrade cost is wonky
  • once you hit 50k cookies, it turns negative and eventually you start over.

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Cart #flycave-0 | 2024-04-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


A one-button game based on my favorite old PalmOS game called SFCave by SunFlat. Press the up arrow to swoop up and let go to dive down. Dodge the obstacles and don't hit the edges of the cave.


This is my first attempt at a game on any platform. The game mechanics are directly from SFCave, but I put my own spin on the graphics to learn as much as I could about Pico 8. Feedback is very welcome!

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The GBA port of the 1997 Microsoft Puzzle Collection didn't include Fringer, so ever since I lost the CD-ROM in the early 00's, this game has been living deep in my subconscious.

Was it easier to write a demake than to get an old version of Windows running in a VM, or the archive.org image of the CD-ROM to run in some wrapper, or whatever? Probably not. But I had a ton of fun badly transcribing two of the tunes that live right next to the Tetris theme and the Megaman 2 soundtrack in my brain and trying to express the idea of a Lilliputian in a 12x12 pixel square.

Cart #picofringer-3 | 2024-06-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


  • Eliminate the ropes by untwisting the knots
  • When a rope is completely untwisted it disappears
  • ⬅️ / ➡️ move the frame side to side
  • ❎ twist or untwist a knot
  • Untwist the sparkling knots to collect bonuses
  • ⬆️ or ⬇️ to use a bonus to change your knot's angle without twisting a rope
  • 🅾️ to use the repaint power when the spinning palette appears on the screen
  • Connect a flame at the top and bottom to remove a rope
  • The sliding bar pushes the knots down
  • Don't let a knot reach the bottom

Update 2

  • The paintbrush power-up which randomly changes the color of strands. Becomes available in world 3
  • More consistent movement and bugfixes when operating at the bottom of the screen
  • Fourth and final background and music track
  • More music tweaks to existing themes

Update 1

  • Levels are now generated to match PC game's difficulty curve for strand colors and knot distribution
    • This might've made things a bit too hard since it results in the starting knots being so close to the bottom of the screen. The bonus distribution is more generous than the PC game, though, which helps
  • Added some safety checks to hopefully prevent some crashes... still tracking down the source
  • Added one more background and theme
  • Cleaned up some instrument and sync issues with existing themes


  • Inconsistent behavior when a sweep starts while there's an active candle/flame powerup
  • Readability issues with colors, especially on the "Sea" backgrounds
  • Expand title theme
  • Options Settings: use ⬆️ or ⬇️ to use bonuses, swap ❎ and 🅾️ for knot and paintbrush
  • Investigate adding a row of knots by using the whole screen height and moving the status row and bonus icons to the side of the playfield

Title says it all.
Problem is the same on firefox and safari on Mac, and on safari on iPhone.
Embed arrow still works, so you can still get the cart's id from it and view the game's code in pico-8's editor.

1 comment

Cart #endless_marble_racing-3 | 2024-04-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The Marble Cup is the most prestigious racing competition, and every sixty seconds twelve of the greatest mice come together and compete for the glory, and a chance at the coveted Crimson Crown!

I built a whole physics engine for Momo's Momentum, which I lost motivation on after releasing one level. But I wanted to use the tech to make a marble racing simulation. It's like cocomelon to me.

  • A new race every 60 seconds, generated using the date and time as a seed
  • No gameplay, just watch and have fun :)
  • 12 marble multiball action
  • The winner of each race receives a crown for the next one
  • Use up/down arrow keys for manual camera control
  • Press Z/X to toggle a zoomed-out view and see the whole course!


Does anyone know of a long distance function that does not: 1. Overflow, 2. Gives pixel perfect distance, 3. Handles distances up to about 200. I have one I'm working with:

function dist(x,y,x2,y2)
 local opp=x-x2
 local adj=y-y2

 return opp/cos(-atan2(opp,adj))

However, it has weird instances where it throws up its hands and gives crazy numbers.

Thanks so much for the help!


Cart #knight_and_prison_of_ice-0 | 2024-04-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Join a courageous knight as he ventures into the icy depths of a prison labyrinth. Can he conquer its guardians, reach the heart of the maze, and ultimately rescue his beloved?


  • Move: Arrow Keys
  • Call Sword: (X)
  • Change Power: (Z)
  • Use Power: Double-tap (Z)
  • Pause Menu (with Music On/Off): Enter

(Alternative mapping to X/Z is C/V)


Knight and Prison of Ice is a roguelite action-adventure game where you play as a knight bound to his quest through a frozen expanse. Navigate the perils of the labyrinth, vanquish the three guardians, and rescue your beloved from this icy prison.

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Flashing lights ahead! Refrain from playing if you have photosensitive epilepsy!!
So, what is this?
This is a remake of a crappy old Scratch game I made a long time ago (Pongle), and how it was supposed to actually play out.

I used @GibletsofJesus's Bounce the Ball to create most of the game.

I'm not sure if I'm going to update this.


Cart #pongle_is_back_baby-0 | 2024-04-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #binujisohe-1 | 2024-04-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #joresibaro-0 | 2024-04-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


So here's my first post and my first shot at the start of a PICO-8 game. I had run through an adventure game tutorial with 8x8 pixel sprites a while back, but never went further with it. Recently, I was buying game assets that I'll never use, and I saw a neat 4x4 pixel set of assets (by an artist called Vexed). Intrigued, I started on a wee framework for it. You don't get actual 4x4 pixel tiles, but each 8x8 tile has 4 collision quadrants that you mark with the first 4 flags for each tile. So you can kinda fake it.

What I want is a mellow little adventure game with low stakes and low stress.

It's just a testbed right now. You can move the player around. There are 3 enemies that will come after you if you get too close. They're easily evaded and easily killed. You can draw your sword with the X button, but if you run into an obstacle, it'll sheath itself. If they hit you, you'll lose a heart. Lose all 5 hearts and you'll die and need to reset the cart. Wee first aid packs will each gain you a heart up to 5.

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Cart #dodger_demake_0-10 | 2024-04-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Dodger Demake

The year is 1982 and pacman has once again managed to be zapped
back inside a home computer. His only chance of escape from the
evil bad guy - the one that appears in all arcade games - is to
eat his way through multiple levels of mayhem thus thwarting the
sinister plot to take over the world. This may sound a simple task but there are four mean laser machines
just waiting to blast pacman's hide into oblivion. It is going to take all of pacman's skill, cunning and judgement to
dodge the laser fire and to eventually reach his goal of early
retirement (no more pacman games please - Pacman)

What is this?

A tribute to a Windows 3.1 game called Dodger (1994) made by Ivan Mackintosh, this is a demake though, the game is feature complete but presents a smaller playable area than the original one (a 128x128 grid, due to PICO-8 features).

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Cart #hm118_birdbike_v10-0 | 2024-04-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Full Release Version!

Controls: Move the bird with d-pad, jump the bike with x

How to play:

Collect as many letters as possible with the bird.
Avoid running into rocks in the road as the bike.
Hitting an obstacle with the bike will cause it to become unsteady and slow down.
If the bike slows down too far it will fall over and end the run.
Land the bird on the bike to return it to normal.
The bike cannot jump while the bird is sitting on it.
Hitting an obstacle while unsteady will cause the run to end.
If the bird is pushed off-screen too far to the left, the run will end.

Goal: get the highest score for letters/distance travelled.

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Cart #flappyminute1-3 | 2024-04-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A small demake and remix of flappybird and minit. Mostly learning how to work with 1-bit (it’s actually 1 bit + alpha) sprites from minit and replacing them one after one with my own creations or manipulations.

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Cart #gikinaboma-0 | 2024-04-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


All my life I've loved video games. All my life I've enjoyed them somewhat passively if you will.
Yes, I've interacted with them like anyone else, but I've never really delved further than that.
I often ask myself, why? If you like them so much, why haven't you tried making your own?

Lack of skills?

Lack of patience?

Ignorance about how they're made?

I guess a little bit of everything.

I heard someone mention Pico-8 and how they were getting their nieces and nephews into it. I heard it was a super simple all in one development suite for 8-bit style games, one that even a kid could use!
I was immediately interested. If a kid could do it, surely an idiot adult such as myself could too.

Well, today is the day I start making games. I'm glad to join the community.



The poster of https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=141370 seems to have discovered that posting a short reply to their own thread un-hides their original post after it was flagged for spam review. Not 100% sure this is a bug, but it seems like one.


Flexible Softbodies in PICO-8

Hello everyone! I've been using PICO-8 for a while now, but this is my first post on the BBS, and I'd like to share some of the shenanigans I'm doing.
About a year ago, I stumbled upon Walaber's video on how he made Jellycar's physics (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OmkehAJoyo&ab_channel=WalaberEntertainment) and I thought it was really cool. I also thought It'd be fun to make a softbody system for myself. So I tried and was able to do some fun things with springs and a bit of collision. I had learned a bit about dot and cross products that year in math classes I took, so it was cool to use the stuff I just learned to make a fun program. Up to this point all the softbodies were just springs connected to each other.

Then, I tried to implement shape matching (where you link the physical polygon to an invisible "frame" that in turn updates its rotation to the physical polygon's) and everything went downhill.

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Cart #harvest_8-5 | 2024-04-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


this is a little project I'm working on. It is not much yet and it's based on a video series by @SpaceCat on YouTube.
Feedback is much appreciated, but keep in mind that I'm still a beginner with low experience, so if you would just drop me a code snippet without any explanation or where I would have to drop it, I would probably get lost.

Edit: version changes


  • added energy system. Field work now costs energy (not balanced yet).
  • power station to recharge energy
  • power packs for purchase to recharge power station
  • added unconsciousness when energy runs out (yet to improve though)
  • screen fade out and in (thanks to @dw817 )
  • (time is still running faster for testing)


  • improved shop ui and functionality
  • improved seasonal time difference day/night
  • bugfixes
  • added harvest claw
  • improved/cleaned input code


  • bugfix: season for seeds was not active, when purchased from shop
  • added harvest sound


  • seasonal day/night cycle (time is still running very fast for testing purposes)
  • improved growth
  • minor changes for movement
  • improved ui/shop
  • seasons added and seasonal seeds

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Cart #the_most_interesting_game_ever-0 | 2024-04-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I think it speaks for itself.


Cart #ninjaboygoestoschool-0 | 2024-04-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A really short game about ninja boy

Every day you have to help ninja boy go to school before time runs out

19 days of school

Move with arrows

Jump and double jump with C


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