PICO DAW is a digital audio workstation for creating PICO-8 tunes. If you've ever been frustrated by the piano style layout keyboard layout of the music editor or just wished you could draw your music, PICO DAW is for you. It's a mouse-based alternative for tune creation.
THIS CART IS A WORK IN PROGRESS AND MINIMALLY TESTED. Consider it alpha. Save early and often! Please report any bugs you find.
Quick Start
- Open the PICO-8 console and enter
load #daw
. - Save the cart under a new name.
- Optional: Add any desired custom instruments in SFX slots 0 through 7.
- Edit music patterns for length, looping, channels, and SFX assignments.
- Edit SFX for length, speed, and filters.
This is the in-game OST for Wire Tripper.
It's the second collaboration with Bones studios that I've done all of the audio design on. SFX, and music were all composed by me - DJ Tent Mode. It's the first time that I've used custom instruments in any meaningful way. I'm looking forward to trying out the Wavetable functionality in the next collaboration.
I hope that the cart's code itself can be helpful for aspiring PICO-8 musicians to repurpose. Having the structure of a "sound test mode" cart has been very helpful for my composition process and I hope someone else can get use out of it.
My favorite track is the tutorial tune, "Put it on my charge card" which uses the custom instruments to provide quite a bit more texture than what I felt was possible when I started writing PICO-8 music about 4 years ago.
Hope this is the right place to post this. First time programmer, and I've been having a ton of fun trying to make a game in PICO-8.
I've been following Lazy Devs excellent Roguelike tutorial series on YouTube, but I've been running into a consistent issue.
For my game, I decided to make my player sprite 16x16. However, Lazy Devs' tutorial (and most of the ones I've seen online) assume an 8x8 character sprite. This is specifically giving me grief when it comes to collision. Right now, my player bounces off the walls on the top of the screen, and ignores collision entirely when moving left into them.
From what I can gather, the collision on a 16x16 sprite is calculated from the top left tile. Ideally, I'd love collision to be calculated from the bottom two tiles on the sprite. What's the best way to adjust/offset my collision to account for a larger sprite?
I've attached my cartridge to this post. If someone could point me in the right direction, that would be much appreciated.
A Pico-8 port of astrosmash I made back in 2021.
For those interested, here's the source code: https://github.com/TheDuude420/AstroSmash-2021-Source-Code
<-, -> to move selection
X to select card
-you and your opponent both start at number 50.
-each round, two cards will be chosen randomly from the deck.
-you can choose and collect whichever you want by pressing X, and your number will be calculated as written on the card.
-the card you discarded will go to your opponent, changing their number.
-after 10 rounds, if your number is higher than your opponents', then you win!
I am trying to run PICO-8 on a Chromebook via the Linux support console Crostini. I have followed a guide (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=36473) to get it to function, using both the linux x64 and x32 versions of PICO-8 but neither have worked, giving an error saying 'cannot execute binary file: Exec format error' when run. I am seeking support from other people who have experienced similar issues with running PICO-8 on Chromebook.
My system is running on V 122.0.6261.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) of Chrome OS and the laptop build is a Lenovo Duet 3. I have not set up any additional applications (let me know if any are needed) for this process aside from Crostini.
I am attempting to run v0.2.6b of PICO-8.
Help Marcel reach their friend to chill while the hero is away!
This is my first take at making a platformer. I spent all my time and effort on getting a character controller that felt good, so the story and visuals are very bare-bones (pun not intended but let's roll with it).
- Arrows to run
- O/X to jump
The music can be turned off in the pause menu
- The longer you press the jump button, the higher you jump
- During a wall slide, you can detach from the wall by pressing the down button
- Similarly, you can go through one-way platforms by pressing the down button
- Spikes don't hurt you if you move away from them
Hello everyone! I'm developing a platformer based on My Hero Academy and for some reason, my player is able to jump while touching a jump-through tile, when they should only be able to jump if they're on top of it.
Does anyone know why this happens?
Code for jumping:
--jump if btn(❎) and player.landed then player.dy-=player.boost player.landed=false end |
Code for landing:
if collide_map(player,"down", flags.base) then player.landed=true player.falling=false player.dy=0 player.y-=((player.y+player.h+1)%8)-1 |
Cartridge below 👇
Hi! I've reinstalled pico8 into my pocket chip after upgrading it to debian 11 (bullseye) and installing xfce and pico8 (0.2.6b for pocket chip). Everything seems to work fine except for the top icons that are visible but not clickable (I mean.. I click them but nothing happens) so I cannot switch from the code editor to the sprite editor or the SFX editor etc.. is there something i can do?
PICORHYTHM is a beatmania-style music game.
You can play original music inspired by the VOICEVOX character "WhiteCUL".
This is my first attempt to create a game with PICO-8.
Please note that the use of the character is based on the guideline that secondary creation is allowed with a credit statement.
Character: WhiteCUL
Tline Terrain Demo
Worms/Scorched Earth deformable/destructible terrain demo.
Arrow keys move target
X to destroy terrain
O to toggle debug mode, showing the vertical slices.
Maybe of use to someone?
For a long time I have wondered how to make Worms/Scorched Earth style terrain and make it work reasonably well. My first ever (unreleased) game on pico-8 was a Worms clone, that used a 2D array of pixels and pset to draw the terrain. It blew the CPU budget and was slooooooow.
Micro Murder on Pico-8 managed a really slick solution drawing circles over the top of the terrain, but I wondered if there was another way. Fast forward some years and I'm still thinking about it. Most discussion about this type of terrain suggests some form of bitmap to store the terrain.