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I went onto splore and was looking at another games code and I went into a game and started mucking around with the code and messed some stuff up. Did I wreck the game for the guy? I changed some sprites and stuff, I was trying to learn movement coding etc.

Other question, how to change the png. for the screen of the game in Splore and how would I go about coding a splash screen?

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I am probably quite late to the party, but since discovering pico-8 recently I've been really impressed with the platform.
Like many others have done I am working on my own Pi Zero based arcade console to play Pico-8 games, mainly for the fun
and challenge of building one.
I've been able to use Pico-8 via Retropie (using the paid pico-8 executables) and get it fully working, although I don't like the slow boot-up and slow performance on a Pi Zero.
I found that using PicoPi (after finding posts on it like https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=35926) is much faster to boot and the games run better (with Retropie some pico-8 games are stuttery).
However I can't work out yet how to get my audio via USB working with PicoPi & Pi Zero. It seems to have HDMI audio by default which isn't what I need.
Many thanks in advance for any pointers!


Risk of rain demake in the celeste classic engine

This is a in-progress mod i am currently working on. Here are some gifs of items working, mechanics.

Ukulele + Wisp in a jar + Gasoline (WIP Visual effects)

Molotov Cocktail Utility

Health System

Killing enemies

I dont know how long this mod will take, but armed with aseprite and everhorn, im sure it wont take that long.

For anyone wondering where CORE went, Its fully moved over to n.p8, and was fully rewritten for the new codebase.
The switch from hex to base256 level loading and the addition of bg tiles has forced me to abandon my levels, but i was going to do that anyways.

Look forward to both Risk Of Snow and CORE, coming (hopefully) soon.


Cart #blocks-0 | 2024-01-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

My second progress update:

I'm trying to implement the ability for my player character to create temporary blocks which can be used as platforms to reach otherwise unreachable areas. The idea is that the bunny player character digs up earth which piles up behind him and then disappears after a few seconds.

  1. When the player presses the o button while on a ground tile, a 'newblock' is added to a table so that it can be deleted after its set duration. In order to ensure the original map tile is restored after the 'dirt block' disappears, mget is used to grab the original tile sprite as 'oldblock.'

`if btnp(🅾️) and p.landed then

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i then immidiately messed up the run but hey


I've got this bunch of enemies that run after the player, but i can't seem to figure how to make them collide each other since they all are in a same table.
I've managed to do it with two for loops that calls them differently, but this makes a game overload after there's more then 40 enemies spawned.
Maybe somebody could give me a hint on this one.


I've started up a new project and I'll be making extensive use of the trig-functions, so I started playing around with them. I soon found out about the input range and the inverted sin, but I still can not explain the behavior I'm seeing.

What you would expect from sin(x)cos(x) and what you can intuitively read from the graph is that first peak of sin(x)cos(x) should be negative, and the second positive. The actual behavior can be explained by the inverted sin-function, but with the inverted sin-function, I would expect the sin-graph to reflect the inversion, which it does not.


function _draw()
	for x=1, 127 do
		pset(x, 64,3)
		pset(x, 64+32*cos(x/127),10)
		pset(x, 64+32*sin(x/127),12)
		pset(x, 64+32*sin(x/127)*cos(x/127),14)


(Sorry, I don't know how to format code on the BBS)


So I've had this idea for a platformer fighting game and I'm having trouble coming up with the key binds
Obviously jump is z and attack is x and we have the four directional imputs, but then I want to add a dodge/parry, a strong attack and a special so does anyone have any ideas


i made a new profile picture for my Game Jolt and itch profiles, so for Lexaloffle i made it again but in PICO-8:

Cart #sosasees_pfp_jesotefizu-0 | 2024-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

gradient effect is from this post:

[New PICO-8 Feature] Enabling more than 16 colors on the screen
by @BoneVolt


Nothing to see here.


Based in this coding chalenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ggxt06qSAe4

and this article: https://mathworld.wolfram.com/ElementaryCellularAutomaton.html

Use arrow keys to change the seed.


Hello user of lexaloffle!
My name is charisios and i welcome you to my profile wich you can find awsome games made with the support of the lexaloffle game engines! Have a nice day.

Charisios Charisiadis


Cart #fsatobugu-1 | 2024-01-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my first blog update. I'm feeling a bit defeated. I'm not making meaningful progress any more. The progress I have made is all but entirely owed to tutorials from nerdy teachers and lazy devs. I'm now spending way more of my time trying to find relevant content to learn from than I am actually learning. I've spent hours combing through BBS posts, reddit, youtube, and discord. When I do find discussion that seems relevant to what I want do, it's rare that I am able to parse the code to learn from it. Trying to stay motivated and move forward.

What I have thus far:
-A running, jumping player sprite which I don't understand how to further animate without continuously looping through a cycle of sprites (How do I do a once-and-done animation?)

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Cart #gibuyeyak-0 | 2024-01-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello! I was working on a 2D platformer, and I was wondering about how to make enemies. The cartridge that is attached above (I hope it is attached) shows a small demo of the game thus far.

(NOTE: this is based off the Nerdy Teachers 2D platformer tutorial)

As you can see, there is collision, semisolid platforms and even some spikes that can kill the player however, I am focused on the "frog" on the middle left platform. So far I have gotten it to walk forward and change directions when hitting sprite 2 (left turns) and sprite flag 3 (right turns). But I cannot for the life of me get the frog sprite to flip when turning. More importantly I cannot get the frog to kill the player like the spikes do. If you have any ideas or advice about the enemies or just in general please crack open my code and take a look.

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Cart #flowerpow2024-0 | 2024-01-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Just archiving this old game I made for future reference. Updated the copyright from the original for privacy reasons.

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(Cover Art by Zep)

This December issue is the twelfth in the series. 12 issues in 12 months for the entire 2023 year! Because of that, this issue will be a little different, as we don't just look back on the month of December, but the entire year! What a year it has been!

-Playing with Visual Effects - Tubeman
-December Games Rapid-fire Reviews - Achie
-Top 10 Games of 2023 - NerdyTeachers
-Developer Interview - LouieChapm
-Developer Interview - LokiStriker
-Apskeppet: Year in Review - Johan Peitz
-Curated Games Library - NerdyTeachers
-Outstanding Outliers - KumaKhan22
-Pixel Art Gallery and Interview - SaKo
-The Past and Future of Pico-View - Nerdy Teachers
-Closing Remarks

Read it here:

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Jebediah Peppermint - The Gun Wizard


Hi I'm Wash, 👋

I'm making small games based on every player character in the actual play D&D podcast, The Winged Badger Tavern that I play in.

In this game you play as my first character, Jebediah Peppermint, the molefolk gun-wizard who spits fire and fires spit. You'll fly through the sky atop your trusty blunderbuss 'Big Boy' and shoot down the evil forces of The Brightworld Company.

Watch live Monday's at 8:00pm EST

Cart #jeb_gunwizard-5 | 2024-02-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

The gameplay is based on Lazy Dev's Academy shmup tutorial

Shoot baddies to fill your ammo. Use your ammo to fire BIG BULLETS and get a high score!

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Cart #polartug-0 | 2024-01-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA




This is just a demo, and I'm sort of tired of sprite-stacking. These past few months have been kind of rough on me, and I honestly can't make this into the game I was planning...

Thx for clicking/playing! Love you guys!


Marina Makes - https://twitter.com/MarinaMakes


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