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Cart #yakuripepi-0 | 2024-01-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Some fun game :)


so, how does it work? you may ask.

well right now, i have the map editor

and you can do this:


but why?

because im bored


Cart #dreamz-0 | 2023-12-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

What is this?

This is a short cute lil' game about a tiny cat visiting its dream(z). This game has three quick mini-games to play, from math problems, to a chase sequence. This was made for the GW Game Jam #2, and was made in Pico - 8 under 7 days. The music was made by Gruber Music and the dialogue system used was DTB made by Oli414.

How do I play?

The game is incredibly simple. The controls are:

Left / Right / Up / Down Arrow Keys -> Move

X / V / N -> Do action

Z / C / M -> Hold while moving to move faster. Press to advance through text.

(Also, Itch.io link)

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Quiet Helix

You are agent Casey Quiet of the Office of Unbordered Nations (OUN). The OUN has sent you to an unregistered base in the Arctic circle which has been rumored to be performing genetic tests on human subjects. These subjects have been taken against their will by Leader Bank, a former scientist in the United States Navy.

Your mission consists of 3 main tasks.
1: Recover all genetic vial samples of Bank's tests.
2: Rescue or dispose of any living test subjects.
3: Eliminate Leader Bank by any means necessary.

Be careful while exploring the base. Intel suggests Bank has installed electric fences and security cameras to defend against exactly what you are doing, and our infrared scanners have also detected a number of landmines in the vicinity.

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I have a handheld device (RG351V) that runs Pico 8 and Splore. I like to browse Splore at home while connected to Wi-Fi and Favorite games that I like. When I do that, some games are playable even offline, but some are not and give the error "could not connect to BBS."

I am not doing any special steps like downloading the cart manually. Some just seem to randomly work offline without me doing anything. Can anyone help me figure out what's going on? I'd like to play them all offline as easily as possible.

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I'm new to Pico-8 hi


Cart #santasfulfillmentcenter-0 | 2023-12-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


A collaboration from tinyevilwizard and OhCurtains!


Silly sidescrolling puzzle action! Save this year's good girls and boys! Help Santa's wind-up toys to reach their wrapping by controlling this factory's crazy contraptions.

Click on a contraption to turn it on or off. But watch out!! Turning one on uses some of your power, and you only have so much.

How many toys can you help reach their boxes?



Left Click -> Select / Confirm
Right Click -> Cancel / Open Menu


🅾️ -> Select / Confirm
❎ -> Cancel / Open menu


OhCurtains -> Code, Music
tinyevilwizard -> Code, Sprites

Sleigh Ride originally by Leroy Anderson

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Cart #cube_sandbox-0 | 2023-12-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I'm not quite sure what to do with this, now that I made it...

Any ideas?


Hi, complete noob here trying to work on my first game. Sorry if this has been asked before!

A friend of mine offered to do the soundtrack and handle all the sfx, but he lives in another state.

How do I go about letting him collab with me? I need him to he able to get into the code editor and all that.

Thank you (:

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Cart #pukpamako-2 | 2023-12-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA




Snow White and the Seven Boards

Cart #snowwhiteandthe7boards-0 | 2023-12-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Can you traverse the seven boards and reach the seven dwarfs in this dwarfs in this epic adventure? Join Snow White and her mystical band of animals as you face perils unbeknownst to the movie-boardgame-videogame-adaptation genre up until now!
(There are only 4 boards)
(Produced hastily for an open-ended school project)

Playing the Game


Use left and right arrow keys to navigate menus and Z to select. The down arrow key is exclusively used when placing cards to stop placing them.


Throughout the game you will collect a variety of cards. Each card has 4 statistics:
Health - Card gets removed from the playing field when at 0 health.

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Cart #kunarafupi-1 | 2023-12-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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Cart #cuberot-0 | 2023-11-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This interactive cube rotator is an accompaniment to the Introduction to 3D article in the November Pico-View issue.


  • Up/Down: Select next/previous parameter
  • Left/Right: Incrase/decrease parameter value
  • Z: Randomize the parameter values
  • X: Toggle hiding/showing the text

Description of parameters:

  • xrot/yrot/zrot: The rotation around the x/y/z axis
  • xoff/yoff/zoff: The cube's x/y/z offsets (i.e. a translation transformation)
  • zoom: The camera's z offset
  • cam: Intensity of animated camera movement along the x,y & z axes
  • sprd: How spread out are the points in the cube

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Cover Art by Mikesta

Pico-View November 2023 Issue #11 is here!

We have had a some amazing releases this month and this Pico-View issue has some incredible insights to learn all about them! There's also a couple special announcements and reveals that we've been keeping hush hush, so I hope you enjoy!

Here's the lineup of Content:

-Interviewing the PICO-8 Community - Pico-8 Gamer
-PICO-8 HTML Templates - Fletch
-Featured Game Review: Vial Varmits - Achie
-BAS: Birds and Saws Demake - Yokoboko
-Introduction to 3D - Tubeman
-The Best PICO-8 Games? - Nerdy Teachers
-The Spectre of Game Design - Pancelor
-Random Reviews - New Release Recommendations
-Advanced Token Saving - Lokistriker
-Outstanding Outliers: To Hell & Back in 30 Years - KumaKhan22
-The Spatial Audio of Demi Daggers - RidgeK
-Toy Box Jam 2023 - ThatTomHall
-Pico-8 Advent Calendar - TheTomster

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Cart #mini-0 | 2023-11-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

REALLY small game made as a tweetcart, but i couldnt compact it enough so ill just put it here.

Feel free to steal this if you want to try compacting it!


Cart #only30ships-1 | 2023-11-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Only 30 Ships est un mini jeu shoot 'em up ou il faut empêcher 30 vaisseaux de franchir la frontière, 4 rangs sont atteignables selon le niveau de passage des vaisseaux !

Gauche / Droite / Haut / Bas pour avancer

X pour Tirer

O/C en Menu

Entrée pour quitter / reset

Bonjour à tous !Voici mon deuxième mini-jeu fait sur pico-8.

Fait sur la base du tuto Shooter j'ai rajouter un système de vie/rang/objectif/multi-langue, évidemment le jeu est rapide à finir et pas super original mais j'ai pris du plaisir à le faire !


Cart #combopool60fps-0 | 2023-11-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A 60FPS remaster of NuSan's Combo Pool game from 2016 which also includes new sound effects

A link to the original game for credit and description purposes:https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=21515#p

It's pool, but you combine two of the same colored balls to change the ball's color. How long can you survive?

Warning: Game does not save scores.


Cart #simons_skull-0 | 2023-11-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This prototype was made for Pico-View, a monthly web-zine hosted on NerdyTeachers.com.

This month's prototype is named "Simon's Skull". It is a template for building your own game similar to the original Simon game/toy.

This prototype has a couple interesting features to learn from:

1) Custom Color Palette; using a mix of the default and hidden colors.
2) Game States; A clear separation of the computer's turn and the player's turn.

The game has the same rules as the original, where you listen and watch the buttons being played by Simon (the computer) and then you have to repeat them back in the same order. Use the arrow keys to play the pattern. We added our own theme to the game by making it look like a skull and crossbones and that can be taken farther such as using this as a minigame for unlocking chests in a main pirate themed game.

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I’m trying to make my own console using pico-8, but I’m have an unfathomably hard time trying to get it to work. I’ve tried using the official Pi os, and that didn’t work (and I used both 32 and 64 bit) and I’ve tried on Xubuntu using the Linux 32 and 64 bit downloads. And still it doesn’t work. I’ve scoured the internet and haven’t been able to find anything to help. Literally any help will be appreciated.


Cart #yadihabuje-1 | 2023-11-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


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