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Cart #dither-0 | 2023-12-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #mnswpr-1 | 2023-12-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Classic minesweeper.

Arrow keys to move cursor.
O to uncover a tile
X to mark with flag or ?
press both to uncover around a flagged tile

Or use mouse
Left click to uncover a tile
Right click to mark with flag or ?
Middle click to uncover around a flagged tile


Cart #monobeam-0 | 2023-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #ripple_3d-0 | 2023-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Just sharing with a friend.

Up/Down: amplitude of the ripple
Left/Right: frequency of ripples
Z/X: camera angle

Click "Code â–½" in the bottom toolbar to view the code


Cart #pico_pad-0 | 2023-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A PICO-8 gamepad! Inspired by Big Daddy Fatkeys by dw817 (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=123567#p) and is a remake of my old project from my old account which I don't remember the name of. :P

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A festive invite for all!

Learn effects and techniques used in demo effects with the Tiny Code Christmas tutorials and online community...

Cart #tcc_2023_invite-0 | 2023-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Running Over 12 days, from tomorrow, Monday 11th to the 22nd of December.

I hope to see some PICO-8 folks come out to play, or follow the #LovebyteTCC hashtag :)

Mastodon: https://graphics.social/@lovebyteparty/111552228392808149

On the X formerly known as Twitter: https://x.com/lovebyteparty/status/1733575648562516107?s=20


Cart #pabogiruwu-0 | 2023-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a Zelda mod of "Alpine Ascent", originally created by @TylerRDavis. Have fun :)


↑/↓: climb up/down
x: Jump
c: eat Stamella Shroom
When your stamina bar runs out, you can't jump or cling to walls. You can replenish stamina by landing on the ground, or eating a Stamella Shroom. Stamina wheels will increase your max stamina.

Changes & Features

-Now it runs in 60fps
-The character has been replaced by Link
-Green coins have been replaced by stamella shrooms
-Gold coins have been replaced by stamina wheels
-Added little BOTW music + Zelda title screen music

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\/v latest release

Cart #capsule_v_2_1-0 | 2023-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

little physics thingie

c/[o] to jump
left, right to move left and right

A simple physics thingie i whipped up last night. It's nowhere near done but i hope to work on it more. keep in mind that it's pretty bashed together atm and really just a proof of concept.

this system atm just uses regular aabb collision aswell as using the tilemap

I know physics in pico has been done manymany times before but i think i can learn from making this

Todo :

  • pushable colliders
  • better entity system
    • composition based

Updates :

  • v2
    • better floorcheck function
    • added basic moving platform mechanics
  • v2.1

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Cart #tombliboo_tiles-0 | 2023-12-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Tombliboo Tiles: a little music toy made for my toddler. Move around on the screen and press the buttons to make music.


Cart #cookiecrumbler-0 | 2023-12-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cookie Crumbler

A small arkanoid clone where you help a cow try and get home


I spend an embarrassing amount of my time playing around splore and awhile back a lot of people were putting out
brick-break clones. There's a moment in brick-break where you have one brick left and you spend a lot of time trying to
get the last brick. I wanted to make a brick-break/arkanoid like game where you wouldn't have to deal with that
frustrating last-brick moment.

My Solutions

I tried to solve the goal two ways: ball direction based on where it hit the paddle and creating a explosion that moves
across the screen taking 1 hit off of every cookie hit.

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Tiny Tactics Postmortem

A few months ago I discovered PICO-8 and decided to make a game for it. It was a nice experience, and I'm proud of this little turn based, tactics / puzzle game. I'll try to summarize below how I made Tiny Tactics.

I didn't have much spare time to devote to this project (maybe 5 to 10 hours a week), but I think it went pretty smooth. I spent exactly 3 months making the game (from purchasing a license for PICO-8 to exporting the final version of the cart).

You can play the game and download the cart here.

I have also created a project on GitHub. It contains:

  • source code before flattening / compression;
  • spritesheet and map exports;
  • a standalone HTML version;
  • binaries for Windows, Mac, Linux and Raspberry Pi;
  • a walkthrough: GIFs I recorded using PICO-8, showing my solutions for each level;

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This cart has devkit mode enabled and requires a mouse and keyboard.
It's intended to be run locally; not all feature work correctly in the web player.

A simple path editor for creating animation paths for game objects. The paths created are simple interpolated paths not bezier or similar curves. The path is guaranteed to pass through all of the control points. You don't have as much control over the exact shape of the path but you can still get some pretty nice results.

Cart #animation_path_editor-0 | 2023-12-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


  • Save and Load path files in a binary format to .p8 files so they can be easily changed later.

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Cart #skle-0 | 2023-12-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my Game Off 2023 jam submission (theme was "Scale").

Skle is a puzzle and strategy game about numbers on 3 different scales: 1s (numbers 1-9), 10s (numbers 10-99) and 100s (numbers 100-999).

How to play

The game starts with a table full of numbers and is played through rounds. Each round has 2 stages:

  • Transform: You'll select one of the 3 available arithmetic operations (e.g. "+100", "/2", "x10"), which will be applied to every number on the table. This, in turn, will result in a new set of numbers. Some of them might go out of scale and will be removed. When the round ends, a new random operation will replace the one you chose.

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Cart #ssurodofo-0 | 2023-12-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Jump the Clock

This is my first PICO-8 game. You play as a fly and avoid the clock handles while collecting berries to get a high score. Post your highest score below! (mine is 520)


hi I got a copy of this console for a course coming up, however when I load it the controller does not map to player one?

with the input display script from help pages with pico8 binary the control pad will map to player 2 and with pico8_dyn the controller will map to player 1 (index 1?)

I have changed the index value in config also added an sdl mapping for the controller.

is there a way to specify which controller the pico8 will run for primary input?

I have run the binary with -joystick x applied, however it does not define first controller?

thanks, appreciate any help.

UPDATE: controller works on web pico8 consoles however sound is messed up. not sure why the controller will not work on desktop.


Cart #loopinglarceny-3 | 2024-05-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Rumors are abound of a diamond hidden beneath the surface. Curious as you are, you've decided to check things out for yourself. Time in the cave appears to function strangely- you can only spend so much time in there before being forced back to the surface. Can you retrieve the diamond before time runs out?

Special thanks to AbyssalMari who did the sprites and music for this game.


  • December 8, 2023 (Again!): Fixed a small visual bug

  • December 8, 2023: Fixed bug where player can reset while grabbing the rope

  • December 5, 2023: Initial Release

Cart #pizzapanicwaddles_1-0 | 2023-12-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Follow the arrows and deliver as many pizzas as possible before time runs out, and avoid other cars!

This is a Crazy Taxi like game about delivering pizzas. I had a lot of fun rendering the buildings and cars.


  • C/Up : forwards
  • X/Down : backwards
  • Left/Right : Steer left and right

Be warned, the collision physics are a bit finicky sometimes.
Some code is a bit messy, and I'm all out of tokens.

Hope you have fun!

Whoever can tell me what the music is inspired by gets a cookie (it's pretty obscure).


Cart #catspin_v0-0 | 2023-12-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

You ever feel like spinning the wheel as a cat? no? Well if you ever do, you can play this game.

Hold X to charge up for a spin. Move around and interact with the few NPCs. Try for a high score. House head man will give you a free spin or reset for you if you scratch him enough.

Very much a work in progress, the plan is to have unique events for each pie slice, more NPCs and some progression as you're able to get better scores.

Thought I'd share this early version in case anyone wanted an example of a spin-the-wheel mechanic. It was not trivial for me to implement! Most of my attempts blew the CPU through the roof and 60 fps was just a dream. Simply drawing lines from a center point out in a circle leaves many holes and jaggies and is slow. TLINEs are even slower sadly. Had to fill a whole square and mask it with CIRCs but I'm very happy with the performance now!

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I tried using flip() but it was a very small delay. I dont want to use time() because doing it that way is very complicated. Is there any other way to make a pause.

\132 is the scattered dot emoji. \129 is the checkerboard emoji. \128 is the horiz rectangle emoji.\146 is the star emoji. I want a pause between every cycle of the for loop

this is my code:

for i=1,4 do
 if (i==1) then
  print("\132\132\132 \132\132\132",36,63,7)
 if (i==2) then
  print("\129\129\129 \129\129\129",36,63,7)
 if (i==3) then
  print("\128\128\128 \128\128\128",36,63,7)
 if (i==4) then
  print("\146game over\146",36,63,7)

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