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Cart #minisweeper-9 | 2023-11-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #zokorimoro-0 | 2023-11-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I made a part of the Space Harrier Main Theme on PICO-8.
I wonder the music makes noise on playing.
How do I fix it?😢


Hi, I am new to pico 8 and am using the education edition. I wanted to try and mess around with multicarts, both playing others and making my own, though I really dont know how. Does anyone know how to load multicarts in education edition?


Cart #othello-0 | 2023-11-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Finally decided to take a crack at making pico8 games!

Decided to start with an adaptation of one of my favorite board games.


  • Move cursor with up,down,left,right
  • Place pieces on legal tiles with X
  • Change cpu opponents in pause menu (3 available!)
  • Enable 2 player in pause menu (play alternates between players on same controls)
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Cart #bakery-1 | 2023-11-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

you got a good gig so... uh merge 2 identical tiles with 🅾 and arrow keys, and randomize the tile with ❎ for -$1


Cart #simiyuhomu-1 | 2023-11-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

My first computer (Fujitsu FM-7, in the early 80s) had a BASIC command called 'symbol()', which allowed drawing text as graphics instead of print() to character RAM. It was incredibly slow (I could watch it draw from the top to the bottom) and could only do integer ratio zoom, but we absolutely loved the command...
This small snippet is my attempt to revive it in PICO-8.

EDIT: I've added 'scale_x' and 'scale_y' parameters. When given negative values, the text is flipped.


Cart #magic-0 | 2023-11-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


this cart can detect if you are on bbs/SPLORE or on pico-8 editors.

Basically, it detects if you've loaded the cart from online, or have it locally saved. the only way to load from online is from bbs/splore, so its easy to assume its one of the two.

How this works:

Pico-8 carts can use ls() to get a list of files in the current directory. online-loaded carts have no access to the filesystem and bbs has no filesystem, so in those cases ls is returned as NIL. when the cart is saved, only possible on a pico-8 editor, ls() returns as " " or whatever files you have in your carts dir. this cart detects what platform you are on by checking if ls() is equal to nil or not nil, then doing something accordingly.

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An arcade style psudo-3D space sim shooter.

Explore space, protect the galaxy, and take down cosmic terrorists in this thrilling sci-fi adventure!


Update 1.06
Game balancing

Update 1.05
Added ship to title screen

Update 1.04
Fixed bug allowing continue without save state, resulting in crash

Update 1.03
Minor UI updates

Update 1.02
Added Logo

Update 1.01
Minor UI formatting.


Cart #pongwithbillyandbilly1-2 | 2023-11-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

New features:

New and original news
Now you can control player_1 with x and o

New news coming soon!


I bought the full version of Pico 8. Trying to search for celeste and other titles in splore but nothing comes up. Works on the website when searching. Any ideas?

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Cart #ripimasazi-2 | 2023-11-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello all, newbie here.

This is a flappy bird clone with some added spices.
It's my first attempt at pico 8 development and learning about pico 8.
while making this game, I had in mind the targeted audience to be someone
running a retro emulation machine with Retro-pie, batocera, etc... with
controllers for multi-player experience.

nonetheless, thanks for checking out my game!

(1 or 2 player mode)
x : Normal Hop
o or "up" : Quicker upward Leap (energy consumption)
"down" : Quick dive (energy consumption)

x : fly - boost, speeds up movements (drains energy bar quickly)

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Cart #katnamag_pong-4 | 2023-11-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I made this as game #1 of The 20 Games Challenge​. It's my first PICO-8 game and I'm not really a retro gamer/coder. I'm sure it could be better, but like...

​It's Pong, you know? If you have feedback on doing things better I'd love to hear it! Or better yet, a link to a really well executed Pong that I can learn from :D


how do i access gpio and how does it work like is 0x5f85 the 5th pin or the 6th pin how the heck do i count in decimals why is there a face on my wal-

(i don't actually own a pi i'm just trying to code for one)

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Hello friends! I'm attempting to implement replay functionality in PICO-8. (e.g. re-watching your last race in a racing game) I started by changing my update function, so that instead of invoking game actions directly, they are added to a command queue. Imagine something like this:

function move_player(x, y)
	-- move ZIG for great justice

function update_game()
	if btnp(➡️) then
		add_cmd(move_player, {1, 0})
        -- other input handling here


An entry in the queue is a function, parameters (passed as a table), and the frame that the command was added (e.g. 23). At the end of the update function I execute everything in the queue that is scheduled for the current frame. process_commands uses an index to track where the next command is, and increments the index whenever it executes one. To replay a game, all I have to do is reset my game state and command queue the index to 1, and run my game engine against the already-populated command queue. So far so good, easy enough to implement and it's working fine.

The next thing I thought was how I could use this to run a demo mode for the game. I play the game, I somehow persist the command queue, and use it to drive the demo mode. So now I need to persist this command queue outside of the Lua runtime. My first thought was looking into serialization of data in Lua, but if I understand Lua correctly I'd be serializing the same functions over and over, and it looks like I don't have access to string.dump anyways.

My best idea now is creating a table that keys the string value of my function names on the various game action functions, and add some code to add_cmd to actually build a string of Lua code that will re-create my table. Seems kinda derpy but it would work, and does require me to change the name table if I change or add game actions.

Another alternative would be to record the raw input data for every frame and re-write my input handling code so that exactly where the input data is coming from is abstracted. Then my data is just a bunch of booleans that are easily serializable, but I hate this because now I'm tracking way more data than I care about, and it makes handling actual user input while the replay is running less straightforward.

How would you approach implementing replay functionality in PICO-8?

I'm a lifelong programmer but very new to game development, feel free to criticize / correct as you see fit, you won't hurt my feelings! I love learning.


Hey there!

I was wondering if there is a way to clear some specific Pico-8 game data (save state) when it's played through the Lexaloffle web player. I can clear all things Lexaloffle in the browser, but that would delete my progress in every game, not just one.


Cart #timknauf_gatecrasher-1 | 2023-11-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Flight! Finesse! Friendship?!

Kaito is on a mission. He's got a brand-new pair of jetboots. He's snuck himself a pass to the finest spacegate network of 30XX. And if he can reach the other side…

…he might even make a friend.


It's been a while, but I'm very pleased to present my second PICO-8 release! This one is very different to Signed by '89, with a whole different genre and set of constraints. It's the first arcade-style game that I've made, and I learned a lot.

How to play

Fly through gates with ← and → arrow keys.

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Cart #abysmal_ascent-2 | 2023-11-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Abysmal Ascent is a platformer with roguelike elements. You play as a desperate mage, trapped deep underground and determined to escape the treacherous depths. Harness your arcane powers, overcome deadly enemies, and face off against formidable foes as you ascend through procedurally generated environments.

Can you make it to the surface?


  • X: cast spell to fly
  • Y: shoot a spell
  • Y + arrow up: shoot upwards a more powerful spell able to break ground


  • 2 boss fights
  • 3 different environments
  • 6 different enemies with unique abilities
  • 11 unique powerups

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v0.5 Updated 3rd Dec 2023 - 2 players and some more levels

This is my first go at a Pico-8 game. Loving the Pico-8 and have learned a lot over the last couple of weeks.

V0.2 - Updated to include weapon power ups that give you faster firing rates
V0.4 - TANKS!!! cleaned up sounds. Extended music. Refactored map ready for multiple levels.
v0.5 - 2 Player option, 5 levels (then stops rather abruptly!), boats, homing missiles, water level, adjusted difficulty

Shoot the puny humans...

Pick up power ups for faster fire rate...

Save the animals for points and health boost...

How to play

Objective: Destroy the puny humans
Increase health by picking up the animals by flying low to the ground.
Increase fire rate by picking up Crystals
Increase speed by picking up stars

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Cart #possiblyendlessgolf-0 | 2023-11-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Possibly Endless Golf Demake

This is a demake of Possibly Endless Golf

I've always wanted to write a procedurally generated game and love chilled out golf games. This did actually start as a pico-8 project but I couldn't get the level generation correct so I moved to Monogame as I have more experience with C#. Once I finished my first Steam release. I thought I'd come back and finish what I started, now that I understood how to generate levels.

Aim of the game is to get the ball in the square hole.

left/right to move the direction arrow
up/down to modify the power bar

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Symptoms: the mouse drifts right on Firefox (only)

How to reproduce:

  • export demo cart as an html page
  • publish page on itch.io (or equivalent)
  • run game on Firefox (MacOS or Windows - Linux is fine)
  • notice mouse x-drifting

Note: does not occur when game is run locally
Note: does not occur when game is run fullscreen using the Pico8 button
Wild guess: suspect a Firefox bug regarding mouse coordinates and iframes?

Test cart:


function _init()

function _update()

function _draw()


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