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I'm not seeing anyway to get rid of carts once they are uploaded. I accidentally uploaded a wrong version and then have been trying to find a way but I don't see it.

Are they just permanently on here?

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Created by VirtuaVirtue, TroubledKarma56, and me!

Cart #cell_027-2 | 2023-10-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

CELL, eliminate all hostile entities.

You are a tiny robot named CELL-027. You must explore an unfamiliar world, ridding it of all contamination. All the while, making your way towards the CENTRAL ORGAN… will what you find be broken beyond repair?


This game uses a mouse-based control scheme. Click any point on your screen to shoot an enemy-killing biograpple.

Music (primarily) by me.

This is my second game developed with VirtuaVirtue. TroubledKarma was in the mix too, which was good for some art or to be the tiebreaker between me and Virtua's passionate arguments. This game was also made for the Cre8 game jam, hosted by Pico-8 Gamer and Sign. Definitely check that out!

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If you post anything and go to the "posts" tab in your profile, it always shows at least one comment! (on PC)

I think this is because the number of "comments' shown, really is the number of posts in the thread, and the "thread" starts at your posts "title", and everything below it is a "comment", or a post in the thread.

An easy fix for this, @zep, is instead of displaying the length/how many posts there are in the thread, just change it to be posts_in_thread-1, or whatever your var names are. If it doesn't just work like that, then you can make a new var called something like "num_of_comments_in_thread" and set it to the number of posts in thread minus one, and display that instead of posts in thread.


Ever noticed that when you load an old cart, sometimes it won't load because of API changes? You can see this for yourself if you try loading the popular cart "rougeris". After rougeris's release, 'do' was changed to not work with 'if' and vice versa. On desktop, fixing this is as easy as replacing 'do' with 'then', but on mobile or bbs, not as easy.

Now for the meat of this argument:

Why not make it so that old carts use an older version if pico-8? This doesn't need to be updated for every old cart, but maybe, when you submit a bbs cart from when/if this is changed to an API freeze, the bbs logs what version your cart uses, and when loaded, grabs a specific version of p8, loads it, then runs the cart in it, that would eliminate the possibility of future obsolete carts!

There's really no excuse not to do it, or not to even consider it. Every version of p8 (minus the mysterious "rc") is available to p8 owners on the download page under older versions.


Cart #ghostpatrol-2 | 2023-10-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Oh no, ghosts are approaching the town!

Mayor Wombledon has begged ALFREDO THE GHOUL BANISHER to team up with THE WILY WIZ to protect the town. Can they put aside their differences and work together, or will evil spirits devour the populace?


  • Arrow keys: move
  • Z: swap heroes
  • Enter/P: pause (level select, volume controls)
  • X: next level


  • 1 night protected: You have the villagers' sincere gratitude 🙏
  • 5 nights protected: The villagers are beginning to hope again 😭
  • 10 nights protected: Valiant Heroes 🏆
  • 40 nights protected: Local Deity 🤯


  • Alfredo can dig up graves with his fearsome claws.

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Cart #cowpie-0 | 2023-10-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #squashyjek-0 | 2023-10-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my first project after reading the fanzine. Will try the train next. Ultimately I want to be able to make a game every week hopefully. Here's to my coding journey.


Cart #fewegkdi-0 | 2023-10-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #grave_danger-1 | 2023-11-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Controls: Arrow keys to move, hold X to dig graves beneath coffins.

The souls of the dearly departed must be laid to rest, grave digger. Dig graves for coffins or risk losing your sanity as the cacophony of the dead swells around you. Be careful not to get lost amongst the tombstones.

Originally made for Ludum Dare 54 and HORRORJAM 2023. Killing two birds with one stone. Horrific!

Version history:

•Ludum Dare 54 Compo version
•tweaked popup display for adjacent coffins
•popups stay on screen longer
•made ghosts more dangerous
•slowed popups
•added progress bar to title instructions

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Cart #qftms-2 | 2023-10-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Legend says an ancient blade with the power to banish evil lies in this uninhabited land. Explore mountains, plains, lakes, and caverns in your search for the hidden Shrine of Illusion which guards the blade, and strengthen yourself by seeking out all seven heart containers scattered throughout the land. Godspeed, hero!


Arrow keys - Move
X button - Search solid tiles above you for secret passages

Entry for Pico1K jam 2023 using <=1024 compressed bytes


s="も³ン▥ホ▥ン」ホ」ン。もᵉちちも²し」ˇ」ˇ」ˇ▥し▥<ᵉちちむ⌂>3シぬCひSほC3b⌂ちちむち>はシ4C4S3Cはbちちちそむち🅾️◜に³てそッち█+マゆ?P¹tんUコツレWョュエユれ\0@◝よつjつjつjつjつjつjVU◝よつjつjつjつjつjつjVUちち²ち²そ\nき²そ²ちちちちちちちちちちちちちちむUレ\0ユちむたちすちあちjちちたちすちあちjちjちあちすちたjちあちすちたちちちちちむちちちちちちなちちちち❎ち❎ち❎ち❎ちしちしなしちしち"for i=0,895 do

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=135322#p)

Cart #fastadezo-0 | 2023-10-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

You are Beach Sign Cop! Your goal is to remove any rule-breaking beach-goers from the beach so that the occupancy does not go over the limit.

This is my first published PICO-8 game, I created it for Ludum Dare 54 so I can better learn how to make games with it. I hope you all like it! Included on Tab D is a Rust program that I wrote during the compo that encodes images into a lua table that can be decoded and drawn later. It's not perfect (probably should have it as a string so it doesn't eat up all the tokens :L ) but it got the job done for the compo.

Have fun! Please leave feedback if you can :D

Ludum Dare Page: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/54/you-are-beach-cop-sign


Need help: how to set up pico-8 editor in Trimui Smart handheld device?

1 comment

Cart #moon_miner_2580-0 | 2023-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Look, I’m not exactly pleased to be here either, but this much of that green ore is too good to turn up. Yes, the moon is increasingly unstable but carve as much as you can using the rockerizer, get it back to the tele unit and we’re out of here in an hour. Not the time to be asking why we aren’t sending a bot. If we had the money for one we wouldn’t need to be here. It’s a very decent payday.

Your hazard suit will absorb a fair amount of punishment from the molten rock, but the surface instability means it’s leaking between gaps in the ground. Nothing like a bit of motivation eh? It’ll mean your journey back to the TU will be trickier than the outward trek, so use the nano waypoint device to mark a path back. Anything marked will have a bright yellow glow in your HUD just like the TU. It’s got limited juice though, so go easy. Oh yeah, worth saying - just remember that less rock means more lava.

See you in a bit!

x - start/restart game

arrow keys - move

x - mine rock/ore

z/c - mark waypoint on hard rock


Made for pico1k game jam by Ben Jones using pico8 in 1023 bytes of compressed code. Raycasting engine based on

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Cart #deskstop30-0 | 2023-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Made by Turner Austin in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 54.
Fulfill a hacker's demands to recover the "very important file" before the viruses overwhelm you. All while on the worst operating system ever. DeskStop-30 OS can only have 30 files and 30 windows at once, so good luck.

1 comment

Cart #six_seats_left-0 | 2023-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

In less than 24 hours, the asteroid X-437 Fatalis will collide with Earth, wiping out almost all life. Thousands of rockets are waiting to ferry mankind to the safety of the stars.

You are the captain of one of these vessels. And you have a problem.

There are fifteen people waiting to board... but only six seats left.

Talk to the passengers, then decide who to save and who to leave behind. Some passengers’ fates may change depending on who else you save, so multiple playthroughs are recommended.


Cart #ld54_orbit-3 | 2023-10-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Trying out pico-8 for the first time. Also a ld54 entry.

itch.io page


Cart #overthegardenwallv110bbs-0 | 2024-06-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

= Info =
"Over the Garden Wall (Ep. 1-3)" is a 2D Pico-8 Zelda-inspired adventure game where you play the titular characters introduced to us by Cartoon Network's gem of a mini-series of the same name, Over the Garden Wall. The story spans the first 3 episodes of the show: "The Old Grist Mill", "Hard Times at the Huskin' Bee", & "Schooltown Follies".

This Pico-8 game was completed after on-and-off efforts over 3 years (first commit was Sept '21). The Pico-8 game uses 96.6% of available tokens and 99.99% of the compressed capacity.

= Controls =

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Cart #trickorthree-3 | 2024-02-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Trick or Three

I made this for Halloween 2022 and missed the deadline. Picked it up again a few weeks ago and found a nasty bug. It turned out to be bad code, which I am really good at. I rewrote most of the routines and now it seems to work 😅.

Update #2

Minor overhaul: I updated the cart with some minor fixes:

  • new SFX
  • new title screen
  • deleted some unused stuff
  • minor optimization


Added a routine to detect proper gaps all over the cauldron. Apparently I needed a shitty day at work to come up with this.

How to play

Use the arrow keys or d-pad to move around the cauldron. Hold down x, z or any controller button on a tile and move it around the cauldron with the arrow keys or d-pad. Match at least three tiles of the same type to remove them from the cauldron. But beware: Don"t create gaps in the cauldron! They prevent you from moving tiles around the cauldron and will cost you a life. Try to match as many tiles as possible to refill the cauldron.

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Jam Version

Cart #walled_in-0 | 2023-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Post Jam Version

Cart #walled_in_post-1 | 2023-10-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Use the arrow keys or ESDF to move.
Aim with your mouse and click to shoot.

How to Play

Shoot enemies to increase your combo. As your combo goes up, your space will shrink, and more enemies will spawn. Your bullets can't go outside of your square, so enemies will get dangerously close to you before you can shoot them. You have 3 lives to get the most points you can, so go for the high score, and don't get walled in!

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it is not possible to delete the high-memory with one memset-command

 ?peek(0x8000)-- still 1 / should 2
 ?peek(0xffff)-- still 1 / should 2
 memset(0x8000,2,0x7fff) -- 

the first memset is ignored, because 0x8000 is -1


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