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Cart #ghostpatrol-2 | 2023-10-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Oh no, ghosts are approaching the town!

Mayor Wombledon has begged ALFREDO THE GHOUL BANISHER to team up with THE WILY WIZ to protect the town. Can they put aside their differences and work together, or will evil spirits devour the populace?


  • Arrow keys: move
  • Z: swap heroes
  • Enter/P: pause (level select, volume controls)
  • X: next level


  • 1 night protected: You have the villagers' sincere gratitude 🙏
  • 5 nights protected: The villagers are beginning to hope again 😭
  • 10 nights protected: Valiant Heroes 🏆
  • 40 nights protected: Local Deity 🤯


  • Alfredo can dig up graves with his fearsome claws.
  • The Wiz can swap places with nearly anything.
  • You can change levels freely in the pause menu.
  • Never give up; always fight with your full strength.

1024 bytes, made by pancelor for PICO-1K 2023. Thanks to timp + shrinko8 for compression help!

The layouts were randomly generated, but they don't change. My best times for the first 5 levels are 7 / 11 / 15 / 39 / 41.

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