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Was looking through UFO Swamp Odyssey and saw that they had multiple sprites or sprite pieces per sprite tile. Like how they have 2 pairs of eyes in one sprite tile. And I'm completely clueless as to how they accessed the bottom half of the sprite. I know in the arguments for SPR() you can choose to only use a fraction of a sprite, but it always starts at the top left corner. So how did they only use the bottom half? I looked at the code for a good couple minutes but couldn't find anything and I don't know what this technique is called so I don't know what to search for.

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So I recently had an idea for a pet game on PICO-8 akin to Tamagotchi, or nintendogs. where you take care of pets, and you would use a cursor and buttons. My ideas was to have 2 main areas, one area for just watching and feeding your pets, another for mini games and for training your pet. My idea was once you feed a certain pet enough it would lay an egg and give you more pets My idea for the mini games would be something simple like button mashing or something easy to do. I'll also have to figure out how to make the pets move around on their own (I already have the pet sprites). I'm still pretty new to PICO-8, and have only made short top-down adventure games, so sorry for my lack of knowledge. Comment how you would go about this idea. Thanks!

P.S if I use your code or ideas I'll give you full credit where it's due.

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Cart #empty-1 | 2022-12-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

@bikibird for speako-8

my head for being empty

also the original creator of the meme


how to i export a cart as an image


Cart #ydodawpi-0 | 2022-11-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #bowazejame-0 | 2022-11-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #picobirdgame-2 | 2022-11-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Almost finished still need to polish this game more


Hi all,
I'm still working on a better version of my first game, Alien Invaders.

I make a map, add new features, like bonus dropped by dead ennemis, 3 levels and one boss lvl, 4 differents ennemis type, life persistance bettewen level and more...
I want to make 3 more level but with another gameplay, more like a space shooter, but that's mean i have to make a lot of new things to spawn ennemis, make their mouvement, fire...

And i wonder if it would be better to make a full new game rather than make one big game with two different gameplay...

Wath's your thoughts ?


Hello everyone !

This is my first post on my blog !
I hope i continu to inform you of the futur project !

Stay tuned !


Cart #picochar-0 | 2022-11-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Connect 3 or more shapes with similar colors or numbers, and watch the points rack up!

(will update when 1.0.0 comes out)


Cart #maruuhhelloo-0 | 2022-11-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Just re-uploading my first program. :D


-based on "hello.p8" by zep


im gunna off pico 8 for a while to work on asumthing


YouTube introduced user handles recently (somewhere around September/November 2022), making it possible for channels of any follower count (not just 100+) to have the username which starts with "at" ("@") character. For example this is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/@beetrootpaul

Sadly, Lexaloffle BBS profile doesn't allow to use "@", since it is just removing it: I type "@beetrootpaul" and save, then it changes to "beetrootpaul". In result URL of my YouTube channel is broken on BBS – it points to https://youtube.com/beetrootpaul

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I just wanted to make a quick summary of what content foxpedition is going to have:

4-5 Levels: depends on if i have enough space.
A collectible in every level
A new "gimmick" in every level
A timer
Some funky beats/ background noise
A good but simpple story
Very responsive character controller
And last but not least: JUICE!!!


Hello. It's been a while, but i didn't do nothing! I am working on the third stage right now, and im trying to make the world more varied. I've come up with a story, and added spikes. I also created ramps so the platforms can have more natural shapes. And the checkpoint-statues are now broken before you use them.


Can someone please help me. I am following lazy devs' breakout tutorial and I am having trouble
getting the bricks to work. I think the problem is my definition of the box variables but if I remove them the game breaks.


I'm working on a game using procedural generation and although the game is nowhere near done I thought the generation technique itself was interesting enough on its own to post about.

Rather than try to explain it myself I'll just send you to someone who already has, better than I likely could. BorisTheBrave: Graph Rewriting for Procedural Level Generation

Instead, I'll just share some of my initial results. The general idea is to generate the "big picture" details first and then successively refine them to build a fleshed out so the levels generated here are shown at 1/8 scale. Eventually every pixel in these maps will expand to be one tile at full scale with additional generation filling in the fine details along the way.

Cart #nisofunajo-0 | 2022-11-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

[ Continue Reading.. ]


A few days back @dw817 posted a thread about the number of possible combinations in 256 bytes in which they asked:

> Is there a way to calculate 256^256 ?

And knowing there are all sorts of tools and languages which can handle such huge numbers I cheekily posted the answer and caused a bit of a derail.

Anyway, I had some time on my hands so I figured I'd implement large number support for Pico-8.

Cart #jd_bignum-1 | 2022-11-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Edit: Fixed a bug in divide()

Is this likely to be of use to anybody? Probably not. Is it major overkill? You betcha! Though in fairness, at 706 tokens it came out smaller than I was expecting.


  • bignum(n): Create a 'bignum' with value n which is just a regular Pico-8 number. Most operations require both numbers to be bignums. So bignum(16000)*bignum(1254) but not bignum(16000)*1254.

    bignum() is equivalent to bignum(0)

  • divide(bn): You can use the division and mod operators (/, %) on bignums if you only need one or the other. The divide function returns both the quotient and remainder at once.

    q, r = divide(bignum(3)^16, bignum(2)^15)

  • show(bn): Converts a bignum into its decimal representation as a string.
  • factorial(n): Calculates the factorial of n and returns the result as a bignum. Factorials get very big, very fast so the input to factorial is just a regular number.
  • + - / % ^: Arithmetic operators behave how you would expect. All require both arguments to be bignums with the exception of ^ where only the first argument is a bignum and the second is a regular number. Division is integer division only so bignum(3)/bignum(4)==bignum(0).
  • > >= <= < ==: Comparisons similarly require both arguments to be bignums.


  • The arithmetic operators are all fairly efficent but probably not optimally so.
  • I wasn't taking negative numbers into account at all so I make no promises about what will happen if you try to use them. Maybe it will work! (It probably won't work.)
  • show is extremely inefficient. I'm sure there are better ways to convert very long binary strings to decimal but I'm not familiar with them so this is what I've got. Large numbers (like 52!) may take a bit of time and very large numbers will crash the program as it runs out of memory. (bignum(256)^256 does this, sadly. It calculates the number fine but crashes when you try to convert it.)

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