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Cart #woyfozida-0 | 2022-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #janeksquest01-0 | 2022-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Pan Janek Zielinski was a lowly janitor in Krakow nuclear power plant, whose life consisted of guzzling cheap alcohol and pretending to work hard, until one day he was urgently called to pani Director's office. Turns out, something broke down in the depths below the plant, radiation readings were off the charts, and now the whole city of Krakow was in danger of a nuclear disaster. Director has sent many brave souls to try and fix the problem, but none have returned. Janek nodded silently, grabbed his stuff (of which Director immediately confiscated all alcohol), and bravely descended into the darkness, like the true son of Poland he was...

This is a simple roguelike about resource management. There are four resources:

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Cart #lj_ge-0 | 2022-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Lava Joe is a fun game to play to kill time. Its simple gameplay loop allows you to play it while putting most of your focus on something else, and that's exactly why it's my go-to game to play on the side while doing stuff such as watching YouTube and things like that. However, over time, certain things in the game started to bug me, and while it was fully understandable that the game wasn't the most polished thing in the world as it was made for a game jam, I still had a little voice in me telling me to change it to my likings. And so, recently, I did just that.

The main issue that bothered me was the fact that all enemy types give the same amount of points(50). To me, this makes no sense as the later enemies prove to be quite a pain to deal with before the lava flood gets you. As such, I have modified the system so that starting with the snake, each new enemy would give an extra 25 points for its defeat. So, the little blue guy is still 50 points, the snake is 75, etc.

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X for shoot
Arrow keys for move

Cart #futanidpe-2 | 2022-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

1 comment

Cart #scmbios-1 | 2022-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I am planning on making a game where you try to discourage a
cold war era computer that's gone rogue from launching an ICBM

The following cart showcases the fake bios I made for it.
Changing colors is now possible by using arrow keys.
Please give feedback so I can improve this "bios"


Cart #shooterpbesstudio-0 | 2022-08-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Shooter is our first game coded with PICO 8 and the help of many programmers from the internet.

Following the destruction of your planet and the disappearance of all your loved ones, you must take revenge. Using your laser will cause you to lose life. Try to go to the end of the game.

PBES studio is a duo of very amateur french developers, we currently master the if loop and a little the elseif. We have a multitude of game ideas and if you want to help us make them a reality, please share our game around you.


Cart #cherrybomb-0 | 2022-08-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

How to Play

Cherry Bomb is a basic arcade Shoot 'em up game (Shmup) reminiscent of Space Invaders or Galaga. Pilot your red spaceship to blast your way through 9 waves of attacking aliens. Use the following controls:

  • Arrow keys - Move the ship
  • (X) - Shoot
  • (O) - Bomb (Depletes your 🍒. See below)

Shoot the enemies to destroy them. Enemies will attack you. Destroy or avoid all enemies in a wave to proceed to the next wave. There are 9 waves in the game. If you get hit you will lose a ❤️. If you lose all ❤️ you lose the game.


Occasionally, defeated enemies will drop a 🍒 pickup. Collect them to increase the strength of your Bomb. Triggering the Bomb will deplete your 🍒. You cannot use the Bomb if you have no 🍒.

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While you can see here that I've had many suggestions for Pico-8, many of which have come to light:


I was thinking up one this morning called, "spawn."

Very simply you type in immediate mode, spawn followed by the ENTER key and a new Pico-8 is loaded. No need to hunt down in Explorer or click the desktop icon if if it's not immediately available. I think this would be helpful for people such as myself who always has 3-4 Pico-8 frames open and being worked in.

It can have an argument too such as, spawn "project9"

Which would not only bring up a new Pico-8 but additionally load project9 if it is available in the default directory.

The command could instead be, reboot which is already in use. Yet in this if you type reboot 0 or any other non-NIL value, it would bring up a new Pico-8 frame. Reboot could further use a filename such as "project9" above.

This may not be a good idea though as if anyone types reboot without arguments it would reboot the current frame losing the work of whatever was there.

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Cart #qdawg2022-0 | 2022-08-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Happy birthday, Q-Dawg! 🎁

Can't wait to jam with you again!

// Your Main Man Meyer


Cart #strummin_along-0 | 2022-08-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

"Strummin' Along"

280 characters

n,m,t,w,o,l=32,128,0,0,ovalfill,line::_::cls(1)for i=0,n do
for i=16,m do
if(i<20or i>46)l(i,x,i+n,x,c)o(n,48,84,62,0)end
for i=7,n,5 do
w*=.9goto _

Here's a very weird bug I just discovered accidentally.

  • Visit a page with a comment that contains a bullet point list, like this (and possibly a page 1|2 section at the bottom, not sure).
  • Click and drag your mouse to highlight the text.
  • While still holding drag, move your mouse cursor to the right. A horizonal scroll bar will appear along the bottom, apparently equal to the length of the largest line of text in the bullet point list, if there wasn't any word wrapping. It seems very weird but related to the length of the text, so I'm just going to ramble on here for a bit to prove my point. Doesn't seem to work with the post preview though, so maybe this is comment-only.

More funny than anything, tbh. You can see this bug in the wild on this page: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=46706#p

Bug occurs in Chrome on Windows 10.


Especially in tweetcarts, using sub(s,i,i) has always felt like a waste of so many chars, and less intuitive than the standard s[i] in most other programming languages. Also, because of the massive amount of string parsing that happens in Pico-8 for data compression, and the fact that Lua does support this feature with a small amount of work, I'd really like this feature added. chr and ord were a step in the right direction (as previously, these needed two lookup tables generated at startup), but I think with the recent addition of sub(s,i,_), it's clear that a major string parsing use case is missing.

See this link, the implementation of __index that will still support t:func(a) is at the bottom of the page:

Why should this be added to the API though? Unfortunately, the main issue with people implementing this feature themselves seems to be that the basic Lua string library isn't present. getmetatable('') returns nil in Pico-8 code, so you can't assign functions to it. You could assign a custom metatable via setmetatable that re-implements all of the string functionality in every string created, but that would destroy your token count, as it would have to cover concatenation, construction, tostr, etc. And since the carts that usually need this are character limited (tweetcarts and maxed out carts), you don't have the space to do it yourself anyway.

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I'd like to rename the older Pico-8 games that are only labeled as numbers. I know the game name can be seen in the first few lines of code - so I was hoping for an automated method using a script or program or something since there are several thousand of them.



Cart #mahjong-0 | 2022-08-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


I guess most people will already know how to play Mahjong solitaire, but if you don't:

You will be given a pile of tiles. A tile may only be removed when it is possible to move it either to the left or right and no other tile is in the way, and no other tiles covers it either fully or partially. Remove tiles by pairing together same glyphs. Remove every tile to win.

There are four of each tile and they match only a tile with the exact same face. An exception to this are the flowers and seasons which may match any of the others of the same group:




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Cart #squashy-1 | 2022-08-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hello everyone,
this is my new Game, Squashy. It has a special Function, which you can test out.
Right / Left arrow key to move the paddle to the Right or Left
X for a paddle boost
O to start the Game
The Goal of the Game is to hold the Ball over the Bottom. When the Ball comes to the Right/left or Top of the screen, the ball is coming back.
When you see something in the game that is wrong, it would be great, then you me write a comment.
Hope you like this Game.

1 comment

Marking as resolved - this is a "feature" of printh to stop at \0.
Solution to export p8scii to clipboard is given here: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=38692

Repro cart:

Cart #haguramako-0 | 2022-08-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


  • p8scii correctly copies bytes on screen
  • bug: clipboard gets only a truncated command (should be 612 chars)

Note: works as expected if background is not 0


Cart #hakai-3 | 2022-09-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The game's finally released! Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did making it!


HAKAI is a momentum based aerial fighting game that takes cues from Dragonball Z.
Win three rounds to beat your opponent. If the timer runs out, whoever has the lower amount of health wins, and if the players' health are equal it's a draw.

You can choose whatever combination of character, bullet and super type you want. All changing character does is pick your color, though if you're in Practice mode, the character of your opponent matches the AI that character would have in Arcade mode.

Arcade Mode

The 28th HAKAI Tournament has begun! Do you have what it takes to win?

In this mode you can fight four increasingly-difficult AI opponents across the four maps.

Local Versus

Fight against your friend!

The camera is set to zoom out much further to try to keep both players inside the screen at all times.


No time limit and infinite health versus a dummy.

You can use the menu to enable/disable the dummy AI and command info. You will select the dummy's character and skills after confirming yours.


Movement and Jumps

Input left and right with the arrow keys to move on the ground. If you have some speed and input the opposite direction you will skid.

Press Z/C on the ground to jump. If you jump while skidding you will "side jump" which cancels all your horizontal speed.
Hold down before jumping to super jump, adding much more vertical speed. You can also do "super side jumps"!


Press Z/C while airborne to dodge in the direction held with the arrow keys. If no direction is held you will dodge in whatever direction you are moving.

Hold Z/C while a direction is held to fly. This drains energy, but you can still fly when you have none left.
-Flying is a fast movement option and good for covering large distances.


Hold Z/C while no direction is held to charge energy. Charging for longer increases the speed at which energy is gained. You will also slow down and stop moving, even in midair.

Physical Attacks

Press X/V while a direction is held to do a dash.
-The dash will auto track towards the opponent, and will automatically do a strike upon reaching them.
-The direction held will choose the direction of the initial burst of speed.

Hold X/V during a dash to start a heavy dash.
-The heavy strike deals more damage and stun, and launches the opponent much farther.
-The heavy dash gives an addition speed burst and is overall faster, but doesn't track as much making it easier to dodge it.
-During a heavy dash,energy will be drained.
-You cannot start a heavy dash if your energy bar is gray.

If you press X/V while no direction is held you can cancel a dash. You cannot cancel a heavy dash!


Press X/V while no direction is held to shoot a projectile.
-Projectiles auto aim and track on their own. They consume some energy to fire. You cannot fire a projectile without enough energy!
-There are four kinds of projectile: Bullet, Heavy, Sniper, and Track.
-Bullet has a higher fire rate.
-Heavy has a low fire rate but is larger and deals more damage and stun.
-Sniper travels faster than the others.
-Track travels slowly but follows the opponent very well.


Hold X/V while no direction is held and your energy bar is flashing to charge a super!
-There are four kinds of super: Barrage, Nova, Beam, and Bomb.
-All supers interrupt and damage players, even during dash or heavy dash.
-While charging and firing a super you are immune to only projectiles. You are not immune to either kind of dash attack or any super.
-The exception is the Nova attack, which after charged is immune to any other attack, including supers.

-Beam will slow down a Nova.
-Only the "beam" part of Beam has a hitbox. You can flank the beam and strike the opponent's backside.
-If two beams collide they will do a beam clash. This restores energy to both players.


All attacks stun the opponent a varying amount. The amount of stun a player has left is indicated by the combo meter.
-While stunned you cannot do anything! Stunning opponents and combo-ing them is key to doing more damage, so keep this in mind before using a heavy dash and launching the opponent far away.
-If a player hits the ground or the walls while stunned, they will receive more stun. All players bounce off the walls, but you need to hit the opponent hard into the ground to bounce them otherwise they will slide. "Bounces" deal more stun!


All non-super projectiles and regular dashes can be blocked. This is done by holding the direction key opposite to where the attack is coming from.
-Use blocks to gain advantage on an opponent!

General Tips

-You can dodge while doing other attacks. Use this to aim the heavy attack.
-Your speed affects how far you launch an opponent upon doing a strike. Dodge into the opponent right before reaching them to launch them much further!

-The dash is invincible to projectiles. Be aggressive if the opponent is trying to zone you!

-If the opponents hit each other while both are doing a dash, they will bounce off each other.
-If they are in the heavy dash state, they will do a short clash animation before bouncing away. During the animation energy is restored to both players.
-If a player doing a heavy dash hits a player just doing a regular dash, the player doing the heavy dash will get the hit.


Cart #escape_pod-2 | 2022-08-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hi, this is a game in the style of the Gameboy game Resident Evil Gaiden.

It's a work in progress, let me know if/when you get stuck or confused.


Cart #dungeons_and_diagrams-5 | 2022-11-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A Dungeons & Diagrams demake.

Dungeons & Diagrams started as a pen & paper puzzle designed by Zach Barth, followed by a video game version in Last Call BBS.

It’s a nonogram/picross-like game where you fill a dungeon map according to the numbered clues and the monsters and chests’ positions.

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Cart #frog2lake-0 | 2022-08-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

here is a game that i have made 6 hours while i was on the airplane.


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