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You won't be able to use the teleporter (mouse) because it's used to debug, not a part of the game.

Hope you enjoy.

Cart #cc2-4 | 2022-05-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #kareriropo-0 | 2022-05-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #matamunapa-0 | 2022-05-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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Cart #pico_splore_os-1 | 2022-05-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hi everyone. This is a remake of

a few sprites borrowed from (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=111394#p)

-select games, tweetcarts or toold
-filter by any number of tags
-filter instead by author
-mouse controls (switch to keyboard in menu)
-probably many bugs
(if no games fit, the list of games will just be the full list)

if you want to see a game added, post it here


Cart #kobold_compulsion_matrix-0 | 2022-05-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

CW: Mind control subtext, disorienting imagery. (pulsing, strobing, you name it) Some mildly suggestive language.

This is a Rubik's cube that is also a slot machine that is also a roulette wheel that is also an endless runner. It's probably not a TF trigger. That would be ridiculous.


I was exporting a sound for testing and I just did

export .wav

And this made the file ".wav" which is great and all.. But on mac files starting with . are hidden..
So I'm not sure if this is a issue or not but I had to check if it existed with a ls -a
And I guess I'll go delete .wav and .png that are just sitting around...
(Oh! and also forgot to mention since pico takes this . hidden stuff for .DS_Store and such into account I couldn't find it with ls either.)


Cart #dunjon-0 | 2022-05-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #matrix_screen-0 | 2022-05-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is not a game, it's more just a vfx test and my "Hello World" to the bbs

This is a little project I worked on for a couple hours. It uses @Krystman particle effects function as a base but everything else was made by me. I learned a lot of things while making this, like how to use the chr() function.

Thanks for checking this out.


Cart #deathbyballoon-0 | 2022-05-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Use left/right to control Pop Knight. Bounce into balloons to wall jump. Menu to restart or use training mode.

Upon attacking Bouncy Castle, Pop Knight slipped on a puddle left by a fierce water balloon battle, which caused him to fall down the castle wall. Since he still has things to live for, help Pop Knight extend his life as long as possible before he will inevitably meet his untimely demise.

This game was created for Ludum Dare 50 in 72 hours. The theme was Delay The Inevitable. Post your high scores in the comments.
Special thanks to Lazy Devs Academy and Gruber for their tutorials.

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Tscherno Jump

Follow the arrows! Dodge the cats! Avoid the Sawtraps! This game is bloody - bloody diffcult!

Cart #yuyitewaho-0 | 2022-05-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Tscherno Jump is a demake of a game that unfortunately never saw the light of day, by @Asebist and me.

You only need one button, Tscherno and his clones will automatically follow the arrows on the ground, except if you want to jump over them or need to jump an obstacle. Try and figure out the fastest way through the levels!

How to play?

  • collect all coins in a level to finish
  • run into cherries to spawn two clones besides you
  • sometimes you need to lose clones strategically to remove obstacles
  • only one Tscherno needs to survice to score

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Okay this is going to be a hard bug to resolve, because it's tough to pin down. I'm on Win 10 64bit, and for the past few versions of Pico-8, games have been having this input dropping issue every so often. It's definitely in v0.2.4 (original, no b c d), and may be in v0.2.3 or earlier, but the recent stat(28) raw input addition makes me think it started happening around that time.

What happens: you're playing a game normally, then you lose all control for a few seconds. The game is still updating and drawing, but mashing keyboard keys does nothing. I could record the next time it happens, but it's random AND rare, and all you'd see is the game running with the player standing still. After a few seconds, input starts working again.

Why this sucks to debug: not only do you have to be paying active attention to the game, you also don't know when it's going to happen. Sometimes you just think you messed up and pressed the wrong buttons, since it's hard to be sure, and everything is normal after a few seconds. But this is a critical btn/btnp bug that's severely reducing the quality of gameplay, so it needs to be fixed. The best I can do to help is say that I'm playing in windowed mode on the left half of the screen, there are no alerts or Windows messages that might be grabbing focus (as far as I know), and the issues occur long into a gameplay session (sometimes a half-hour or more between drops?).

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I ran into an issue last night and today where a cart isn't saving. I only noticed today when I reopened pico-8 and some changes were missing. Here's the series of events:

  1. Did some work last night
  2. At some point I took a screenshot (F6) and/or made a .gif (F9). I'm a beginner so both of these were the first time I ran these commands ever.
  3. Made a few more changes
  4. Saved without realizing it wasn't saving (maybe I just didn't see the error message)
  5. Closed pico-8 and went to sleep
  6. Woke up today and noticed code was missing the edits (small clunky feature implementation so wasn't worried)
  7. Write some new code - still not realizing it wasn't saving when I pressed CMD+s
  8. Finally noticed it wasn't saving

So at this point I am on a Discord server (Lazy Devs) and asked if anyone had some tips. I got a lot of helpful feedback and tried a bunch of commands. Nothing persisted and the consensus is that it's likely a bug and probably related to permissions (the carts dir has R/W shown for my user account). Some things I tried:

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Is there a way to get pico8 language support AND support for included files within VS Code?

I'm using the pico8-ls extension, which is great, but it doesn't recognise #include files, so I miss out on code completion on functions imported by my .p8 file. If I switch and use the lua language server extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=sumneko.lua I get code recognition of my functions, but not the p8 functions (weirdly the lua language server seems to assume files are included even if they are not, or at least it seems to me it does). I'd ideally like both p8 function recognition from the pico8-ls AND recognition of my included functions. But this doesn't seem possible as of today.

I did note that support for #include files is a planned featured of the pico8-ls function so maybe I just have to wait for that


Cart #flow_smithothy-0 | 2022-05-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Mouse and keyboard required.


Cart #stocks_falling-1 | 2022-05-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


It's the old Nintendo "Game & Watch" game "Fire", except it's your tech stocks and crypto portfolios falling during the 2022 stock crash! And the next day, they crash even more!

Can you survive long enough for your stocks to fall into the gates of hell?

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When using Ctrl-X to cut and paste sprites, the sprite flags remain in the old sprite location. Maybe this is intentional? But it seems like maybe the sprite flags should reset back to a brand new, untouched sprite state when sprites are cut and then pasted elsewhere. Here's a GIF showing the behavior:


Cart #yamizezide-0 | 2022-05-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

my first and probably last celeste mod
Explore a small world of jank, rem, and questionable level design


Edit: Beta is now closed and the final game is now here

Cart #community_game_2022_beta-0 | 2022-05-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I've been kicking around the Pico-8 community for about a year now creating games under NerdOfGamers/RyanCavendell (depending on where you might frequent). I'm currently trying to set up the infrastructure to automate a community game jam using Lexaloffle's Edu version. So I'm looking for sign-ups for the Beta to make sure all the automated systems are working in real life as I'm anticipating potential problems (already done testing myself and seems stable but that will only go so far).

If you want to make a small game together with the community and help beta test this then the sign-up form is here > https://forms.gle/dzwgUiGXGebsnhTd7 < with text from sign-up form below

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Cart #modular_kobolds-0 | 2022-05-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


I make a lot of little games and I'm not good at pixel art, so I've been reusing the same character art again and again from project to project. I thought some other people might have the same problem, so I dumped the character art and most of my animation code into this cartridge. I also wrote a little platformer engine just so you can see how these animations might look in an actual project.

Folks who like cute little lizard dudes will likely be pleased, but I added swappable heads.

The public interface of moko consists of all its fields and methods, not all of which are documented.

Chances are you won't need all the animations in whatever project you use this in -- but they should be pretty easy to delete.

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Cart #muhigagepu-0 | 2022-05-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This shit a game

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