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Setting Tab stop controll code to 0 and outputting tab characters at the same time causes pico-8 crash.

pico-8 version:0.2.4b

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Cart #birdle-0 | 2022-04-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Popular word guessing game, except it's with birds. (Actually it's just Mastermind)

Bird sounds are default off because they're annoying. I'm working on them.


Cart #rewob-9 | 2022-04-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

REWOB. Delay the inevitable destruction of animal shaped planets long enough for its inhabitants to escape! Standard PICO-8 controls. X or Z to shoot. UP/DOWN to thrust. LEFT/RIGHT to steer. P/ENTER to open the PICO-8 pause menu and reset your save progress. Wob means your death count, because why not?

Made in 72 hours for ludum dare #50. Polish was added the week after the jam ended based on feedback from people playing the game. If you want to play the original submission, that's here:

Cart #rewob-0 | 2022-04-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #dotijjod-0 | 2022-04-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My entry for the 50th Ludum Dare Game Jam!
Arrow keys: move
X: shoot


Cart #balloondrift-0 | 2022-04-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Delay the inevitable and stay in the air for as long as possible.
This is my entry for Ludum Dare 50. A very short and simple game.

I wanted to actually finish something this time. I'm quite happy how it turned out.


Arrow Keys: Move left or right
X: Jump


Stay in the air for as long as you can, without landing in the water. Bounce on the seagulls to get a height boost. Watch out though, as they can burst you balloon. Also make use of your jump boosts for an extra height boost by pressing the X key.


Follow me on twitter @mattwilldev


Cart #para_circgrad-0 | 2022-04-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I had intended to use something like this in the doodle I posted recently, but I hadn't quite figured out how to implement it. The code is heavily commented, and the routine that handles drawing the gradient weighs in at only 80 tokens, relying on an external variable r to control the radius of the circle.


Cart #floodedcaves-0 | 2022-04-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

it's flood season, dig caves to redirect an inevitable rising water until you can save everyone
Also available on itch.io for binaries https://nusan.itch.io/flooded-caves

This game has been made in 48h for game jam Ludum Dare 50

Your digging power is limited, it recharges over time. At regular interval, you can save someone by sending your rescue team

You can play the game using a keyboard (action is key C ), a gamepad or a mouse


Cart #kakurenblock-0 | 2022-04-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #insatiable-0 | 2022-04-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My very first post! Let's go!
Here is a game I made with a friend for Mini Jam 103: Darkness.
It is not perfect but it is a cute little ride.
Thanks for reading :D

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Cart #cookinggame-0 | 2022-04-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Play as Chef Whiskers and satisfy the judges by cooking meals that apply to their tastes!
Use the ingredients in your kitchen and "special ingredients" to get the most tasty points from your meal!

My first time using pico-8! It was for a class project so I wish I could have done more with it (music and such haha) but alas there were time restrictions! Maybe I'll make updates in the future!

Here are some extra instructions for the game, as they aren't too clear in the game itself:

On the judge screen, be sure to read and remember the judge’s likes and dislikes! They will apply when you select your ingredients on the next screen.

To select ingredients in the kitchen area, use the mouse to hover over an ingredient and use the X key to select them. If a special ingredient is in your kitchen, you must use it in the round. The rows of ingredients are organized based on their taste qualities (from top to bottom: salty, spicy, sweet, sour, and special ingredients).

When playing the game, use the arrow keys to approach the ingredients, an X icon will appear over the ingredients (press the X key to pick them up) and the color of the X corresponds to the cooking process (red for pan, blue for pot). To interact with the pot/pan, use the Z key. When the ingredient is cooked, approach the red box labelled “WHEN DONE”, a Z icon will appear and place it down using the Z key. Once all 3 ingredients are in the finished area, an orange X icon will appear. Use the X key to complete the round.

An end screen will appear and display your score, and prompt you to continue playing. After each round, your score will update. Reach your best high score!


The \t control code advances the cursor horizontal position to the next tab stop. However, it only does this when the cursor is not already at a tab stop. If the cursor is at a tab stop, the cursor position does not change. The expected behavior is for the cursor position to move to the next tab stop.

-- works as expected: prints x, advances to next tab stop, prints y

-- expected: indents by one tab stop, prints x
-- actual: cursor position does not change, prints x

-- expected: prints x, advances two tab stops, prints y
-- actual: prints x, advances one tab stop, prints y

PICO-8 0.2.4b.

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Cart #chasingpavements-0 | 2022-04-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Survive being chased by a rolling snowball with a crafty penguin.

Pickup, combine, and throw objects to delay the snowball’s inevitable descent! Throwing objects at the snowball chips away at its continually growing volume, while throwing them at other objects can craft tools to better suit your survival.

To clarify how to combine objects, you can aim your throws. An easy way to do it without precise aim is to carry an object and then throw it downward while sliding through another object. 😀

My LD50 entry. No background music because of the deadline and also I don’t know how to make background music. :(

Spoiler: [hidden]The game is possible to beat (i.e., has an ending) if you put more emphasis on crafting fancier tools over throwing every bit of debris at the snowball. 🙂

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Cart #xor-13 | 2022-04-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

XOR Must Be Revealed

His many faces are scattered through 15 levels. Acquiring all the faces on any level will enhance your knowledge of Xor.

Beware Xor controls his world and doesn't give up his personality easily

Rediscover this classic from 1987, originally released by Astral Software under Logotron. This is still a very early WIP (first playable alpha actually), a few levels can be played but still missing levels, sound and probably some graphical polishing. The game will provide the original 15 levels and several extra ones once complete and ideally (if sticking to plan...) a level editor so you can create your own levels and puzzles.

Take control of Magus and Questor and beat all the levels in Xor's world by picking all his many faces and exiting through the door. Switch between Magus and Questor with X and see a level map with Z. You can quit a level if you get stuck from the map screen.

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Cart #rainier2_final-0 | 2022-04-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A Celeste Classic mod built on Evercore v2.0.0


Z/C - Jump
X/V - Dash


Jevil in a fuckin' wheelchair

Thanks for giving feedback on the mod!
Edit: Thanks to gonengazit, time now stops on entry of summit instead of after touching the flag

Original game by Maddy Thorson and Noel Berry


Pico-8 game created for Ludum Dare 50. Theme was "Delay the inevitable". Help the possum in the road avoid the cars.

Cart #safobuzezi-0 | 2022-04-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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Space V1

Cart #zozayesano-5 | 2022-04-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


I hit this bug while working on a tweetcart:

?"\*6a"  -- prints 6 'a's    (expected)
?"\*6\"" -- prints 6 quotes  (expected)
?"\*6\n" -- prints 1 newline (unexpected!)
?"\n"    -- prints 1 newline (expected)
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Cart #rainbow_strainbow-0 | 2022-04-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #para_doodle1-0 | 2022-04-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Just a visual I threw together this evening. Hope you enjoy

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Okay so I'm looking to make an orb animation like this: https://jsfiddle.net/aycn3fzd/
I'm not really sure if the solution is within that post or not, I'm having a hard time converting it.
Regardless, I'll explain what I have and the issue I'm having with completing this task.
Here's what I have atm:

I want an orb that will fill/unfill based on the percent of something left. So the generic red hp orb for example. A player has x hp. That hp as a percent x/100 will influence the percent of which the orb is filled from bottom to top red. You can see in the gif above I have this working for 'part' of the circle. The problem is the other sections.

My method for drawing the circle in this example is drawing the 0->15degrees side arc using sin/cos and reflecting it 8x...I posted earlier 3-4 other circle drawing methods, but I'm using the cos()/sin() one here for accuracy's sake. To fill in the circle I am using the line() method and extending it to the other side so I only need 4 instances. I don't fully understand the rect() method and have had issues getting it to look right (I assume u draw a square right center of the circle but the corners usually stickout and look off...maybe that assumption is the problem).

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