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So recently, I found some secrets in the Advent Calendar (you can see the secrets here https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=104447#p). The locked presents actually have unplayable knockoff games! I was so curious, I decided to find some secrets in the games themselves!

Spirit Solstice (The Original)


Trainer/Modmenu Options

  • Noclip - It's noclip, but you can't pass through hardcoded barriers

  • Speed - Move faster, you can sometimes clip into the wall tho

  • Freecam - The camera can move past its hardcoded bounds

  • Iron - You can't die

  • Freewalk - Allows you to go past hardcoded barriers

  • Lighten - Darkness is no more

  • Fullmap - See the entire map

  • 64x64 : Default is true - 64x64 screen

  • Area - The game's current loaded room

  • Summon Wolf - Forces the natural spawning of a wolf (ignores maximum wolves allowed)

  • Spawn Wolf - Spawns a wolf entity at your location (ignores maximum wolves allowed)

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Cart #amiga_boing-0 | 2022-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A little demo I created to test out palette cycling effect.
and to try playing with a shadow effect which I'm pretty proud of.

So why not recreate the boing demo for the commodore amiga which also used palette cycling effect.

for the shadow I created my own line drawing function using Bresenham's line algorithm

I have taken the ball sprites from Two_Owls because my original ball didn't look too great.

drawing the lines with shadows could deffinetly be improved, especialy because we know the size and location of the shadow :P


Working on a really small project in my free time, Hoping to update it every so often!

Cart #lileveningbeewip-0 | 2022-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

You're a small lil bee gathering pollen in the evening before the next day since you missed your pollen quota. Gather as much Honey as you can!

There currently isn't a game over or a way to lose, just relax and grab some pollen.

Use Z and the up arrow to play


~epilepsy warning~

contains flashing images

Cart #aoc2021day11-0 | 2022-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is the first program I wrote for the pico-8.
Its the test solution of day 11 of advent of code 2021.

This project was mostly to play around with the sprite editor and some of the things I learned from the hello world example.
I basically ported my original solution made in c so the code isn't that clean or well documented.


Hi All

PICO-8 0.2.4b is now up on lexaloffle, Humble, itch.io, and for PocketCHIP.

This is mostly a bug-fixing update; you can see the main 0.2.4 change notes in the 0.2.4 thread.

There are a few handy editor features though; here's a demo of setting animation loops: press l to start and end, and then -,+ or q,w or a,z (for azerty keyboards) to switch frames. This also works at different sprite selection sizes (shift-click and drag a selection from the spritesheet). This gif also shows using ctrl-b to "paste big" multiple times.

Full 0.2.4b changelog:

Added: l in sprite sheet navigator to set loop start / end points (then q,w or a,z to navigate)
Added: ctrl-b in gfx editor to paste 2x2 original size ("paste big")

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Cart #galleywordle-0 | 2022-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

UP/DOWN - Change Letter
LEFT/RIGHT - Select box
Z = Restart game (if applicable)



UPDATE: Added a concept using pico-cad. not very specific but it was a lot of fun


The purpose of this physical console is to:

1. Capture the retro-inspired essence of the Pico-8 software in a physical form, while re-imagining what it means to have a physical cartridge

2. Have old meet new with a sleek yet elegant 30x65mm body.

3. Reduce e-waste and create something that can be used as it is, or gut /hack it for different projects. This is achieved via the following concepts:

3.1. Doing away with the idea that a “physical cartridge” needs to be a separate part printed every time. However, it is important to capture the essence of a physical cartridge in a newly inspired way. The 33mm IPS 240x240p display on the front of the console has the sole purpose of displaying the art of the cart being played; not the game play itself. This is intentional because despite the console's small form-factor, it is meant to be plugged into a power source and a TV, just like in the old days.

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Cart #nemonemo-4 | 2022-09-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

It's the first game I made with Pico-8.
One of the Picross games.
I made it possible to operate comfortably.
Please enjoy it!

The music was composed by Gruber Music.
(Pico-8 Tunes Volume 1)

CRT Version


Cart #nylon_farmpanic-1 | 2022-01-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

"FARM PANIC" is a simple action game.
Save the farm! If you lost all turnips, you will fail to save the farm.

move : ←→
pull : ↑ or z
push : ↓ or x

Pull out turnips : 50×(5-#(turnip spawner))
Attack mole : 10×combo (combo is counted per turnip.)

You can push turnip to under the ground after the meter turns yellow.
You can pull out turnip when the meter turns green. (grow up)

"FARM PANIC"はシンプルなミニゲームです。

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Tried making random brush strokes by mixing some sine waves and circles of varying size. I like it!

Cart #blobs_wemodofade-0 | 2022-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #avoidtherocks-0 | 2022-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

First try at a PICO-8 game. Still lots to learn.


Cart #hujoyarepe-0 | 2022-01-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is an update to a work in progress game I made. The instructions are on the original post (the post is just called "Forts")


New Features:
Added the Laser
Costs 6 gold
Fires the same way that single guns do, but passes through wood.
Sound effects now play when you shoot a gun (there is a different sound for each gun)

Shoot yer guns button changed to orange (to make it more clear that it is a button)
Fixed the bug where p2 storage looks like it is stuck at 1 when it is over 10 (this was because when it reaches double digits you could only see the tens place)
The selector now “remembers” where it was when you open the inventory (so you don’t have to move it all the way from the middle of the screen when you open the inventory). It resets to the middle at the end of each turn

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Sorry guys, this is not a game but it is still a quest.

Unicode if you are not familiar with is the very huge character set you have available to print in most messages including some text editors. Here are a few familiar examples.

😀 ✌️ ❤️

My question is, is there a way to write any Pico-8 code where for instance you could have a unicode character such as this, "⭐" created in the code and then transferred to the clipboard where you could PASTE it in a regular message either online or in a text editor ?


Just something interesting I discovered this morning (01-26-22) while working on other code.

You can type in something like FUNCTION, FOR/DO, or IF and when you come to the end where you are ready to press ENTER, instead press SHIFT+ENTER. The IDE will automagically type in END for you aligning where you typed the previous statement. How cool is that ?

I checked also, it is not listed in the help file found HERE:


This also works for REPEAT/UNTIL, and WHILE.


This small tool can help you to get a character number.
Use arrows to move around and press ❎ to copy the character number to clipboard.

Edit: Copy to clipboard doesn't work in browser.

Cart #char_number_tool-0 | 2022-01-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #busy_bee-0 | 2022-01-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Busy Bee

My First 'Finished' Game

Its small, just a simple collect-the-flower
But it took me a long time to get here, so I'm happy



Sneezy Scribble

Cart #sneezyscribble-0 | 2022-01-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hey I was making my game, (Some of the special chars are from/for that.)
And decided to share the font.

This was my first time ever drawing the hiragana and katakana so.. they maybe aren't great but ya.

This cart just pastes the font's data into your clipboard to be poked like @zep's cart.

Probably will keep tweaking it as I use it more but for now here it is. feel free to use it if you want!


Hello there. I'm working on a TV console utilizing a Raspberry Pi 3B+, but any Raspberry Pi should work in theory. Essentially, this takes some of my previous cad projects and crams it into something awesome. I present the nameless console(needs a name).

How does it work?

A USB SD card reader functions as a cartridge slot and I made 3D printable shells to go around the SD cards to give them a cartridge look and feel. A bash script loads when the Pi gets turned on that looks for a PICO8 game on the SD card. This can work with other fantasy consoles. I haven't figured out how to get multi-cart games to work with one SD card, but for now, single cart games should work. Right now the TV console project is in beta, but the cad files and startup scripts will be open source.

What I would like is suggestions for this project. I will update later with guides on setting this up. This project can also be used as a template for your own projects if you want.

A couple of pictures of me playing some games.

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I keep on poking around and learning pico-8. This was fun!

I'd like to make the stars move at a slower rate, but turning the speed too low causes weird behavior - I'm guessing because of number precision issues?

Cart #starfield_supafihigi-0 | 2022-01-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #silicon14_picopets_2-1 | 2022-03-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

(Originally made for Newground's Pixel Day 2022 with the Newgrounds upload being >>Here<<)


You must take care of your Pico-Pet. Make sure that they don't go hungry, become sad, or get sick. To do this, press 🅾️/Z/C/N in order to bring up the menu and to select options. Press ❎/V/M to go back. If you take good care of your pet, it might grow up to become one of eight pets!

Game saves automatically and will restore your save when you start the game. If you want to start clean, press "Enter" to go into the pause menu and enter "Wipe Save." Doing so will restore everything to their default values and you won't be able to restore them back. Use at your own risk.

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