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Yoshi Version (added drums):
A remix I made with some of my spare time. Feel free to use it with appropriate credit!


According to the PICO-8 0.2.2c manual, "To remove an item at a particular index, use deli"

del t v

Delete the first instance of value v in table t
The remaining entries are shifted left one index to avoid holes.
Note that v is the value of the item to be deleted, not the index into the table.
(To remove an item at a particular index, use deli instead)
del returns the deleted item, or returns no value when nothing was deleted.

FOREACH(A, PRINT) -- 10,11,12
PRINT(A[3]) -- 12

deli t [i]

Like del(), but remove the item from table t at index i.
When i is not given, the last element of the table is removed and returned.

However, this does not seem to work with string or float indices. (Only tested on macOS Mojave)
The desired result can be achieved using

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Cart #im_a_big_fan-0 | 2021-03-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

"I'm A Big Fan"

271 characters

t,m,z,l,o,s,c=0,64,999,line,ovalfill,sin,cos::_::cls(1)rectfill(63,0,m,m,5)for j=0,1 do
for i=j*z/4,40+j*z/4 do
goto _

Cart #dukemonewo-0 | 2021-03-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I tried to recreate an old toy.

1 comment

Cart #besufinamo-0 | 2021-03-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #necklestia-8 | 2021-03-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Assist Princess Celestia, ruler of equestria,
as she journeys deeper into her dreams to see what lies within.

Up: Jump
Left/Right: Move, in the air or on the ground.
Down: Crouch, or enter doorways.

Z: Hold to spin & grab. If you let go of Z, you let go of what you've grabbed.
X: Tap to sweep your head to the other side of your body.

If you're having trouble, press Enter to reach the pause menu.
There's a "skip level" button there if you're stuck.


Cart #tiny_fight-0 | 2021-03-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Master the art of the battle as you learn to read the behaviour of each of the 7 AI

Outplay the AI by predicting and countering it's move, defeating it for good

Conquer your fate by choosing when to reroll to better your odds of landing or blocking a hit

Roll the dice

Choose if you want to reroll or not, if you do, both your dice are rerolled

Choose your attack and defence. If your attack beats or equals their defence you hit them! If their attack equals or beats your defence you get hit!

first to hit 3 times wins!

↑ and ↓ arrow keys control the cursor

X to select

Have fun and good luck!


Cart #donswelt_debris-4 | 2023-02-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Update 2.0: Debrix, a Debris Remix

  • A complete overhaul of all sprites and special effects.
  • added the Pliso Miso splash screen.


Update v1.2:

  • added Achievements (press down arrow on title screen to check)

Update v1.1:

  • (hopefully) fixed a bug that displayed 0 seconds instead of 120 seconds after time out.

Original Post

This one is just a small shoot'em-up (shmup) with a little twist or as I like to call it: A Shmup Short Story.

The rules are simple:

  • Try to survive 120 seconds.
  • Shoot debris to raise bonus.
  • Beat the hi-score.

That's all.

Shoot enemies, juggle debris, collect coins, survive. Juggling debris will raise the bonus you get for destroying enemies. Every time your bonus is raised by 50 points all bullets on the screen will turn into gold items. Collect those for additional 75 points each.

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First time poster here :)
I recently recreated Age of Empires 2 in pixelart using the Pico8 palette.
It just started as an excercise in downscaling, recreating a few of the buildings, but I ended up adding more and more stuff

I would really like to make this playable but I have no clue about programming :..(
So I´m asking is anyone willing to join me on this!?

Don´t really know how the mechanics could work but I imagine something turn based

Heres what it looks like so far:

and a quick mockup how the GUI could look in 128x128px

Cheers everybody!


Cart #sumeboi-6 | 2021-04-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a demo of a demake of Super Meat Boy
16 levels
1 remix of a song from the original soundtrack
all made by me
hope you enjoy
(there will be more as well as newer versions)
if you find any bugs please tell me and i will do my best to fix them

Left and right arrow keys to move
Z to jump
arrow key and Z on a wall to wall jump

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Cart #rumblerunbull-1 | 2021-06-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Get high score!!!!

move : cursor key
dash : 〇

When this game is loaded, you'll see title scene.-> press 〇 or ×
Next scene is the bull on standby.-> press 〇 3 time

・break barrels (circle objects) rule
the bull can break brown barrels.
the bull can break green barrels with dash(press 〇).
when break barrels, if the bull contact by his head, combo counter will start.
combo make score higher while 100 points.
other case, no combo and get 10 points.

If you get score than next value, time limit is longer.
Break many barrels, run into fever time!


Cart #circmad-0 | 2021-03-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Puzzle game heavily based on Android games like ENERGY or Infinity Loop where the cartridge generates random puzzles and you must connect energy sources with batteries. The great thing is, you can play it forever! The cartridge will always generate a new puzzle.

Controls: Arrows to move and Z to swap electric cables.

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Cart #grandmothership-4 | 2021-03-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Shoot the Cores!

How fast can you destroy the Grandmothership and all of her cores?

  • Shoot by mashing or holding the 'x' button.
  • Aim your option buddy by holding the 'z' button (pauses the game as you're aiming).
  • Destroy the big 'eye' cores to earn power-ups and get a better fighting chance against evil.
  • Wreck havoc, destroy as much as possible for extra points!
  • Watch your shields (bottom of the game window), if they get depleted it's "game over, man!"

This game was heavily influenced by the third level of R-Type. I still remember how it blew my mind when I first played it as a kid in the 80's arcades. Please enjoy and feedback is always appreciated. Cheers!

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Howdy folks, this is my first post here!

What is this?

I've written a full set of EmmyLua API definitions for the PICO-8 API, so that you can get full autocomplete/intellisense suggestions and documentation when editing code in an external editor.

Recording showing multiple examples of autocomplete in action


I've been following pico8 for a few years now but haven't sunk my teeth into really making anything until recently. Something that I've sorely missed all the times I have tinkered about with pico8 is proper code editor awareness of the pico8 API, autocomplete, definitions etc (coming from a C# and JavaScript background).
I thought for sure somebody would have made this but I couldn't even find any real proper editor support for Lua in general ... until now! I've discovered a neat language server utility called EmmyLua. It allows you to decorate code with annotations that provide type information and documentation. If you are familiar with JSDoc, it's very similar to that. EmmyLua has first-class support for 2 of the main code editors out right now: VSCode and IntelliJ.

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I'm facing a weird issue when using Map Editor:

  • Pen tool is working as bucket tool
  • After applying a tile on map, the tiles themselves are affected

It's like the map area is directly related to sprite area, and if I change one, I change the other.

Also, this doesn't happen in the whole map area, in the upper map I have a working platformer level.

Worth noting, if I zoom out in the map editor, the rendered tiles seems to be ok, but not the tiles in the tile area.

I exported the spritesheet, and it now contains the colored bugged pixels:


Cart #gardener-1 | 2021-03-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is my first upcoming pico-8 game. I only spent about an hour on it, so it's not nearly done yet.
I had the idea of a game based on planting crops, so I wanted to make a prototype. I know the idea is a bit played out, but I've got a few ideas to make it unique.

1 comment

Cart #tomato_adventure-1 | 2023-09-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Finished this short platformer i made 3 years ago and never posted it here, so here comes the update !

Classic controls

(you can go on both of the boats)


Hi all! Hobby programmer trying out PICO-8 for the first time. Get ready for some hot* lithosphere-on-aesthenosphere action!

I decided to port an old project of mine, a cellular-automaton-based tectonics simulator. It's based on the algorithm used in the 1990 Maxis software toy SimEarth, but has slowly departed from that.

Press Z to toggle map/globe. Press X to start/stop spinning. Left and right change map views to see what the magma is up to underneath, and down pauses the simulation.

Cart #tectonics-0 | 2021-03-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Not sure if I'll do any more polishing on this or not, but I'm happy to implement optimizations if there are any that seem obvious to the initiated. I'm especially annoyed by the laggy controls -- any tips on how I should best fetch button state in a slow-running program like this?

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~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~

Royal Pain is a platformer game where you rescue the Princess and then need to escort her out of the castle using her abilities to help you get past enemies. For example, press X to tell the princess to do a hair whip attack when she can see a guard.

Our goal in this game is to make interesting NPC interactions and we will be adding more princesses with more abilities in future updates. Enjoy our WIP release of Royal Pain on Pico-8! Feedback is welcome.

Demo version 07

Friendly fire, more guards, and various bug fixes.

Also check out our latest princess rescue, Royal Pain: Glacia. Play it here https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=43461

Check out our Discord channel for more detailed updates at https://discord.com/invite/KMYjWz5ThH

-Rob and Ryan
Kraken Games

Cart #royalpain_rapunzel_07-0 | 2021-06-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


I can't see a way to disable the new "\#n" background-fill mode once it's been enabled. I've tried "0" for color 0, "G" for color 16, and "W" for color 32, but they just set the BG to black, and all other "0-Z" just repeat the palette. I've tried supplying a "-" for the color instead, I've tried repeating the "\#" code or just "#", I've tried various other symbols and the puny letters, and anything not in "0..Z" just sets it to black.

Is this a missing feature or is there supposed to be a way to do it? The manual says nothing of turning it off. Right now I have to start another print() to get back to no-BG mode and that seems... unintended?

I feel like it ought to be "\#-", based on the convention with the "\^" commands. Alternatively, "G" (or anything through "V") would technically make sense if you just consider bit #4 of the color to be a "transparency" bit.

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