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Cart #picotale25-0 | 2021-01-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I have finally fixed my game! I have fixed some bugs about the rooms and now it should be working fine!


Cart #edge-2 | 2021-01-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Please don't ask me why i do tutorials and immediately come with a game remake coded all by myself. Just play this.

This is a 2D remake of a game i've always wanted to remake somewhere else. I ended remaking it in PICO-8 (here), which is an uncomfortable thing since the original game is in 3D, and this thing is in 2D. But i'll be cool and say that this is a demake instead. For now it's just a very hecking early alpha, but i'll be working on it.

Also also, i don't know if i'll be able to code moving platforms.


The ability to climb blocks, if it isn't there how could i call this an EDGE Remake.
Not being able to move in certain places ( for example, when you're trapped in a little tunnel )

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Cart #dungeonpenetrator-0 | 2021-01-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I finished this in 2018, but never uploaded it, so here it is;

Made in under seven days for the 7DRL (Seven-day Rogue-like) Challenge 2018. It was ranked 38 out of 110 completed entries.

Dungeon Penetrator 2018 was my second go at making Rogue-like in under seven days using the Pico-8, and a remake of a game I originally created in 2013.

Improvements over the previous years version include;
Procedurally generated levels
Sound and Music
NPC that move (although only randomly)
Friendly NPCs.
Multiple levels
and many more.

I'm thinking of doing this year's 7DRL (Seven-day Rogue-like) Challenge in Pico-8. So look out for that.


Cart #dvdscored-0 | 2021-01-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I found the original DVD program by @Ganty and thoroughly enjoyed it. But, I had to wonder, "how many times would the logo hit the corner in a day?" So I edited their program to include a score counter on the top, ran the program, and went to bed. The following night I checked up on how it was running and, to my surprise, it had reached just over 3000 hits over the course of 24 hours.

I'm just posting this here because I had a lot of fun making and checking up on the program over the day and I thought others may enjoy it as well.

Original: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=28560


I'm working on a cart to control the GPIO pins as if they were on a PLC (With ladder logic and such), but I really don't want the hassle of running the project on actual hardware (Say, a RPi) every time I make changes and want to test them (Even if I can automate the entire pipeline, I really don't want anything to do with rarspberrys at the moment).

Is there something like a python library that allows me to interact with the GPIO pins of a pico-8 that is running as if it was running on certain hardware?

If not, what would be the best way of making one? Does pico-8 have an API I can use? Or does it store the memory values in certain places I can access? (Sorry if it's a dumb question, I started using pico 2 days ago :P)



Just came across this!


Wonder if anyone could ever get PICO8 running on this little machine!

Ultimate portability :-)



This blog will be way to track ideas and progress related to improving MOTU’s background composition system and PicoDraw.

While developing Masters Of The Universe I was considering the idea of having some for of scrolling backgrounds but there was no time nor token space to experiment. Right now, I am re-using the same system on Klax to draw the biggest part of the play area (the conveyor belt) but it’s still nothing more than a static background.

The final goal of this experiment is applying it in scrolling games, generating backgrounds with a combination of limited tiles and “generated” graphics brushes using pico-8’s gfx primitives and fit a whole game with at least 3 big scrolling levels in a single cart.

A simple beat’em up could re-use a lot of MOTU’s code for sprites, input and states. I had my sights set on Double dragon because e it’s kind of short and simple, plus I played a lot on the Amiga version which had a limited move set and graphics compared to the arcade but was still fun enough.

Last week I saw @Pigmeat ‘s post about his Streets of Rage pico-8 demake and that gave me enough motivation to experiment a bit while finishing the most boring technicalities on Klax.

First thing, I did some research on Double Dragon to see what I have to deal with and found these 2 treasure troves of information:


The arcade game has a resolution of 256x240 which is a good fit to be reduced by 50% to 128x120, 1 arcade screen can fit in 1 pico-8 screen with 1 row of 8 pixel left at the bottom. Characters can fit in a 2x4 composite sprite, like MOTU so I can reuse the same composition system.

Double Dragon Full Map

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Cart #hliepfrogge-0 | 2021-01-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

howdy :^)

here's a short game inspired by desert golf
'Hlíep Frogge' is supposedly 'leap frog' in middle english


he's shy


Cart #sml-1 | 2021-01-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Some music I made on my spare time. Maybe I'll make this into a full remake of Super Mario Land. Also the background was made using another part of the map.


Cart #astrosmashd-1 | 2021-01-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


A demake of Mattel Intellivision's 1981 classic!

Don't be fooled by level 1, this is retro gaming where patience and mastery are the only way to survive to level 6! And if you do, it gets even more manic as your score increases.

Shoot the rocks to score and avoid being hit. Don't let the spinners detonate on the ground, and dispatch the guided missiles and ufos before they hit you. Level up at 1k, 5k, 20k, 50k and 100k.

For the full experience, flip through the original guide for an overview of the enemies you will be facing, point scoring, levels and a few tips:
Astrosmash Game Guide on archive.org

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Cart #tictactoo-2 | 2021-01-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #stranded_on_saturn-1 | 2021-01-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Stranded on Saturn - a demake of Commander Keen 1-3. Pogo your way through 4 huge levels to find the Bean With Bacon Megarocket and escape back to Earth!


(o) or z - jump
(x) or x - get out/put away pogo stick

Hold jump while pogoing to go a lot higher!

Collect lollipops, sodas, and Vorticon teddy bears for an extra challenge. These are totally optional and just serve as an extra objective for those that are interested (much like the strawberries in Celeste).

1 comment

Cart #tobezierishuman-0 | 2021-01-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I started this project after being inspired by this Bezier curve demo with the goal of making an arcade game out of it in which you have to keep the ball in the air by flinging it back and forth between bezier curves which are controlled with two sets of two axes, like Robotron. Getting the cubic bezier curves to a point where they were sufficiently random and fun to control (with only two axes for each set of four points) was fun and I think my solution feels good.

However, I haven't gotten very far with it because, frankly, getting the nuances of the ball physics implemented is not very interesting to me and I wanted to get to other projects -- you can see the beginnings of other sprites I've added for powerups (eg multiball), and the code is well-organized (thanks in part to merwok helping me out with understanding how to do pseudo-OOP on Pico8), so I wanted to upload it in case anyone is interested in developing this project further.


Cart #pico_raiders-9 | 2021-02-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Based upon the ZX Spectrum game Viking Raiders by Mark Lucas


  • No game crashing bugs
    • but if you do find any strange behavior let me know so I can fix it
  • 1 to 4 human/cpu players
    • Menu/Enter to reload game
    • CPU only game will play by itself for you to watch
    • Guide to graphics alike to original
  • Seasons
    • over about 30/40 turns water will freeze and unfreeze
    • catapults and army units can move over frozen water
    • boats can only move across unfrozen water
    • any land units found in unfrozen water drown and die
  • Army units
    • can board boats
    • can get drunk (drunk units move by themselves)
    • can pick up gold
    • can recruit/sober drunk army units
    • can recruit empty boats
    • can destroy adjacent occupied boats
  • Boats
    • can only move when units onboard
    • can only move on unfrozen water
    • can recruit empty boats
    • can ram other boats to sink them
  • Catapults
    • uses ranged combat
    • cannot directly fight
  • Victory conditions
    • defeat all the enemy castles
      • requires an army unit to attack castle
    • game ends when no other players remain
    • short delay to give player chance to review
  • CPU AI
    • ai is easy to beat, provides minor challenge
    • picks random choice of:
      • return gold (priority action)
      • board friendly boat
      • target closest enemy castle
      • target closest enemy unit
      • target closest drinking horn
      • target closest gold chest
      • (catapults only) move away from enemy units
      • (boats only) head towards enemy castles
  • SFX
    • killing units
    • converting units
    • defeated castle
    • sinking boat
    • firing catapult
    • minor generic actions

To do:

  • Fix any reported bugs

Known bugs:

  • Deferred: AI finds it hard to move boats upwards when blocked with land

I had intended for this to be a quick side project but it took longer than expected so code got a little spaghettified in places but it still works, but far from optimised. Barring any major/minor reported defects, or any later tweaks, v0.8 will likely be the last version. When I'm ready to move to completed cart I will update version to 1.0.

1 comment

Here comes another newbie question:

If I've got a map of 32*48 tiles (taller than wide), how should I handle the map data in order to print it directly with map() function?

I saw that map can be extended to 64 tiles (height) if you use 0x1000 - 0x2000 memory, but I don't know how to tell the map function to use this extra space.

Searching some post I've read that implementing some kind of map data streaming with peek and poke is a good a idea. Is there some resources, carts or tutorial that can helps me?


I made a name generator for about 40 tokens. The nice thing about it is that no matter how many names you have in your name list, it is still just three tokens to store it, since the names are all kept in one long string.
The tradeoff is that the names generated will always be the same number of characters.
Name lists included are the most popular names in the U.S., pared down to 5 letter names. You can make and use your own name lists though, you just need a big string with all the names, no spaces or commas between names, and all the names need to be the same number of characters.

Cart #namegen-1 | 2021-01-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #ftest947284957820183847501c-0 | 2021-01-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

More mode 7 posts I say!

I was wondering if pico 8 could be used for making a fast mode 7 multiplayer racing game with the new tline function.
Unfortunately pixels near to the camera look huge if you want to have a racetrack of a decent size.

This solution uses another tline to render a gravel and grit texture to break up the huge pixels. Is there a name for that? I guess it's close to mipmaping.

I think It looks pretty good at slow and medium speeds. At fast speeds it looks a bit repetitive. Perhaps a different effect could be used at high speeds.

This video helped me figure out the mode 7 equations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybLZyY655iY

I've been chaotically jumping between projects. I do not know if I will make this into a game or not.

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Cart #infinipig-0 | 2021-01-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

You are the ghost of Cubepig, looking for a body! Can you find one on your own, or will you have to trade something... precious...

This game was made in 3 hours by the PIGSquad Twitch Chat during a mini-jam on January 17, 2021.


Cart #net_smithothy-0 | 2021-01-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

First uploaded cart... only took me two years to get around to it.

This started out as a single chain. I read something on here (sorry, can't remember who by!) about cloth simulation and pulling both ends, and this is what I came up with. Not really cloth simulation, but I am still amazed that simple rules can create something so fluid-looking. The "wiggle" was mainly added to stop new links getting stuck, but it makes the whole thing look as though it is underwater.

I'm not planning a jellyfish-based game. Yet.


Cart #tigiseziwa-0 | 2021-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello everyone! This is my first time posting here, and I wanted to share a game that I made with pico-8 last year titled pacifist8. This game marks a very difficult period of time in my life. I'm doing much better now and I want to release it free of charge. I hope you enjoy it!


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