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A perspective projection and solid color 3d demo with a rotation and matrix math and stuff done in a supremely manual way. I'll try to make some kind of 3d game with it soon.

Cart #perspcube-0 | 2020-12-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

X/O to change cam distance

up/down to rotate on X axis

left/right to rotate on Y axis

I stole a polygon fill function from @zovirl 's Perspective-correct texture mapping cart.

Feedback appreciated!

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Cart #fling-1 | 2020-12-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Here's Fling?

A puzzle with 256 levels.

The goal of the game is to push balls off the board until there's only 1 left.
To do this, you must use a ball and propel it towards another. You cannot throw a ball directly off the board nor eject a ball directly adjacent to the impulse ball.
A minimum gap space is required to give enough momentum.

When you are stuck on a level, you can always undo your move(s).

The current level and the next level are available. The others are locked. But if you get bored (there are a lot of levels with few moves) you can activate the cheat mode in the level select screen, which unlocks all the levels.

The player progress is saved to the cartdata, but not when cheat mode is activated.


Cart #compasracer-9 | 2021-07-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Compas Racer

Compas Racer is a small racing game I made with my 8yo child, suterp, as a tribute to his favourite youtubers, "los compas". It's an improved version of my Camel Race game.

How to play

You can choose your racer, and then you play three rounds of two laps each.
To advance, you have to press the arrow button matching the icon by your side. In the second round you also have to use the circle ("Z") button, and in the third one also the cross ("X") button.

There's a flag in the upper side. When it's activated, you get a boost when pressing the right button. In the second and third row there's also a pirate flag. When you see it, you have to press the opposite direction as the one that's shown.

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Cart #gof-4 | 2020-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Embark upon the present delivery adventure as a Santa, eating all the cookies you can on the way :)
Created for the PICO-8 Advent Calendar 2020


Cart #pico8adventcalendar2020-21 | 2020-12-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Huh.. now what could this be..?

Göf - @egordorichev

Sprint'a'Gift - @Eiyeron

Dr Santa - timswast

Jigsaw Puzzle Pack pro (Xmas Edition) - kittenm4ster

Gift Blox - szczm_

Tetrismas - markgamed7794

Coal - TheTomster

E<3rth - @Eiyeron

Elf Mountain Rescue - @Brintown

X(mas)treeeeeme Grid Challenge - @enargy

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Cart #badaboom-0 | 2020-12-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Badaboom is an arcade game made for the Major Jam 3 (theme: RETRO, limitation: 96x96 screen size).

It use the pico-8 game engine to have some RETRO feelings (pixel art graphism, fantasy console).

The game is inspired by the "Big Bada Boom" scene from the RETRO sci-fi movie "The Fifth Element", when Leeloo falls from the top of a building.

To respect the 96x96 screen size limitation, i added 16x16 borders on top, left, right and bottom of the screen, because pico-8 screen is natively 128x128.

The goal of the game is to avoid flying cars for as long as possible! Be careful, the fall speed is accelerating!


  • arrows keys or left stick to move

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I'm modifying a 3D raytracing demo to make an engine, and I was doing pretty well until i came to the realisation: I had a limited amount of tiles. Basically, in the way that the original programmer, @Hiinds , designed it, only the top half of only the first page of the spritesheet is available for use. So, basically, what I was thinking is I could use the rest of the spritesheet, and when I no longer needed a certain texture but did need another, I could copy one of the textures into one of the usable slots. What I need is a method to copy a certain part of the spritesheet onto another. How do I do this (if possible)?


Summary: great hardware, lackluster software.


Retrododo gave a bit of a rant about the ZPG Pro which I think is a bit unfair because he was talking about the problems with chinese retrohandhelds in general and there are certainly shoddier ones than the ZPG Pro.


The case looks very slick, nintendo-ish in quality. The analog stick is great, it is the same as in the Nintendo Switch. Very satisfying and ergonomic to hold with its rounded edges, the plastic feels great to the touch. The glass front of the screen has rounded curves at the edges which looks very premium, like a high-end smartphone. The display is top-notch. Even greater colors and brightness than my funnyplaying IPS mod on the original GBA.

The buttons feel good but not great. The D-Pad has a good size. I hear that the silver metal version has more clicky buttons, but the newer rose gold metal version, the only version yet with built-in wifi, has the same buttons. I'd say they are halfway between mushy and clicky. I wish they had a bit more resistance.

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Cart #charonquest-2 | 2020-12-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

You wake up in a place with the knowledge that you are dead.
You have one coin, and a voice in your head that whispers to you to go and find Charon.


This mini RPG has 3 outcomes, 3 enemy types, and challenges that will demand dexterity, patience and morals.
Through the different conditions for the seperate endings, you can play this in different ways!



  • arrow keys for movement
  • X to attack


Charon is my first game, and my first coding experience. At all.
So I'm really proud of how far I got from zero in ~160h of work.

I'd love some feedback!
And if you've found a bug, or saw code that's just ... dumb. Then please let me know!

otherwise.. Enjoy~

latest small bugfix:
-no "minus" coins anymore
-minor dialogue improvements.


Cart #deal_or_no_deal-0 | 2020-12-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

It's the game "Deal Or No Deal," except with fewer commercial breaks.

The whole game is clicking buttons, so a mouse is required! You probably don't need to be familiar with the show to play, but let me know if it's confusing, and I can try to figure out how to communicate the rules better.

Currently missing some stuff like music/sound and a title screen, but you can go through a full round and it works "pretty much like the show."


Lately PICO8 will sometimes randomly crash, sometimes in a running game, sometimes in the editors. Full error in terminal shows up as:

-[MTLRenderPipelineDescriptorInternal validateWithDevice:]:2400: failed assertion `No valid pixelFormats set.'

I am running High Sierra (10.13.6) on a 2013 iMac.


A cat maze and puzzle game. Get through 16 levels in as few moves as possible, find your favourite socky and defeat your nemesis.

Cart #pandora-1 | 2022-12-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Clear the fog as you expand your territory, navigating through gardens, dark dungeons, slippery ice, an ancient city and a mandatory industrial zone. Win medals based on how many moves you have left.

If you get stuck, there are hints in the menu. Version 07 is more forgiving and has a level select.


Cart #dohokatito-0 | 2020-12-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Toboggan is a visual solver tool for Advent of Code 2020 Day 3. It can accept custom inputs that are properly formatted by pasting from that day's input file.


Cart #map_zoom-0 | 2020-12-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Do you want to zoom in our out of your map during the game this may be for you.

Simple cart to show off the zoom function.

Cursor keys to scroll x/z to zoom in and out.

actual function is as follows

--prints the map zoomed
-- zoom is the zoom factor 2 for twice as big
-- 0.5 for half as big
-- mx = the pixel cordiante of the map to start
-- my = the pixel cordiante of the map to start
-- sx = screen offset x
-- sy = screen offset y
function zmap(zoom,mx,my,sx,sy)
 zoom = zoom or 1
 mx= mx or 0
 my= my or 0
 sx= sx or 0
 sy= sy or 0
	for i=0, 127 do
		tline(0,i,127, i, mx, my+i/8/zoom, 1/8/zoom)

Please feel free to adapt for your own projects.
A better version of this could use a screen clipping rectangle but I wasn't sure if it was necessary or not


A question came up yesterday in the pico-8 discord: are there any nice ways of doing default arguments? For example,

function foo(a,b,c)
  a=a or default_for_a
  b=b or default_for_b
  c=c or default_for_c
  -- do stuff

That's five tokens spent per argument; can we do better?


My first thought was doing something like this:

function new_actor(fields)
 return merge(parse"x=64,y=64,w=8,h=8",fields)

This is a common pattern I use in my games; merge(A,B) is a custom thing I have that merges tables A and B together by creating a new table, copying all of A's contents into it, and then copying all of B's contents into it. Note that if A and B share any keys, the value from table B will be used for the result, which makes this handy for setting defaults in a table. (and parse is another custom thing that does what you'd expect, turning a string into a table)

However, this wasn't quite what the questioner was asking for; I can set default values for table members with this method, but I can't set local variables. This method wouldn't work to save tokens if you had to say locals.myvar throughout your function instead of just myvar!

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Cart #zobudrod-1 | 2021-02-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

My first game in pico-8 (made by tutorials, thanks to krystman <3). Hope you'll like it!
(idk why but I cant make the title be "crocolike")


Cart #olatannenbaum-3 | 2020-12-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hola! I thought it would be cool try making a Christmas-themed game, so here it is. Ola! Tannenbaum is a quick arcade game where you're going to need good timing, lightning reflexes, and absolutely no sense of colour-coordination to create the most chaotically decorated Christmas tree ever. Start by placing baubles, tinsel and fairy lights and top everything off with a star on top. Will you be a bauble boffin or a yuletide liability?

Ola! Tannenbaum is an accurate simulation of what it is like to decorate a tree after too many glasses of sherry and with your eyes closed.

I tried to make an in-game tutorial that explains everything reasonably well but here's what you need to do in more detail if you're planning on min-maxing this.

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Cart #jank-0 | 2020-12-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello! Welcome in a world of pain.
The unofficial harder-than-sub-150(tm) CELESTE Classic mod is here.
This mod was designed as first to be a parody of "add spikes" mods, but I actually put a lot of time and efforts into this to make it actually interesting.
This doesn't require any rem manipulation, spike clip or that kind of crap (you can't see rem and spike clip is lazy), but includes a lot of setups that require extended knowlage of the game and pixel/frame perfect precision.
All the levels were verified by me, they are humanly doable without any spike clip. If you think than it's too easy for some reason, try beating it without spike clip like I did.

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Cart #dog_sitting_simulator-0 | 2020-12-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #rainbowcrewmate-1 | 2020-12-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

this is a crewmate sprite I made, and i also decided to put a little animation to show all the color variants of it.
enjoy!!! :))


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