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Here is something I've been playing around for a couple of days:

Cart #paletteplay-0 | 2020-10-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This cart allow to use a "higher" colour count palette for PICO-8, and of course, there is a trick here: You only have a canvas of 64x64 area as a group of 2x2 pixels are used for each pixel you can display using dithering.

This is mostly a proof of concept, I know I'm not the only one trying this. The code can probably be optimised, and the palette themselves are probably not perfect.

The bonus is that I have 3 variante of the palette:

The first one with 10 colours per channel eating the full first tile bank:

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Cart #swingby-0 | 2020-10-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is made for Ludum Dare 47 Compo.

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Cart #bermejafinal-3 | 2020-10-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hey everyone,

This is a game i made way back but i never had time to finish due to development of Toknight and other games and A-levels. I thought i would release it anyway even though it isnt finished as its still a playable game until the end. Hope you enjoy!


Ons is darem nou in Suid Afrika om bietjie te kuier, maar ek hou maar nog aan met die kaartjies teken en programmeer... Hoop jy verjaar baie lekker en het 'n wonderlike jaar wat voorlê! Klik op die speel knoppie hieronder om die kaartjie te sien.

Cart #veelsgelukpa2020-0 | 2020-10-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #diruwopusa-0 | 2020-10-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My first tweetcart! All the 1D 3-neighbour cellular automata in 194 characters :)

The 1D cellular automata are a simply family of rules that are applied a row at a time in the tweetcart - there are 2^2^3=256 possible rules, and some make very cool fractal non-repeating patterns ... I love that such complexity can emerge from such simple rules - hope you enjoy!

Wikipedia article of relevance

for t=5,128do for x=0,127do
l=p(x-1,t)>1and 4or 0u=p(x,t)>1and 2or 0r=p(x+1,t)>1and 1or 0if(band(w,shl(1,l+u+r))>0)pset(x,t+1,c)end

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=83465#p)
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Cart #k8_caves_v1_1-0 | 2020-11-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I found a cool cave generation algorithm and I'm building a game around it. Currently you can only explore a single random level with 100 bats that fly randomly.


  • random 128x64 map that wraps around
  • rendering y-sorted mobs
  • Kate, who can run, dash and stand still


  • damage system
  • attack for Kate
  • better sprites for the level (pls help, I suck at esthetics)
  • progression
  • more enemies
  • enemy AI
  • collision detection between mobs
  • more sounds
  • and a LOT more

Any feedback or suggestion are appreciated.

Versioin history:
1.1 (latest)

  • dash
  • stamina
  • less noisy walls

Cart #k8_caves_v1_0-0 | 2020-10-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

  • First release

Cart #tebomejosi-1 | 2020-11-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Years ago while bored on a train with a deck of cards, I made up this solitaire game (for all I know, it may already exist under another name). So I've turned it into a little Pico-8 cart, my first "finished" game.

(as sounds common, I've started at least 4 other ideas... all in various WIP / playing-around stages, it's just too much fun to try new things...)

Arrange cards to make as many good poker hands as possible. For an extra challenge, play in "Perfectionist" mode where you only score points if you make a pair or better in all 12 hands (across, down, and diagonal), which takes some careful play and a bit of luck.

My personal best score for some time was 44, though I recently managed a 57 when the stars aligned.

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Cart #wobblepaint-6 | 2020-11-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Wobblepaint started as a secret cartridge in my 2019 Advent Calendar entry, but I think it's time for a proper release! This version has some extra controls and nicer, less crinkly wobble.


Your brush has a size, colour, pattern and shape that can be adjusted separately. There are 4 presets you can select and modify using keyboard shortcuts, or by clicking and dragging the top menu bar down to reveal a palette of attributes.


CTRL-Z, CTRL-Y (or S,F) to undo/redo
CTRL-C, CTRL-V to copy and paste between doodles

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Cart #orbitrarypld-0 | 2020-10-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A revised version of my entry to Ludum Dare 47.
Added some music, effects, and other things.


Cart #srs1_0-2 | 2020-10-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is a compact and efficient system that enables recoloring of sprite graphics. For just 76 tokens, plus any function calls and data strings, you can easily change the color palettes of level tiles or characters based on an arbitrary number of conditions, and even animate them using color cycling. These kinds of techniques were used extensively in games for consoles like the NES to increase graphical variety while conserving memory space. The cart explains the syntax of the data strings and includes a simple demo of what the system can do.


Cart #kejifahajo-0 | 2020-10-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

celeste but it’s the emotes in the celeste classic discord


Cart #timestables-0 | 2020-10-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A representation of times tables drawn on a circle, animating through the progression of times tables starting at 2. The structures that exist intrinsically within the generated images are hypnotic.

Here is a youtube video that explains in detail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhbuKbxJsk8

I wrote a c++ version awhile ago you can see here: https://github.com/bitwitch/times-tables


Cart #atc1-0 | 2020-10-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is a little exercise in code optimization, a fully-functional analog clock in just 196 characters. I'm thinking I might add some features in the future while still keeping it under the 280-character limit, but for now it works just fine.


Cart #animator8x8v03-0 | 2020-11-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hi folks!

Last month I was trying out some Pico-8 features and finally brought them all together in my first cart.

It's a simple 8x8 pixels animation editor. It features:

  • Pixel editor with "Pencil" and "Fill color" tools.
  • Animations allow up to 12 frames.
  • Add/remove frames to the current animation.
  • Editable frame delay.
  • Play/pause animation controls.
  • Keyboard device for text input.
  • Export to PNG (only sprites, not metadata).

For now I have an alpha version because is not finished yet but I wanted to share with you some kind of build that allows me put my mind in another subject.

I've planned to add new features like multiple animations, export metadata capabilities, and much more, but for now this is the v0.1 release.


New 0.2 version including:

  • Fill tool fixed
  • Start/stop animation with toogle button
  • Export frames to clipboard

New 0.3 version including:

  • Rotate sprite clockwise and anti-clockwise tool
  • Undo tool with 12 actions memory per frame

Picolumia TGM 1.4

Cart #hunugedofo-6 | 2024-06-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A modification of Andrew Edstrom's demake of Mixolumia.

The goal is to achieve the highest grade possible, Grand Master. To begin, you must score as many points as possible before the game ends. If the board fills up you lose.

You clear blocks in 2 ways:

  • Getting 3 or more blocks of the same colour in a straight line
  • Putting 4 blocks of the same colour together to make a diamond



  • Move current quad left or right
  • Hold L/R when a piece spawns to have the quad spawn in that direction


  • Hard drop current quad to the bottom of the board

❎ (z/c/n)

  • rotate counter clockwise

🅾️ (x/v/m)

  • Rotate clockwise


  • Decreased global initial/repeat delays
  • Shift-buffer: Hold L/R when a piece spawns to have the piece spawn in that direction
  • Changes to score storage to prevent integer overflows (v. slight chance that an overflow can occur, but unlikely)
  • Blocks break away & prioritise the last direction moved, similar to Mixolumia
  • Mystery gameplay changes related to grade system
  • (1.3) Multiple Gamemodes


You begin the game at Grade 9. To increase your grade, simply score points. The points needed for the next grade is displayed in brackets
Grades go from 9-1, then S1-S9, followed by Master & Grand Master
Achieving grades above S9 require stricter requirements beyond the base game


As you play, you'll receive medals based on your performance. These have no affect on grades & are just for flare. These are graded from Bronze to Diamond & Ruby

SK: Skill Medal. Achieved by doing many large clears (5+ Blocks)
CL: Clear Medal. Achieved by clearing a large number of blocks at once
CB: Combo Medal. Achieved by performing large combos
HC: High-Combo Medal. Achieved by performing a high-scoring combo


Some players find the falling block shadow confusing. If you would rather turn it off, you can toggle whether it displays with "Hide Shadow" and "Show Shadow" in the pause menu
You can also inverse the rotation buttons with the "Inverse Rotation" option. This is useful for those on mobile devices & those playing on certain controllers
If the screen shake effects are causing motion sickness, you can also disable this using "Disable Skrn Shk"
Finally, you can display the game's block generation count with the "Enable Debug" option

Gameplay/Grade Requirements: Standard Mode

Base Grades (9-S9) are all score based. The score required is displayed in brackets under your current score

To extend the game beyond the standard levels, you must achieve an S-Grade (S1-S9) before reaching level 15. You will then play up until level 25
If you reach level 25 within 7 minutes, the game will continue up until level 30, or when 7 minutes have passed
If you reach level 30 within 7 minutes, the game ends & you'll be awarded +1 on your grade
If you were S9 when you reach level 30, you will achieve the grade Master

To achieve Grand Master in Standard Mode, you must

  • Reach S4 before level 15
  • The game will speed up much faster than normal play
  • Reach S9 before level 30
  • Reach level 30 within 7 minutes

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ladies and gentelmen, behold the thing no one asked for, the pinnacle of console and cart design alike, my opus magnum:

Brainf**k Fantasy Console!

Cart #brainf__k_console_1_1-1 | 2020-11-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Have you ever got lost in the many interface options your console provides? Have you ever felt overrun with the abundance of commands included in normal programming languages that everybody knows? Do you feel flabbergasted looking at the vibrant interface colors of the mainstream fantasy consoles? My newest addition to the market has you covered! It has:

  • A full-featured memory editor optimised for the purpose of programming the BFC!
  • A brand new programming language based on the popular Brainf**k!

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Cart #fighter_street_ii-1 | 2020-10-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Super Moves

D = down
F = forward
B = back
P = punch
K = kick

  su1: DFP
  su2: FDFP
  su3: DBK
  ult: DBDBK

  su1: DFK
  su2: DBP
  su3: DBK
  ult: DFDFK

  su1: DFP
  su2: FDFP
  su3: DBK
  ult: DFDFP

  su1: DBK
  su2: DBP
  su3: DFK
  ult: DFDFK

Does anyone know if there are any good token optimization tutorials out there? Something like a collection of tips that show a suboptimal way of doing something and then demonstrate an optimized equivalent?

I'm about 25% through my latest game but about 60% through my token count already. Ordinarily I am much more inclined to finish functionality first and optimize/polish later, but in this case there is no way I will be able to finish if I don't clean up because I'll run out of tokens well before everything is in.

I suspect most of my problem is that I have a lot of tables and nested tables, like this:

-- this is 76 tokens total and I have a total of about 608 tokens worth of just these
ryl = (yl + (flr(yl/10)*1.5))*7.84

which I then refer to values of like this (adding another 26 tokens): sspr(oteam.rec.rec1.sx,oteam.rec.rec1.sy,sprw,sprh,oteam.rec.rec1.x,oteam.rec.rec1.y,sprw,sprh,oteam.rec.rec1.f)

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Cart #maposeniwo-1 | 2020-10-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Work in progress - you control a 3-pixel gnome who can build up a team to work in a mine. There's plenty more to do :)


Cart #losthalloween1-0 | 2020-10-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


In Lost Halloween, you'll choose a costumed character and go trick-or-treating through a neighborhood. At each house you'll have to navigate through their yard, making your way up to the door bell. Ring it, get candy, then on to the next house! But beware, weird things can happen on Halloween. Hey, did that garden gnome just move?


  • Arrow keys: move cursor or character. You can move diagonally by pressing two move keys at once.
  • (Z): attack
  • (X): interact, eat candy (if available and HP<3), advance dialog


  • Five playable characters
  • Thirteen houses to visit
  • Awesome music by Gruber (@gruber_music, PICO-8 Tunes vol1 and 2)

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