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Cart #emptysaloon-0 | 2025-02-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Many years ago while bored on a train with a deck of cards, I created this solitaire game (though poker on a grid is not a new idea...). Now I've turned it into a little Pico-8 cart, my first "finished" game.

Arrange cards to make as many good poker hands as possible (across, down, and diagonally). Or play in "Challenge" mode, which I find most interesting-- you only score points if you make a poker hand (pair or better) in all 12 directions, which takes some careful planning and a bit of luck.

Update in 2025: After playing this off and on over the years, I've come back and made some small changes to the UI and design, as well as added high score tables where you can enter your name, to make it more interesting on a shared machine (and to vaguely prepare for future PICO8 online scoreboards). I've done initial testing of this update on a local machine and web, but if you encounter any bugs around high score saving, let me know-- I changed a fair amount of code around that so plan to do more testing on e.g. handhelds.


Post-Release Comments

This is so good and so random! :)

Hi @icegoat:

Please have option to turn off ambience during actual gameplay including tumbleweeds + lizards.

I like what you did here and want to concentrate on the cards.

Thanks !

Hi @dw817, interesting suggestion, I can add that (I was already going to do a slight rewrite at some point to prepare for future PICO8 online highscores, happy to also add that as an option).

Note to future self and any other PICO-8 devs who read this: avoid publishing carts with names involving words like 'poker' (and I assume other casino-related words)-- this is the only post of mine that gets recurring spam from bots/people who presumably found it by keyword and who post spam about online gambling sites. I report them as they pop up...

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