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Took me a while to debug and identify why this was happening...

I was taking advantage of RESET to clear clipping and palette and as a side-effect RND() started to misbehave returning always the exact same number. I guess that RESET also sets a fixed srand seed and that's why the pseudo-randoms go stale... Probably worth documenting that RESET also does that or if this was unintentional fix it...


Hi all,

Here is my newest simple game, Bounce Bot! Basically, imagine Doodle Jump, but it's in 3D. Green platforms are normal, yellow platforms bounce you really high, and red platforms disappear after you jump on them.

Cart #biwopebado-1 | 2020-07-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Any and all feedback is appreciated.


Version 2:

  • Added drop shadow
  • Made hitbox more forgiving

Ran into this on MacOS Mojave. If you put a '.' in the filename when you export binaries, the unzipped app will launch just fine, but the zipped one won't.

I made a quick video:


Cart #lgrs2_0-0 | 2020-11-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #lrs_1_0-0 | 2020-07-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Version 2.0 --New system with much-improved ease-of-use and flexibility in one tiny, 74-token function!

With Pico-8's small spritesheet, many game makers who want a nice title screen are forced to either give up valuable sprite space for a custom-drawn logo, or use a tiny one and zoom in so it but looks very pixelated. Occasionally, someone will use a more advanced method to store images, such as Zep's PX9 or dw817's compression programs. These work well, but the minimum cost of 1000+ characters and 280+ tokens for decompression plus prite sheet rewriting, and/or screen-filling compressed strings can be overkill for many projects, so I came up with my own alternatives.

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I've just installed a fresh Raspberry OS on a Pi 2+/-, and uploaded pico-8. User pi. I am under the impression that it should be putting carts, config.txt, and other stuff here:


But it is empty, even after I've spun up splore, changed a few configs from inside the IDE, written and saved a program from inside the IDE, etc.. There is nothing there. It IS retaining config changes between boots, so I know it is keeping that info somewhere.

What super-obvious thing am I missing here?

Yours, etc.

1 comment

Cart #wwiiddeejjeellppii-0 | 2020-07-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

song is titled "Song for Denise" which is a song that i did not write
edit: ã‚´ã‚´ã‚´ã‚´


Cart #snek_gem-5 | 2020-07-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #goobers_in_the_mix-10 | 2020-08-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

edit: fixed the sluggish jumps
edit: tightened up camera, added some tips about switching items, shrunk spike hitboxes, added some helpful tiles in the firepit
edit: widened the rat/bat safety window, added a chest near the star door which gives you an extra heart and serves as a 1 time savepoint
edit: healing salve only replenishes a heart, cap is still 4 hearts
edit: fix collisions at trigger points
edit: add skull to door guarded by boss & add visual feedback when boss is hit
edit: changed the healing salve to a full checkpoint, rat doesn't spawn under the double spikes until after you get the first potion, added a in-game tip about using potions, added another checkpoint in the firepit, took the corner off the annoying ledge over the firepit spike jump, changed boss dialog to make it more clear about what he does or doesn't have in his possession.

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I'm working on a top-down space game, which has an option to toggle on planetary orbit indicator lines (mostly for checking things are where they're meant to be but I might include it in the actual game, don't know yet).

This results in circles being generated using the circ() function, sometimes with some large values for the circle radius (some planets can be orbiting thousands of pixels out)

Anyway, this worked fine before I upgraded to the newest Pico-8 version - I'm not sure what version I was on before but I've tested it with 0.2.0i and it works correctly and the orbit lines are drawn in full and in the correct place, even for planets that are thousands of pixels out from 0,0 where the star system is centred.

On the Pico-8 0.2.1b though, something is going quite wrong - any circles that are more than a few hundred pixels in radius are becoming very corrupted - circles have gaps in the area around y=0, and the top and bottom of the circles are very strange and... not circular...

I tested in 0.2.1 as well and that seems to be the point where this issue started. So I'm trying to figure out if it's a bug or if it's due to something that's changed there?

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Cart #the_wall-0 | 2020-07-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

welcome to "THE WALL"

this game is a clone of one of the mini-games of "Lazy Jones", an old C64 game which is probably the first game ever to feature the concept of mini-games.

the game is very simple but that's what makes it so great. basically it's like snake, you have to build a wall in a garden without hitting plants. the longer the wall, the higher your score.

the code is only around 100 lines so if you're a beginner it might show you that it's possible to create a simple game without lots of code or extravagant graphics (in fact i like their simplicity).

have fun


Cart #spacetube-6 | 2020-12-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #wooltergeistpostgj-2 | 2020-07-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is the post Game Jam version of https://emuuuu.itch.io/wooltergeist


Cart #mozonogozi-0 | 2020-07-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hi, friends!

I've just finished my first ever video game!

I just want to thank this entire community for existing and being so helpful and friendly. I discovered Pico-8 in April; at the peak of COVID-19 hitting my hometown, and in the depths of a massive depression brought on by isolation/lack of work/personal losses from the pandemic. It's been a lifelong dream to make a game, but I never thought I'd ever actually accomplish it, and making a little progress on this project each day feels like one of the few things that has really kept me going. So, thank you all!!!

Special thanks to @Liquidream for leading me here in the first place, and being kind enough to do some playtesting and providing lots of helpful feedback along the way. Also thanks to @MBoffin for their zine, which got me started, and for feedback in the forums when I was trying to figure out managing game state.

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Cart #sweezechess-7 | 2020-07-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

ive made a surprisingly functional chess port over the course of the last 2 days
i tried doing this in turing like half a year ago but couldn't get check detection down
this time it actually worked

it comes with 4 modes of difficulty:
0 - random
1 - captures when possible
2 - makes trades
3 - avoids checkmate

according to an elo tester, level 3 is rated around 1530
i don't trust this number, the test comprised of 10 questions and i ranked 1615 despite having a chess.com elo of 612 (:

the difficulty, plus "many" more things, can be changed in the pause menu

update 1.1:

[hidden]singular bug fix, some quality of life improvements, as well as an ai with 3 varying levels of "difficulty"

level 0: entirely random moves
level 1: captures if it can
level 2: will try avoid unfavourable captures

there are also a bunch of pause menu options to disable or adjust the ai, as well as change which colour you play as

i also added in a preventative measure to stop you from castling out of, into, or through check

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Cart #kosmoduck-3 | 2020-07-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

It's finally done! There may be a few bug fixes but this is pretty much it! A passion project combining my love for shmups with my passion for ducks. Quack!


Hey folks! First post, here.

I just started learning Lua this summer, and the use of tables has been a big hurdle to me. I seem to have the basic concept worked out, but something really weird is happening to my one project.

Long story short, I'm making a racing game that is fairly code-intensive when it comes to the graphics. It was working just fine, until the other day when I started working on a level-select feature. I changed one of the level parameters from a solo variable to a part of a table, so that I'd be able to group the various parameters into nested tables and swap them with a simple level index, but suddenly, the performance took a nose-dive. I don't mean dropped frames, I mean it slowed down to a fraction of the acceptable frame rate, seemingly down to 5 frames a second or less.

I changed that one variable back to a standalone variable, performance jumped back to normal. Changed it back to an entry in a table, and the game slogged back down to a few frames a second.

I know there's a lot I still don't know about using tables, but does anyone know of any hard limit that would abruptly cause performance to suffer this drastically? All I changed was this:

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Cart #pyjamasz103-0 | 2021-07-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The Cat's Meow

You are a kid named Lily, who has been hired by Muffie to get her café business started.
The café is almost ready to open, but she needs an interesting menu to draw in a crowd.
She requests you to find three exotic coffee beans to give her drinks a unique flavour.
Each one of these coffee beans lie at the end of tough gauntlets.
Can you brave the challenges and make her dream a reality?

After you've beaten the game, why not give the other modes a go?

Z/C - Jump
X - Run
Arrow keys - Move

Music used:

  • Chopin's Nocturne (Op.9, No.2)
  • Sonic 3 Chrome Gadget
  • Katy Parry's E.T.
  • 8-bit Guy Junk Keyboard Theme

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This is a very simple snake clone, left to turn left, right to turn right, collect the apples. If you hit your tail the game crashes (on purpose) and the score is shown.

I really wanna get it under 280 characters but I'm not sure I can really get it any further, so if you're up for it, I'd love to hear from you about how I can go further :)

265 chars (with a lot of help from remcode and jadelombax!)

x+=1.5*cos(w)y+=sin(w)*1.5if(2<pget(x,y)or u<1)u+=1circ(l,m,2,0)l=rnd(99)m=rnd(99)
add(d,{x,y,2,u})for e in all(d)do e[4]-=.1pset(unpack(e))
circ(l,m,2,3)flip()goto _

Property descriptions

d = tail table
u = score
w = snake direction
x = snake x pos
y = snake y pos

l = apple x
m = apple y

Cart #fubebippa-0 | 2020-07-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A simple binary clock that I made. You can toggle a digital clock with the Z key, can toggle a legend to help you read the clock with the X key, and you can adjust the various colors with the arrow keys.


Cart #hotfoot-2 | 2020-07-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

"Hotfoot is a frictionless platformer with the objective of completing each course as fast as possible. Use the slopes to gain speed and zoom off to victory! Test your time against the creator's!"

Made for the GMTK Game Jam 2020, in 48 hours.
Hotfoot on itch.io
HOT GRILL demo font

TIP: Holding forward on a slope will give you additional speed, but will negate speed off a slope!


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