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Cart #game_and_timer_ball-2 | 2020-06-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The game & watch series is pretty iconic. So this my own take on the first game ball.

Left/Right - Move arms
Z - start Game A
X - start Game B
press and hold z or x - to see your high score.
To play you must stop the balls dropping to the floor. the more score
you gain the faster the balls will drop.


looking for some help on importing sprite sheet. i am using Gimp and Inkscape to create my artwork. I am using RBG number to insure i have correct colors for pico 8. exported sprite sheet and importing 128x128. However, when i import into Pico 8 result is not as expected. first pic is my art in gimp. Second pic is Pico8 after import of that art.


Cart #uxxaki__labirint-0 | 2020-05-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #painting-0 | 2020-05-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Just wanted to share my %95 complete Pong game in order to get some feedback. The main thing I'd like to change is make the ball run faster after every hit, and add some rudimentary AI for a single player mode.


Hi! It would be convenient to have an option in the cart submenu to save a file from BSS to local carts, for systems that are not always connected.

For the carts that only have numerical IDs or generated names, it would be great to have a new RENAME command in the console :)


Cart #the_state_of_things_0-0 | 2020-05-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

this thing really pushes the CPU, it's a bit laggy on web

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So this is probably going to be a long, weird post, and is inspired by this post by @Mot a few weeks ago. I kind of dislike the way that Pico-8's cartridge RAM and Lua RAM exist in different worlds, and how everyone eventually uses huge strings to store data on the Lua side, when they run out of token space. It's fine to do that, and in fact I love that the option exists, but is it really a good default way for people to bypass the Pico-8 limitations? I have an idea I want to float to the community about this.

My proposal is to add two functions to the API, that convert between a Lua table and a cartridge bitstream. Using them to get your token count down would be a pre-publishing task, but it could be automated so that you only have to comment out the table to publish your game:

table = { true, x=15.5, [0]="yes", {"why?"}={"because","lua","supports","this","too"} }
len = luastore(0x0,table

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=77321#p)

Not a bug but a feature request since Zep is still adding features on 0.2.0j. It would be great if the drawing tool would show a preview of the pixel you are about to draw as the cursor moves into the canvas. Here is a gif of what I mean:

This is the default setting in programs like Aseprite. It helps judging the scale and placement of pixels especially when the canvas is blank. I'm so used to it from Aseprite and I really miss this when I jump into Pico-8 to touch up things.


Cart #ninjarun158-0 | 2020-05-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #glider-3 | 2020-05-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

How far can you get? Press up to give your glider a wind boost but be careful because it will run out!

Made in Limerick, Ireland.

Inspired by a game named Glider that I think was the first game that I ever played, on the old Macintosh Plus.

Let me know how you get on! jamespoolegamescool.com


As an excercise to better understand the music tool I made a "cover" of the song "Surviving" by Namnambulu. I say "cover" with quotation marks because I suppose it's more... uuuh... "inspired by" =)


Edit: The sound quality in the web player in Chrome is really bad for me. Either try another browser, or click that little "sfx" link under the player to copy the song into pico8 itself.


Forgive me, I'm new here.

Cart #rinodirodi-0 | 2020-05-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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Cart #gulliver-1 | 2020-02-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Definitely a work in progress. Took a break after days of trying to figure out basic functions, so there's currently no way to progress through the game. Eventually Gulliver will need to eat enough trash to be heavy enough to drop through a hole at the end of each level so he can move to the next.


Cart #pico_skate_iv-0 | 2020-05-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hello everybody,

after years of playing all your amazing Carts, and failing to build something more complex i proudly present you:

"pico Skate IV"

I built this in my free time over the course of two weeks, to get my self away from 3D art and back into programming. I had a lot of fun animating the board sprites by hand and having such huge sprites and tile sets. This also required me to use all of the available sprite and map space with only small unused spaces.

What to expect

In this quick retro game you can control your skateboard along four different levels, each with it's own look and play style. Tricks can be done by jumping on rails or pressing the arrow keys in the air. When you mastered these try to combine you tricks in to a combo by pressing the down button to manual.


On Firefox and Safari, the PICO-8 screen can go beyond the bottom boundary of the div that encloses it. When this happens, the bottom part of the PICO-8 screen can be masked/covered by elements below the player. On Chrome it always renders okay.

This screenshot shows what goes wrong:

This is the HTML template as exported by PICO-8 (0.2.0e). I only changed it to add some text below the player, and changed the background color of the "p8_frame_0" div to red.

The page is accessible here for anyone who wants to quickly try and reproduce it. Whether or not the problem occurs depends on the size of the view port. You may have to resize your browser window.


When attempting to load a .p8 cart that exceeds the 65535 character limit (one that may have been created by an external editor or tool), PICO-8 silently drops lines at the end of the cart and does not report errors. It then accepts to save the (now corrupted) cart when pressing Ctrl-S, overwriting the original file.

Here is a sample cartridge for testing purposes; notice that the last print() line disappears when loading it.

One more observation: sometimes, when the 65535 character threshold lies in the middle of a Lua statement, a loading error does appear. I have been unable to identify when exactly.


Cart #getugibono-0 | 2020-05-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My entry for the RNDGAME Jam 2020 by Tom Hall

Alien brain parasites are invading earth! The disguised themselves as yummy food to sneak through the food distribution pipeline. You have to use your scanner to find the imposters and stop them with your beam cannon!

But don't waste any food!


  • UP & Down to move the scanner
  • LEFT & Right to move the Beam Cannon
  • X to fire your Beam

How to play

The food needs to reach the bottom of the screen. But if an imposter touches you or the bottom, the game is over.

You can find the Imposters with your scanner and use the Cannon to destroy them. The more you destroy, the faster you level up. On each level the game gets faster and harder.

Pssst... There are two secret gamemodes to unlock!

Thanks for playing and have fun!


Cart #maxbize_portaldeal-3 | 2020-05-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Chain portals together to collect all the gold!

How to Play

Hey, listen up! This game is tricky to get the hang of!

The objective of the game is to collect all the gold bars. You have a green collector that will grab them whenever it gets close. While you can't control it directly, you can place portals around the level to get it where you need.

The game is broken into two phases:

Setup Phase:

  • Left click on any wall with a white edge to add a portal
  • Add as many portals as you want. They chain together. For example, if you place three portals, portal one will lead to portal two which will lead to portal three which will loop back to portal one

[ Continue Reading.. ]


Hello again!

I had a peek into Celeste's code and i believe it is made using ECS or Entity Component systems. It gripped me immediately as i can sort-of understand the way it works, i think. I believe that each entity in a game contains its own update draw and init functions, and in the main update draw and init functions you just have a foreach loop that cycles through them and updates/draws them individually. My first question would be is this right? My second and main question is can anyone expand and put it into (preferably extremely simple) code. I would love to use this new architecture.



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