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Cart #wajapayesu-0 | 2020-05-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Entry for OHGJ 262th. Theme: Time Travel.

I really run out of time^^.


Cart #hexo_puzzler2-0 | 2020-06-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Slide around 5 challenging boards, merging hexagons into matching triangles.

Mesmerizing and contemplative game play rewards thinking ahead and changing your plans. Chill music is chill.
Post your high scores in the comments! These levels are beatable, at least the first three.

Pretty self explanatory if you play around a bit.

This is my first Pico 8 game and the first thing I've programmed since high school 20X6 years ago.

Advanced Rules:

Blocks merge up the rainbow: purple -> blue -> green -> yellow -> orange -> red
Blocks slide in 6 directions and merge once they finish moving.
You cannot tilt the same direction twice in a row.
Blocks merge into the column in the falling direction with 2 merging blocks.

Cart #station_8-0 | 2020-05-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Explore a research station.

There are a total of 4 Power Modules on the Station.

(You can toggle the speedrun timer in the pause menu.)

Also on here: https://klehrik.itch.io/station-8

Side note: Does anyone know a way to change username?


shr(x,n) and lshr(x,n) have always handled shift values outside the 0…31 range in a peculiar way: negative values of n are treated like n&31, while values ≥ 32 always return 0 (or 0xffff.ffff for a signed shift).

But now the new >>> operator diverges from lshr by treating n ≥ 32 like n&31, so we get:

   1 >> 32 = 0
 shr(1,32) = 0
  1 >>> 32 = 1
lshr(1,32) = 0

edit: same with << which no longer behaves like shl()


Cart #donsol8_v1-14 | 2022-08-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a PICO-8 port of Donsol by John Eternal and Hundred Rabbits, a dungeon-crawler game built around a deck of 54 cards.


RND Software thanks you for selecting Donsol for the PICO-8 system. Please read these instructions before starting for maximum enjoyment of this game.


After a long evening of playing cards at the local tavern, you head off home to get some sleep, but something goes wrong. You suddenly find yourself trapped in a nightmarish dungeon, which is infested with fiends, monsters and wicked witches intent on making sure you stay trapped in the dungeon forever. As you suddenly seem unable to find any exits, your amulet warns you that a strong curse has been placed on the dungeon by these same monsters. Armed only with your trusty dagger, will you be able to eliminate all the monsters, dispel the curse that prevents you from leaving and exit the dungeon, or will you suffer the wrath of the Donsols?


It's clear that as long as the dungeon is cursed, it will be impossible to leave it. Since the best way to break a curse is to destroy the creature that cast it, the only way out is to completely purge the dungeon of evil. Luckily, the dungeon isn't just inhabited with dark and fiendish monsters -- you can clearly see helpful shields, healing potions and mages shining with red light. Use them carefully to stay alive while clearing the dungeon and you will surely find your way out!


This is a single-player game. Only use the controller connected to Control Port 1.


  • On the title screen, use the left and right directions to pick the difficulty level.

  • During gameplay, use left and right to choose a card, or press up or down to select the "run" or "restart" options.

Cross Button

  • This button is never used in this game.

Circle Button

  • On the title screen, use this button to start the game.

  • During gameplay, use this button to flip the selected card, or to use the "run" or "restart" button when it's selected.

Pause Button

  • Use this button to pause the game and display the Pause Menu.


In addition, if you have a PICO-8 Mouse or compatible device, you can plug it into the Expansion Port. The moment you click a mouse button, the game will display a mouse cursor. It will be red when the cursor is over an interactable object and gray otherwise. To interact, use the left, right or middle mouse button. If you want to use the regular controller again, just press the Circle Button or the Cross Button, and mouse controls will be disabled.

  • On the title screen, clicking on the left or right part of the screen is used to select the difficulty level. Clicking in the middle of the screen is used to start the game.

  • In game, clicking over one of the four card in your hand will select that card. Clicking over the "Run" button will escape the room, if possible. If the game is over, clicking anywhere restarts the game.


After you turn on the game, you will see the title screen. Here, you can select the difficulty level for the game by using the left and right directions on the D-Button and pressing the Circle Button to select. Alternatively, you can choose the "CREDITS" option to see the names of the people responsible for making the game.


  1. Your health points

  2. Your shield's durability (if available) and defense

  3. Your experience (number of cards flipped)

  4. "Run" / "Restart" button

  5. Name of currently selected card

  6. A flipped card

  7. An unselected card

  8. A selected card and its cursor

  9. Status messages

On this screen, you see your current status, the cards comprising the current room of the dungeon and the last status message. Your task is to clear the dungeon by flipping all 54 cards of the deck. To do that, use the left and right directions on the D-Button to select a card and then press the Circle Button to flip it. Different cards have different effects:

♠Spades and ♣Clubs -- Monsters

The spades(♠) and clubs(♣) are the dungeon's monsters. When you flip them, they will attack you, dealing damage equal to their value. If you survive the attack, you defeat the monster.

(Every time you flip any card, your XP value goes up by one. When it reaches 54, this means that there are no cards left in the dungeon and you win the game.)

♦Diamonds -- Shields

The diamonds (♦) are shields and helpful red mages. When you flip them, you equip the shield (or recruit the mage) to provide defense from monster attacks. When a monster attacks you, the shield will reduce the amount of damage you take by its own value. If the monster is weaker than the shield's defense, their attack will not hurt you at all!

However, there's a catch. After a monster hits you while shielded, your protection will weaken and will be unable to withstand attacks from equal or stronger monsters without breaking and leaving you unguarded. To prevent that, be sure to attack stronger monsters before weaker ones!

When you flip a diamond card while already protected, you replace the old card's protection with the new card's. You can't hold two shields at once, and the red mages' defensive spells don't work when you have a shield.

(The "durability" and "defense" values in the HUD display the maximum attack your protection can withstand and the amount of damage it can repel. For example, if it says "8/6", that means you will not lose 6 health points when attacked by monsters of strength 8 or less. If there's only one number, then your protection has not yet been touched. For example, "10" means you have a Large Shield capable of avoiding 10 points of damage from any monster.)

♥Hearts -- Potions

The hearts (♥) are potions and helpful white mages. When you flip them, you will consume the potion (or ask for help) and they will restore an amount of health equal to their value.

However, there's another catch. The potions' and mages' restorative magic doesn't like being overused, and if you try to use two or more heart cards in a row, the latter ones will do nothing. An hourglass symbol above the health meter will warn you if healing up is useless.

(No matter what, you can't have more than 21 health points.)

🃏Jokers -- Donsols

The two joker (🃏) cards are Donsols -- extremely powerful monsters that rule this dungeon. In fact, they are so strong, that meeting them without an untouched shield is sure to end your journey once and for all! Be extremely cautious in rooms with them.

Running away

If you feel like you can't deal with the room you're in, you may want to try running away from it. To do that, use the up or down directions on the D-Button so that the "Run" button is selected, and then press the Circle Button.

The curse of the dungeon may have made it very hard to navigate, but sometimes you still have the opportunity to quickly escape into a different room with a new set of cards in it. The flipped cards will not reappear, but you will still have to deal with the rest eventually -- hopefully with better equipment and in better health.

The situations in which you can escape depend on your difficulty level:

  • On EASY, you can escape any rooms that don't have monsters left or if you haven't escaped from the previous room.
  • On NORMAL, you can only escape if you haven't escaped from the previous room.
  • On HARD, you can only escape if the room you're in doesn't have monsters left.
  • On EXPERT, you can't run from any rooms at all.

Luckily, the dungeon's curse only gains its full power once you've interacted with any of its inhabitants. If you haven't attacked any monsters, equipped any defense or healed yourself up (i.e. your XP is 0), you can always run from rooms. Use this to find a starting room that lets you survive the dungeon more easily.


Pressing the Pause Button at any time will open the Pause Menu with the following options:

  • Continue - Resume playing the game back where you left off.
  • Trad. Suits - The minimalist suit graphics used in Donsol may be confusing to some users. By enabling this option, the suit graphics will be replaced with ones more like those used in traditional playing card decks.
  • ⬅️ English ➡️ - Change the language that the game uses by using the left and right directions on the D-Button. The game can be played in English, in Russian, or in toki pona.
  • Reset Cart - Restart the game from the title screen. This is the only way to change the difficulty level once it's been selected.

Use the up and down directions on the D-Button to select an option and press either the Cross Button, the Circle Button or the Pause Button to select the item you want.


  • If your shield breaks, you receive the full damage of the attack. That's why it's better to have a weak shield that hasn't been touched by monsters than a strong one that already has low durability.

  • If you've defeated all monsters in a room and you see potions and shields you don't need, it's best to run away from that room. That way, those shields and potions may find themselves useful later!

  • Donsols have an attack value of 21 -- higher than all other monsters and equal to your maximum health. Don't even think of attacking them without a brand-new shield!


A PICO-8 cartridge is a delicate electronic device and must be handled carefully. Please abide by the following rules to make sure the cartridge lasts as long as possible:

  • Do not expose the cartridge to extreme temperatures.

  • Do not try to dismantle or break apart the cartridge.

  • Keep both the cartridge's and the PICO-8 system's connectors clean. Do not use water to clean the connectors.

RND Software and Lexaloffle Games are not liable for damage caused to the game cartridge or the PICO-8 system if these rules are violated or if the damage is caused by abusing the game or the system.

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Cart #summitshake-1 | 2020-05-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Being a mountain is tough. It's always cold and windy. Moving around takes a while. It's also hard to get some sleep because humans relentlessly scale you. Wouldn't it be nice if they took a tiny tumble down a steep slope? As it turns out, a brief shake is all it takes to have those climbers lose their footing. But will crippling their compatriots be enough to discourage them?


  • LEFT/RIGHT: Target a side.
  • DOWN: Shake targeted side.


This is the first game I've made on PICO-8 so constructive criticism is very welcome. I couldn't have done this without my artist/idea-person/sister Humanic.
I submitted this to the Dream Arcade Archive jam but it was adapted from my unfinished concept for Mini Jam 53, the theme of which was, you guessed it: Summit. It could be more arcadey but I wanted to move on to my next game thing. I'm not opposed to revising but I want to stumble through a few more projects first.

Thanks for playing and reading! Hope you were able to feel some positive emotions from this experience.

1 comment

Hello! This is my first attempt at coding a game and I've come across a hiccup.

What I'm trying to do is create a sort of track that the player can follow by restricting movement based on the sprite number of the map tile at the x,y location of the player sprite. The restriction functions seem to be working but the displayed map seems to be off from the "location" of the player. I've read there are some discrepancies to the coordinate planes for the map and the screen and this is the closest I've gotten by trying to implement suggestions from the web, but things are still a bit wonky.

I've created a little display of the sprite that the restrictions are being derived from.

Any help understanding what I'm mixing up here would be much appreciated!

Cart #gutsmaze-0 | 2020-05-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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Cart #yakomafow-0 | 2020-05-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

First game! This was mostly a learning exercise, and any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Having a blast with Pico-8 so far, and ready to keep exploring what I can do with it!


Cart #rotatingcylinder-0 | 2020-05-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Use the arrow keys to adjust the size.


Hey there,

according from the Wiki-Page about Memory, it is unclear what a Poke to address 0x5f5e does, right?

 0x5f5e-0x5f7f / 24414-24447

 The remaining registers up to 0x5f7f are undocumented.

I was playing around a bit and found something out: It seems to "reduce" the Colors that can be used. For example, poking a "1" reduce the Palette to only 2 Colors, Black and Dark-Blue.

A simple Description: It seems that poking around 0x5f5e is some sort of "pal" all over the Color-Palette, but also prevents you to "pal" another Color. For Example: If you poke a "1", "pal" is limited to set a Color to blue or black only.

I just uploaded a Cartridge where you could play around with that:

Cart #poke0x5f5edemo-1 | 2020-05-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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Just a few things I thought I’d share. Sorry if it’s gibberish and/or uninteresting to most people.

Many carts store extra data in the code section, most of the time inside strings. Some people will store structured data such as JSON or JSON-like data and let the PICO-8 compression mechanism deal with it, but you must have seen people who rolled their own compression mechanism and use custom formats such as modified base64 that takes advantage of the 59 “good” characters (i.e. the ones that needed only one byte of storage in the .p8.png format instead of two).

-- custom base64 data
local data = "e*!jfg57yfl+[7dmrin_bt#0/g6!1y68(.xh.ata_kn3j7!un_s+jn5..a)s8xi/ou0/{ff)ec}["

Such base64 data encodes 6 bits of information per character, and requires an average of 8.625 bits per character on the old format cartridge (pre-0.2.0). It means that this “alphabet” gave us about 5.565 bits of information per byte on the cartridge (8 * 6 / 8.625).

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If you display the code on this cart, you'll see some unknown symbols in the header comment.

Here's a comparison of how they look in PICO-8 vs. how they look on the BBS:

I assume this means the BBS doesn't do the glyph->unicode conversion trick.

1 comment

Cart #gs-0 | 2020-05-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

For my first "complete" Pico-8 game, I thought I'd start with something simple.

Who likes Snake?


Unofficial PICO-8 port of fliqlo screensaver

Fliqlo is a free app that turn your mac/windows into a flip clock by Yuji Adachi


Use this cart for your smartwatch projet, pico-8 frame or any pico-8 device to show the passage of time in an elegant way

Cart #flipclock-0 | 2020-05-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This cart was made during the boringness of the 2020 covid19 lockdown

1.3 changelog

  • New cart name: FLIP CLOCK
  • AM/PM information moved on the same line as digits
  • Fixed: 00:00 was showed as 0:00

1.2 changelog

  • Small bugfixes

1.1 changelog

  • Switch time format with O, X or Click
  • Hours doesn't show the first 0 anymore. (09:32 is now displayed as 9:32)

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Hey guys, I’m really new to this so excuse my naivety, I’ve just spent all day setting up my Pico 8 on my handheld Raspberry pi 3b In emulationstation and now getting games to boot, but I can only use a plugged in keyboard and can’t register any of my button presses in game... what do I need to do or edit to map my buttons and joystick please??
Thanks in advance


This bug may have been in place for the last several versions, not sure why I haven't reported it yet.

In older versions, hitting ctrl-z would show you your undone text change and then hitting ctrl-z again
would actually move the cursor to its previous position.

These actions appear to be combined in recent versions as the cursor will frequently jump away from the text
that I had changed.

A minor annoyance, but I think some other folks have noticed it talking in the discord.

1 comment


added the smallest bit of environmental storytelling and small tweaks to the design and audio mix.

the finished product is out tomorrow!

Cart #obsta15-1 | 2020-08-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


more sound and music by @AliceB! skipped over 0.13 cos that's build featured all of the music before it was implemented in the code

if you can fill this form in i will be very happy

FEEDBACK FORM: https://forms.gle/QsyQEUHpY4aWDWGL8

Cart #obsta14-0 | 2020-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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I’m a new user today and I’m hoping someone could help please! I have downloaded the Pico8 software and transferred it to my Raspberry pi 3 handheld and it shows up in emulationstation etc so I’ve got this far but now, after adding the .p8.png cart images to the folder they do show up, but then when I launch it the screen goes black and sends me back to emulationstation! Does anyone know what I’m doing or have done wrong please? Any help is much appreciated Thankyou



Cart #wordomino-0 | 2020-04-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Arrow Keys to move Dominoes, and Z/X to rotate

Here's a fun little word game I prototyped a little while back! Only four letter and five letter words will cause the dominoes to clear, partially because three letters are too short, and because storing 6,7, and 8 letter words inside of Pico-8 sounded above my skill-level and/or impossible. Hope you enjoy!


Cart #friendly_fire-0 | 2020-04-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Been working on my first Pico 8 game for the last few days. Thought it was finally "okay" enough to share!

This is Friendly Fire! An arcade-y SHMUP like game where you control 2 ships at once in reverse directions. Enemies come at you from the middle pointing either left or right, it's your job to stop them from reaching either border, and to also not ram into your own bullets.

Bullets cannot hurt the border, that includes enemy bullets and your own, but they CAN hurt everything else, including you. Basically, don't hit yourself, and don't hit the enemies.


Up/Down arrows - Move up or down, both ships move in opposite directions to each other

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