whaaaaaa, what is this ? ...interesting stuff. Its kinda voxatron inverted seems a little clumsy, but give em time to perfect it. The other projects are cool too! Lots of interface ideas.

I am new here, and this is my first level. I have experimented a lot with the Voxatron editor, peeking into other people's levels for instructions and inspiration (Because there isn't a tutorial video on how to make a monster shoot bullets! :P) and eventually made this!
This is a four-level demo showing off different types of enemies to fight, and I have to warn you that the boss is kind of buggy, I feel this may be fixed in the 3.0 version of Voxatron, but for now that would be the best I could do.
I hope you all like my idea!
EDIT: As a kind person let me know, we shouldn't fill up the BBS with useless WIP levels, so I am just going to edit this thread every time I have an update.

Title: Misfortune
Version: 1.0
Type: Hack n Slash
Difficulty: 2/5
This level is originaly a test level for monster behavior that I was going to use on the reversed fairy tale but I already developed it as a whole diferent thing.
Is called misfortune because ironicaly you play the level with the sword of fortune only, so if you get hit once is probably the end for you.
yet, this game is pretty easy, exept for the final red rooms wich are actually a challenge, some level you won't have a weapon at all and the boss fight don't even need a weapon.
I like this concept and it's shooter equivalent will only be released at 0.3 (its a bigger project so I need to work more on this one)
please enjoy, and consider this a preview for the monster behavior at reversed fairytale and a gameplay preview to this future yet unnamed level comming soon
So, for some time the bbs its been inactive
so I have an idea to talk about with all of you voxatron players.
I have lots of work in progress projects that I am working on, one of them is the legend of zelda moon dungeon,
which I can only bring to the bbs when the game allow an inventory sistem, so there is a proper use of bombs. the monsters are almost done and soon the maps will be too, but the project I want to share here is this one
this one is more of a little experience than a game, the paintings are the main points here and the map I prepared is simply huge so it will only be released on the bbs after a while. That's all I can say for now, if anyone wants to help with the plot, or anything else, you are welcome to join.
the idea here is to share our WIP projects that are not ready to share on the bbs on this tread, it can be anyway you want, I'm not the one who make the rules here. So please share your projects, ask for help or even comment another one!
I thank your participation in advance. please keep this going.

Title: Metal Gear Voxel
Version: 0.1.1
Type: Tactical Espionage Action (a little bit of everything)
Difficulty: 2/5
After many, many hours of work.... It's a few minutes long.
The first stable landmark release of my Metal Gear tribute, Metal Gear Voxel. Inspired heavily by Metal Gear Solid 3, I've done my best to "voxelize" the graphics, style, and gameplay of Metal Gear Solid in Voxatron to create a fun fusion of the two games. At this point, I've completed work on the Virtuous Mission portion, which I believe is a good point to rest, pause, and get some user feedback on the level so far. I highly appreciate any feedback you have to give!
Thanks for playing and have fun!
UPDATE V0.1.2 (1/15/14)
+Intro cutscene added
+First boss added
+Corpses added (they bleed when you push them! :D)
+NPC Gallery added
+minor gameplay tweaks
Be sure to check out new updates!

Title: Locks
Version: 0.8
Type: hack n' slash
Difficulty: progressive, imprevisible and unbalanced (that's why its a wip)
another dungeon level, made expecially for the little robot from the adventure mode!
I don't have much of the will to balance this one but I'll try
the boss, when hurt gets really fast, so if you change the room size to the standart (128)
you can see that he goes trough the level walls, just like the dragon, yet, it's not supposed to be like that.
Edit: first room was impossible due to timeline

So here I have the LATEST UPDATE to the Lonely Voxel! So much hype, coming from me!
I've just added a few more areas thanks to little time and/or inspiration.
An idea that I implemented in the end is a simple HUD editor deal. Thanks to Draw In Screen Space you can move an animation up where the HUD is, as everything besides props can be put 15(?) voxels above the editing area, though they can't be seen until the level is played.
It can't be used for health or anything (unless you have a REALLY intricate boss) but can be used for "quest item collection" like the Spiritual Stones or key items. Or you could change the font, add vines on the weapon box, name weapons, many possibilities.
I also found exploding enemies neato.

Title: enchant: heart's dungeon
Version: Final
Type: Adventure
Difficulty: 2.5/5
a big map with lots to explore
shiny bosses!
optional collectables (health and sword upgrades, code decrypter, special hearts)
code system! (thanks zep)
sequel to the catridge enchant, it occurs inside the protagonists psyche, the whole of the database door (the one you see on the title) is yet to be uncovered, the story will be completely revealed only on the next cartridge.

Title: Cube Fusion
This is a project I've been working on for a little while. I will make some changes based on the feedback I get and then post the final version. You won't be able to play this in the editor. There are some glitches that prevent you from going forward, but if you reset the room it usually fixes it. I've played through this 2 times, so all the doors should work correctly and every room can be completed.
I made the game so you can't jump or pick up any cubes, so if you can there is something wrong.
I made this to experiment with puzzle ideas and discovered that there is infinite possibilities. Please try to use the ideas I came up with in your levels or create all new puzzle concepts.

This is a short demo level involving some ninja-like (robot like? robits?) guys I built.
The focus of this level was to play and learn the new modifier system.
What's there:
Blue ninja - runs real fast. Basic guy who follows the player. As they take damage they eventually reach different crawl paces. This was a feature for each ninja. At 2 lives it's crawl speed 1 with crawl animation 1. At crawl speed 2 the movement speed is lowered and the animation is changed once again.
Red Ninja - shoots a single bullet. At crawl speed 1 the bullet speed is slightly lowered. at CS2, the bullet speed is lowered and will be lobbed at the ground (you have shot the ninja a few times by this point.)
Green ninja - red, but with spread. The spread decreases with the crawling speeds.
Black ninja - faster and spawns two blue ninjas after a few hits, otherwise exactly like the blue ninja.
The levels were quickly designed, more or less I was just hoping for feedback on the enemy mechanics!

So, a long time ago, I made a Legend of Zelda dungeon object set. It was okay, but I could've made it better. Then, I forgot about Voxatron. Unrelated to that, now I've spent hours making Lego-style building block objects, that can be used to build anything real Lego-style blocks can. Flip 'em upside down, and they actually resemble a Lego-style block on the underside as well!
In this is a object bank that contains standard size bricks, both normal and thin "plates", that can be stacked to equal the height of a single normal brick. You can build with them, obviously, and easily make a copy of each color available due to them being single-color. You may have to manually set the Z axis location to get some of them to mesh properly due to the "studs" on top, but it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out.
If I feel like it, I might make packs to accompany this in the future, like sloped pieces, plate pieces, stuff like that.

Title: The Reaper's dungeon
Version: Final (needs testing)
Type: HacknSlash
Difficulty: 4.5/5
5 bosses and a duneon with 2 floors! this is the Reapers dungeon!
So, this is a level for play, no storyline, the level is divided between heaven and hell each one with it's monsters, hope you like!
It was made before zep's tutorial so it has only my assumptions about bullets modifiers and stuff
some bosses are only damageable when they are with a diferent color, stillo only takes damage when you jump on it's head.
This time with its own map!
Edit: zep could you please take a look at room 121? there is a bug there that the portal doesn't spawn
Edit2: since the key at room 121 is bugged the door to one of the bosses is unlocked
Edit3: I noticed another bug at room 121, even witouth the key the portal doesn't spawn if you go from room 0 to there, but if the player spawn directly there at the beggining it works! why is that? I tried replacing the portal but no help.