Title: Doctor Who - Adventure in the Tardis
Version: 1.0
Type: Adventure
Difficulty: 3/5
Join the 11th Doctor on a mission to save a Koronian ship from the Daleks. You probably won't get it if you don't watch Doctor Who (which you probably should watch :P), but it's an awesome level nonetheless.
wicked. I am going to play this right away. im expecting daleks. YAY!
I think the room with two blue guys with the red monster witouth any checkpoint was a bit too much and the boss was way too easy compared to the blue duys but in general I liked
Great work, I liked how you modified the boss. Can I use the alphabet you made?
There is no need for an alphabet, you just have to press esc in the voxel editor then type @words and they'll appear on the object
I like the Map, even though there little things bugging me. (for instance me falling through cracks in the Floor at times)
Sorry if the holes in the floor annoyed you, I knew they'd eventually get someone :P
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