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Lately, Wiki keeps being spammed just with user bots, which make their own page, and put spam which is useless. Is there going to be any kind of bot/admin which can ban IP/user and delete junk pages so that we don't keep having those kind of spam anymore?


So uhm. As you might have seen Mr. Zep sir. I uhm. Well, hehe... uhm hold on a sec...

Ok, I'm good. So as you might have seen Mr. Zep, I recently have been working on a voxatron game (I refuse to call it "level" because by the time I can script this baby and add custom monsters, it probably won't feel like Voxatron so much.) called "Return to Castle Voxelstein", in which I sort of set up a string of levels that follow the adventures of an escaped prisoner from the Nationalist's, blah blah blah, Wolfenstein. Well anyways, I recently came across a song that is rather fitting so much so that it is disturbing. And anyways to get to the point here sir, could you maybe possibly include a little addon to the editor that allows custom music to be implemented and played with the level? I know that you have worked REALLY hard on the current update, and that you are pretty much wrapping things up on it, almost to tying the bow on, but if you could do this small little thing, and include it in the update that is coming out soon, it would be like an early Winter Solice/Yule/Quanza/Another winter holiday present. I can understand if you cannot. I've been down the road of software development, and while custom music inserter is a rather easy thing to do in normal software, the way you store the data in *.png's looks rather complicated and it would make this not possible. But again, it is only a small request from a small user, so if you do not I can definitely understand why. But if you did read this I appreciate the time you took to do so, and I say "thanks for taking time out of your devving to read my small insignificant post that will be swallowed up in the BBS in 1 or 2 days."

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Cart #5349 | 2011-12-14 | Embed ▽ | No License

New update guys. I know I've been pushing out a lot of these lately, but I really want to fix my issues with the levels I started with. Granted, monster spawns have still to be optimized and edited for more enjoyment, but I'm really proud of this update. I've gotten a few concerns about the explosion "animation", and how cheesy it is. Well, you people will be glad to know that I am in the middle of working on that, however, it will take some time and lot's of work-arounds to get working properly. Which means you can expect that to be in either the v4 release or the v3.9 release, both being dated after Christmas. If an early version of the scripting engine or the ability to create animated vobs is in the next release (which is very unlikely, if not completely not going to happen) you can expect it done next week, however that looks very dim so you are going to have to deal with it.

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Cart #5335 | 2011-12-13 | Embed ▽ | No License

This is my new level i made.its a survival level.can u complete it?
Maye i will remove some of the health packs in future versions, there r too much i think.


Cart #5328 | 2011-12-13 | Embed ▽ | No License

Alright, I finally did a few things. for one, I added a boss fight at the end of chapter 2, still uses the sword of fortune uniform taking system but I smoothed it out in this level and will implement it in others later, I didn't have the time to. I also changed the difficulty and added 2 new levels, fixed some bugs, and made some levels play differently cheers!



Cart #5324 | 2011-12-13 | Embed ▽ | No License

1 comment

ßlindDeil Heaven VS. Hell V.0.9.5

Why ?
Because zeop told that the new version of voxatron was gonna be released maybe this week-end, but no . Soooo I had time to make a 0.9.5 version :)

Ok in this one,it's almost the 1.0 version, I only need to make custom enemy and add attribute to some voxel ( like sand, water, damaging )

Here the new story:

As Uriel, you must save Heaven from your enemy, the Hell.

- 2 Boss:
--> Egyptian King ( at the ending room of the pyramid )
-->Malach HaMavet ( dragon, actually the final boss and the hardest )
- 2 mini-Boss :
--> Corrupted Nephilim ( On the dragon sttue in the garden of hell, also appear in the last arena battle, he is in the house ( arena IX ))
--> Grace O'Malley ( the pirate ... )

As long as this here my personal review:
Graphics: 8/10
Difficulty: Varies in overall 7/10
Gameplay: 9/10

It took me in all ... about 30 hours ...

ßlindDevil :)


Cart #5315 | 2011-12-12 | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #5307 | 2011-12-12 | Embed ▽ | No License

Hey gang. This time around, I have a full release with Chapter 2 completed so the game ends right before chapter 3. I feel like I skimped out in the second part of Chapter 2, seeing as the first part had skyscraper's blowing up and a secret bunker with prototype wave GUI (Still to be tweaked and finished.) When Chapter 3 gets released, you can expect bug fixes and difficulty tuning in Chapter 1 & 2. I'm not really sure where I'm going with the story any more though. At first, I envisioned the monsters being NaZi soldats (hehe) but now it seems like they are monsters who hate everyone (Refer to the inside of the Skyscraper and the Blue house), but have been tamed in some cases (First enemies.) I dunno if I want to change this or not, leave a response below on your opinion, because I'm rather lost. I don't like the current way I have the monsters though, in some places, it's easy as a breeze, however every other level or so there is a massive difficulty spike (Refer to level 2 & 3, and multiple points in the town.) Let me know any suggestions you have for that too, if you think I should add another boss fight at the end of Chapter 2 in the next release tell me so. Thought that does remind me, If you notice the ending Chapter 2 level has a road blocked off with crates. This road was on the between chapters map, par with another road in the first area. This place will probably not be included or even started until after Chapter 3 when I get my survival with wave GUI working properly, so basically, I just left out a chunk of Chapter 2 because with it, it would have been needlessly complicated, like 3 computers tied together with their wired innards, and MUCH too hard to bug fix without breaking everything for. Though the scripting engine when released will replace a multitude of work-arounds that I did for several levels to get them to sort of play out how I wanted. (C-4 anyone?) Also, don't ask why there is C-4 and cubicles filled with computers in a NaZi era, I'm not quite sure why but it fit nicely in I think. So remember, leave ANY suggestions below and I'll probably include them in the next release.

Best regards,


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Cart #7655 | 2013-08-13 | Embed ▽ | No License

Title: Journey to the East
Version: 2.0 (Updated in 2.7)
Type: Adventure
Difficulty: 4/5

Creator of models, animation or mobs: D, modified Zep's bullets
Use or modify models, animation or mobs created by author: Yes to all (Please modify but don't need to)

It's finally here, the update for “Journey to the East”, which was previously called “The Last Dragon”. There's some random glitches in a few rooms that are caused by animations. I modified the bullets that Zep made because I was unable to create my own from start. I tried copying all the specs that Zep used in the demo, but still nothing worked. Please avoid playing in the editor until you played through it once, I have a few surprises. If you do play this in the editor all the rooms are in sequence from left to right, except for a few rooms with two way-doors and some rooms have a void ground. You can use anything I make, but I would encourage you to modify it so you can practice your own creativity. Have fun with this.


R=up of V0.9


I was bored, and decided to make a char. It's made to avoid significant clipping, which is why its not very detailed. His sword is a candy cane, and he carries a sack when he gets the sword. :)

Cart #5277 | 2011-12-11 | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #5271 | 2011-12-11 | Embed ▽ | No License

Hey guys I'm rabidcaketin and this is my first Voxatron level. i would love constructive criticism for i would love to make more levels in the future any tips hints suggestions would be appreciated. Also i tried to edit some of the monsters and i don't know how to save them so you can view them when you are playing can anyone help me ?



Cart #5265 | 2011-12-10 | Embed ▽ | No License

My first map it's a really really experimental map.

I'm gonna upgrade it with other trigger and stuff.

Enjoy! :)


Cart #5262 | 2011-12-10 | Embed ▽ | No License

In this map you must defend yourself against an army of monsters! All you have are 4 health power-ups, 4 build power-ups, 1 sword, 1 blaster, and 1 triple shot. Try to survive for 2 minutes.

Hint: Use the Build power-ups to block the holes in the two large walls. (but don't waste it on the back wall after the first Butamons come through)


Cart #5253 | 2011-12-10 | Embed ▽ | No License

This is a simple World Map level showing a few of the amazing things you can do with a over-world map. This includes: A small village, a forest, a mountain cavern, and random battles! (which are marked for your convenience)
This also has a few puzzles and required battles, to make it fun.

Difficulty: [2/10]
Graphics: [4/10]
Puzzle Difficulty: [1/10]

HINT: [Spoiler Alert] Go to the village first.


Ok so as I go really fast doing stuff, I often post updates for my levels, but it's like alot of spamming I want to delete some of them, but how ?


ßlindDevil - Save Heaven V0.8

V0.9 updates :

  • updates about monster and difficulty
    -2 last room .

--- Challenge for everyone, try making a longer story then this that have senses ;;

Special thanks to Apollo9898 for commenting :D
Need to say that in this one i took the dragon head from a map made by: Jeredude
Here D channel go look at his map, he is awsome


Cart #5236 | 2011-12-10 | Embed ▽ | No License

ßlindDevil - Save Heaven V0.8

-More Rooms: 4 more rooms ( 2 more to go )
-Minor fixes

V0.9 >> Make the game more playable ( remove power-ups/ add power-ups )set difficulty ( add monster/ retrieve monster )
>> make 2 last rooms ( maybe more )
>>make better graphics again :)

--- Challenge for everyone, try making a longer story then this that have senses ;;

Special thanks to Apollo9898 for commenting :D
Need to say that in this one i took the dragon head from a map made by: Jeredude
Here D channel go look at his map, he is awsome


Cart #5229 | 2011-12-10 | Embed ▽ | No License

hi guys here is the new map so enjoy (:


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