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So uhm. As you might have seen Mr. Zep sir. I uhm. Well, hehe... uhm hold on a sec...

Ok, I'm good. So as you might have seen Mr. Zep, I recently have been working on a voxatron game (I refuse to call it "level" because by the time I can script this baby and add custom monsters, it probably won't feel like Voxatron so much.) called "Return to Castle Voxelstein", in which I sort of set up a string of levels that follow the adventures of an escaped prisoner from the Nationalist's, blah blah blah, Wolfenstein. Well anyways, I recently came across a song that is rather fitting so much so that it is disturbing. And anyways to get to the point here sir, could you maybe possibly include a little addon to the editor that allows custom music to be implemented and played with the level? I know that you have worked REALLY hard on the current update, and that you are pretty much wrapping things up on it, almost to tying the bow on, but if you could do this small little thing, and include it in the update that is coming out soon, it would be like an early Winter Solice/Yule/Quanza/Another winter holiday present. I can understand if you cannot. I've been down the road of software development, and while custom music inserter is a rather easy thing to do in normal software, the way you store the data in *.png's looks rather complicated and it would make this not possible. But again, it is only a small request from a small user, so if you do not I can definitely understand why. But if you did read this I appreciate the time you took to do so, and I say "thanks for taking time out of your devving to read my small insignificant post that will be swallowed up in the BBS in 1 or 2 days."


I have distant future plans to include custom music in levels, but with very limited format options to keep the level file size down. The music player only handles .xm files, and there will be a standard set of instruments to choose from. Allowing arbitrary music is possible, but it would kill level file size, make some of the pngs too tall from encoded data to be easily human-viewable, and creates an awkward situation for unlicensed music that is being embedded.

What's the song/format you had in mind?

I could add an undocumented external player, but it would be impractical to distribute music with the level file, and more just to try stuff out yourself. It depends if I can play the format though (.xm, uncompressed .wav would be ok)

The song I'm talking about is one that my friend linked me to on SongCloud I think it's called, so I subsequently downloaded it. It's .wav btw. I like it because it has to do with castles and has a nice 8-bit sound to it.

Remember that the levels have to be creative commons by-sa to be published. So first check that out, if that music doesn't use the same license it doesn't really matter whether the game can play it, it would be ilegal to distribute the song, sadly.

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