Hey gang. This time around, I have a full release with Chapter 2 completed so the game ends right before chapter 3. I feel like I skimped out in the second part of Chapter 2, seeing as the first part had skyscraper's blowing up and a secret bunker with prototype wave GUI (Still to be tweaked and finished.) When Chapter 3 gets released, you can expect bug fixes and difficulty tuning in Chapter 1 & 2. I'm not really sure where I'm going with the story any more though. At first, I envisioned the monsters being NaZi soldats (hehe) but now it seems like they are monsters who hate everyone (Refer to the inside of the Skyscraper and the Blue house), but have been tamed in some cases (First enemies.) I dunno if I want to change this or not, leave a response below on your opinion, because I'm rather lost. I don't like the current way I have the monsters though, in some places, it's easy as a breeze, however every other level or so there is a massive difficulty spike (Refer to level 2 & 3, and multiple points in the town.) Let me know any suggestions you have for that too, if you think I should add another boss fight at the end of Chapter 2 in the next release tell me so. Thought that does remind me, If you notice the ending Chapter 2 level has a road blocked off with crates. This road was on the between chapters map, par with another road in the first area. This place will probably not be included or even started until after Chapter 3 when I get my survival with wave GUI working properly, so basically, I just left out a chunk of Chapter 2 because with it, it would have been needlessly complicated, like 3 computers tied together with their wired innards, and MUCH too hard to bug fix without breaking everything for. Though the scripting engine when released will replace a multitude of work-arounds that I did for several levels to get them to sort of play out how I wanted. (C-4 anyone?) Also, don't ask why there is C-4 and cubicles filled with computers in a NaZi era, I'm not quite sure why but it fit nicely in I think. So remember, leave ANY suggestions below and I'll probably include them in the next release.
Best regards,
Aside from some serious work needed on the explosion scene, this was great!!!!!!
It was supposed to be cheesy like that, though I forget, did I turn door mode off on the exit crystal?
Agree much with appollo, and I gve this map a 6/10 the best made part is the ending minimap, I liked it.
Keep in mind that a lot of this stuff is unfinished, and this is the third or so week that I've worked on it. You can expect the next release around the first few weeks of January or late December.
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