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Cart #4077 | 2011-11-12 | Embed ▽ | No License

Just a little practice map involving the smallest enemies and a looping map cycle. You can end the game after each round by travelling into the portal marked "finish" or keep going to get a higher score.


Cart #4075 | 2011-11-12 | Embed ▽ | No License



latest version


Cart #4062 | 2011-11-12 | Embed ▽ | No License


This is my very first post and level.

I have been working on this for a few days, and it seems good enough to get an opinon on.

Please be welcome to comment anything that you like, would like to change, and that you want added.

Remember that this is a alpha map, so don't juge so harshly!!


    Joex (Minepow2)

Cart #4036 | 2011-11-12 | Embed ▽ | No License


Next release Info:
-Include a room section room (only for testing, will be removed)
-Include a "shop" were you may fight for the item you desire

  • Trigger for the shop will be in ever main room and before boss fights and will bring you back to the room you left
    -Treasure Chests that when broken will contain items and keys that will open new areas of the world


-Contains two rooms ( they are not planed to be in the order they are in when finished)
-Plans on making a two ending level, so that you can replay with a new set of rooms
-CHALLENGING but fun, or not?

*Any feed back would be great! and suggestions even better!!


Cart #4034 | 2011-11-12 | Embed ▽ | No License

My first Character Model/Object for Level Creations. There might be some issues on clipping mask but I think if you place the objects carefully you can get away with it.

If you check #1 on Objects Tab, you can see Dark Samus in there, my plan was to make Samus transform into Dark Samus when she picks up a sword but the feet palette must be the same on the models or else it wont match the suit. Like Dark Samus' feet having the regular "orange" suit, lol.


i forgot to update the model on my objects 1 tab, failure. The Character Skin should be working though!

1 comment

Cart #3968 | 2011-11-11 | Embed ▽ | No License

just add a new skin.


Cart #3964 | 2011-11-11 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This level isn't about fighting. It's about love, romance, and conquest. It's about impressing the other robot. It's about life in 2D, in 3D.

It's about dying repeatedly in a bottomless pit until you figure out how to escape.

There are two ways to win, and hitting the floor of the pits are an instant game over. (Feel free to use the menu's restart room option if you reach such a screen, though.) Yeah, I know this adventure is short and simple (it doesn't even need powerups, I just threw one health pack in there to be nice), and my artistic skills are still rather lacking, but I hope it shows you some new and unexpected tricks and decent gameplay all the same.

I would totally force an orthogonal perspective on most of the rooms in this if I could.


This thread is not for posting bugs, but for gameplay comments.

small blue guys: they are fine, perhaps even a little overused. They swarm very effectively and eat through obstacles. One complaint, though - they get stuck fairly often. I end up wondering if it's a broken/unfinished level or a tiny monster got stuck somewhere.

I think something should be done about stuck little guys. Not getting stuck would be ideal, but may be hard to achieve. A compromise would be blue guys making scared sounds if they're alone. That would let player know there's something left. More often than not single blue guys stop progress, so "scared when alone" makes sense.

Orange "rats": They work as an introductory enemy. But they're somewhat boring, and inefficient at killing. They occupy quite a lot of space but you can cut through them easily.

Level designers don't seem to like them much, I wonder why. I think they could be given a special ability like eating (destroying) powerups.

[b]Orange grunts:

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Alrighty, Just tried it a second...third...tenth time.
I finally managed to save the custom character, Yay me!

This is just a tiny little level, my first try at making one, nothing too fancy.


A number of levels is classified as "finished", but they clearly aren't.

The most aggravating example is a level named "Test".

Others include:
Watch your step (unfinishable - infinite loop)


AAAAALLLRIGHT! I finally made it! Let me justify myself a bit :

I made this map once, and right at the end, willing to double check for errors, I mistaken the load button with the save button, overwriting my whole map with the default plain grass map. Yes, I punched a hole in the wall, thousands of them. Oh and I stopped playing Voxatron, sulking the game like a whiny little baby.

And then, some days later, this game was missing for me, it was like a part of my life. So I decided to make my map all over again! This time making sure to have a backup (3) somewhere everytime saving. And I've done it! It's online now and you've probably played it, or you will, I dare you will (Please).

Cart #3922 | 2011-11-11 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #3919 | 2011-11-11 | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #3895 | 2011-11-11 | Embed ▽ | No License

I originally tried to upload this level under a different named, messed myself up, then decided to make a couple minute aesthetic changes I'd forgotten to and re-upload it again. So, yeah. The objects are ones I made, inspired by the Zelda series. It's kinda short, and doesn't throw anything amazing on the table. It has a beginning and an end, though. :3

1 comment

The new keybinding options are great, but they're a bit lacking. If you have a keyboard that can't register a lot of button presses at one time, it can be a problem. Sometimes you might find moving diagonally, shooting diagonally, and trying to jump all at the same time. In that case, you'll be pressing two movement keys, two shooting keys, and the space bar, 5 keys, it can be too many.

8-way controls make things easier. Here's how to set it up.

I'll use the numpad as an example. Now, in order to make this work, you have to give each shooting direction three different keybindings, but luckily we can do that! Here are the bindings:

Shoot Up: Num-7, Num-8, Num-9
Shoot Left: Num-7, Num-4, Num-1
Shoot Right: Num-9, Num-6, Num-3
Shoot Down: Num-1, Num-2, Num-3

You'll notice some keys are bound to two different directions, but this is on purpose. For instance, Num-7 is bound to both Shoot Up and Shoot Left. Num-7 will make you aim Up and Left at the same time, so that makes you shoot diagonal Up-Left.

You can set up the directions like this, too, if you want, but it might feel a little weird if you're doing it over on the letters on the keyboard.

I tend to get really long winded, but I hope this helps someone!


Cart #3889 | 2011-11-10 | Embed ▽ | No License

This level sucks


So, I noticed a lot of you are eager to start working on your own, custom Voxatron characters but don't really know where to start. I felt the same way too. Luckily, I overcame the learning curve and I'm here to make sure the same thing happens for you!

First of all, let's explain how custom characters work.
A custom character consists of 12 frames (frame 0 to 11). Each frame has the size of 15x15x16 voxels.

Frame 0 - neutral, not shooting or equipping the sword and armor.
Frame 1 - shooting, right (your character's right; your left)
Frame 2 - shooting, left (your character's left)
Frame 3 - sword and armor, neutral
Frame 4 - sword and armor, swipe 1
Frame 5 - sword and armor, swipe 2

Frame 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 - your character's legs. I'll explain how this works below.
Frame 11 - sword and armor, drops. This is what your character will drop upon taking damage and losing the sword and armor and is purely eye candy.

*your character always swings the sword from right to left, so keep that in mind when working on these frames.

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Cart #5469 | 2011-12-22 | Embed ▽ | No License

The Post Of Development

A non typical futurist adventure.

The Beginning
It is the beginning of a story, a developer is searching their all creations in the world, this work is commissioned it to a machine and his assistant, but it is not an easy job, because the world today is very dangerous and the only transport is traveling in a cyber world.

Difficulty: Easy/Normal.

Length:Long(Coming Soon)

What have the map?

  • Teleports
  • Dungeons
  • More coming soon...

[hidden]+ Change name to "The Small Machine".
The First News:

  • Add custom character and grass.
  • Remove Dialog Box.
  • The Room 2 has been Re-designed.
  • Add One new Room.
  • I'm Delete the monsters of all rooms

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Cart #3876 | 2011-11-10 | Embed ▽ | No License

Hit all balls and get the home run!!!

1 comment

Just a simple city-level I have in the works. I think some of my models (The buildings/Roads) might be a bit big as Vox sporadically crashes and I need to save a LOT as I work. Making the rest after I post this, Is just a completeable test of the blocks assembled into a map. The lil' blue bugs are supposed to pop out of the mouth of the huge ones when they appear, But sometimes they spawn around them instead.

The finished levels will be interconnected by the doorways which will spawn portals when each room is cleared, And contain more furniture as I get to making them. I know the buildings block a lot of the foreground action so I tried to make enemies spawn only where you could see them. Maybe in the future some kind of transparency can be added to the blocks. (Hint, Developer! :D)


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