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The [6] Vob files, don't save correctly, They always turn up transparent when I load my saves. So basically you're an invisible robot that shoots the larger enemies...


I'm just wondering about the legality of making levels and characters based on things like tv shows, movies, etc... Is that "allowed"? I'd love to see some Simpsons/Family Guy/South Park etc.. levels/adventures get made. I know there have been mods of other games based on IP's like these (Simpsons mod for Quake 3), so I'm assuming it's all good.


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So I was just wondering if anyone knows how to use or even how to get too the new character editor.

I'm not entirely sure if it's out yet but I know that there is the fox demo out.


Cart #3838 | 2011-11-10 | Embed ▽ | No License

Simple little adventure.
Beware of giant pigs.

1 comment

Hey Zep I wonder if you can tell us what you are working on next and how the basic stuff will be implemented so that we can already start building level objects and stuff until the features we need are released. My questions are:

How will it be possible to link weapons/behavior to the player character/actors?

Maybe you should create a competly new index called missiles that can be linked to either items (-> pick up weapon) or directly actors (standard weapon like the peagun). Properties for missiles could be speed, ofc appeareance which you can set in voxed as usual, starting coordinates, direction, etc.

I just wonder what are your future intentions and how you gonna implement it while still keeping things simple in clean. For example I can understand that you wanted to implement the char editing asap but they way it is located as 6th vob isn't really intuitive and I am sure it is rather a placeholder thing.

Also a key feature I personally need asap is removing stuff after a set amount of time. The biggest task will be keeping things simple and intuitive.


Cart #3827 | 2011-11-10 | Embed ▽ | No License

My first level. Since I was getting used to the editor its a bit unpolished but I hope you'll have some fun. You might die 2 or 3 times but you'll make it :D


A new visual recreation of two of the levels from RetroEpic Software's "A Day In The Woods." Mixed of course with some of VoxDE's capabilities.

New to this version is the playable character, Red Riding Hood!!!

Cart #3818 | 2011-11-10 | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #3815 | 2011-11-10 | Embed ▽ | No License

A demo of customisable player characters.
Also tried out JTE's handy font.


This is just a short level I made. I kinda made it to try out the mechanics of editing tool, and to figure out ways to implement the objects I made.

Not really much to say, other than it's a level modeled after NES-style Zelda dungeons.

Edit: Argh, managed to get myself confused.



is posting a link to a fence website. They make fences lol. what that has got to do with voxels i will never know. UNLIKELY TO BE THE RIGHT TARGET AUDIENCE. Im playing voxatron mmmm might buy a fence now... dont think so.....


wire mesh
Welded Wire Mesh
welded mesh

P#3777 Posted at 2011-11-09 22:15


[ #3804# ] -- Guess it breaks the code.
Well, I wanted to fight 400 on those weaklings. Apperantly they are stronger than I thought. So right now if you survive for 1:30 minutes, which shouldn't be that hard you can easily win. I think I'll make the survival time longer in a while... maybe?

Cart #3807 | 2011-11-10 | Embed ▽ | No License

Because I found out it's not as hard as I thought. Only 2 bombs :) Which I think is way too much as I've managed to beat it without using 'em. Maybe I'll set 'em for 4 minutes or something if someone wants to explode the level after beating it.

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Cart #3758 | 2011-11-10 | Embed ▽ | No License

Test Level


A fantastic adventure on a distant planet populated by strange beings.

Cart #3756 | 2011-11-10 | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #3917 | 2011-11-11 | Embed ▽ | No License

version 2

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Apparently I must be missing something with the editor because i've twice tried to save an actor I was working on and am unable to load it back into the editor. I launch the Editor, go to Load Level, pick the PNG that Voxatron originally saved, and it proceeds to load the default level and set of actors again. I can open the PNG outside of the game and it shows my actor but I can't get it to show up again ingame.

Any ideas/help?


Cart #3738 | 2011-11-09 | Embed ▽ | No License

A few intentional blind spots and I kidda like how every time the monsters break out of their cages at random times


Cart #3736 | 2011-11-09 | Embed ▽ | No License

Updated it with red baseplate bricks, red archway, and red bricks.

also, princess.


Cart #3711 | 2011-11-09 | Embed ▽ | No License

It was bound to happen.
Also this is NOT supposed to be scary. It is just some random parody of various creepypastas. It is also COMPLETELY random and kinda hard.
While this is bound to change, any typo is done in purpose.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

What You Should Expect For The Next Version
-Minor changes
-More rooms
-An alternate path/ending


Hey Guy´s!

I think the Time is coming to make ab big, huge awesome , great...... PROJECT!
It means : Some Pepole`s ( Male oder Female ) working together at a big Map/ game / Adventure ( or mods ^^ )
for Voxatron!

What is your opinion for this Idea ?

People where are interested in this Project , send me pls a Pm , thx.

Lg Blobla ;D


Cart #3696 | 2011-11-09 | Embed ▽ | No License


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