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PICOZONE: 17-games-in-1
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This is a 17-games-in-one collaborative cart. There have been a couple of 16-in-1 jams done before but these tended to be presented as 16 standalone games with a menu screen to pick between them. I wanted to do something that was an homage to Lazy Jones on the C64 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7DyoDJCqac), where you have 16 mini-games but also an overarching 17th game that ties them all together.

There were 16 different developers in 10 countries: UK, USA, Canada, Australia, France, Russia, Hungary, Norway, Finland, Sweden.

Contributors were: @Liquidream @platformalist @p01 @gruber_music @egordorichev @brintown @enargy @viza @MrHodgepants @kometbomb @johanpeitz @2darray @GregosEl @dollarone​, plus UncleSporky and... me!

Fly around space collecting crystals to open “anomalies”. Each one will send you to another dimension where a weird challenge will present itself. Do well and your ship will be refuelled accordingly! Try to get through all 16 anomalies before you run out of fuel.

All mini-games run using the arrow keys, plus Z and X on the keyboard (which correspond to the Pico-8’s O and X button prompts by default).

Hope you enjoy it!


Cart #picozone_17in1jam-0 | 2019-03-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

P#62357 2019-03-01 13:51 ( Edited 2019-03-01 14:10)

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Hey all, it's been a while (having kids) but we are back on with our mission to get 17 games (16 plus an overarching meta-game to tie them all together) in one collab cart.

We are currently at 6 or 7 games and I'm going to give this one final push to see if we can finish it!

Join us for full rules and discussion here:


P#61147 2019-01-23 22:15

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Hi all,

Now that family stuff is a bit more under control, I want to fire this up again! I've got limited availability but I'll do my best to give prompt replies. If in doubt, stick to the guidelines below.

Let's make a 17-in-1 cart of minigames! 16 games plus an over-arching "meta" game to tie them all together, give the player a "final score" etc.

I've built a space-themed meta-game already (see below). I'm looking for people to make some minigames for the player to explore. The first 16 (serious and functional) submissions that conform the the rules will be added to the cart.

Please read the rules fully before submitting your game. I'm flexible to a certain extent but please check with me first!

Games finished so far: 6 of 17

Some links:

Discord: https://discord.gg/rncwcsR
Twitter hashtag is #17in1jam
List of resources currently being used: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fbx8x01bvg2g3z8/17-in-1%20memory%20usage.xlsx?dl=0
Help with reducing tokens: https://github.com/seleb/PICO-8-Token-Optimizations
Help with reducing characters: https://pastebin.com/MVhr16td

Main Rules:

-436 tokens each
-3901 chars each
-865 compressed chars (about 5.6% of cart)
-4x4 chunk of sprites from any of the 4 tabs on the Pico-8 editor. See resources spreadsheet for what's being used.
-16x16 section of map from the top half of map only, to avoid corrupting the sprites. This is flexible, some devs aren't using the map, so ask me and I can give you more. See resources spreadsheet for what's being used.
-4 SFX in a row, aligned to every 4 (0-3, 4-7, 8-11 etc). The shell cart uses 4 too so I guess the last dev to add sound will need to find 4 slots that are left over from the others.
-4 music patterns in a row, aligned to every 4.
-no real limit on cartdata other than check the spreadsheet and consider other devs.

These are rough estimates, and the more that devs come in under budget, the better for all of us.
If we have stuff left over I'll offer it out as required and try to get some fancy transition GFX from some of the tweetjam legends on Twitter.

More rules:

-Please please ASK if you are not sure.
-Please use update() rather than update60(). Yes it's not ideal.
-Do not use single-letter variable names, other than h/i/j/k/v/w/z which you can use for loop indices etc.
-If you need more global variable names, pick a single letter to use as a prefix for all of your names, so if you choose 'f', your variables can be 'fa', 'fb', 'fc', 'fscore' and so on. See the resources spreadsheet to find out which prefixes have already been taken.
-Local variables you should be able to call whatever you like.
-ALL of your global variables need to be declared and initialised inside _init() so that I can just call _init() to reset your game.
-You MUST call my global function ret(n) on win/lose/die/timeout/whatever, so it can switch back out to the meta game. n should be a number 0-128 (inclusive) that represents how well the player did. This number will be used to refuel the player's ship and increase their final score.
Don't use any controls outside of the Pico-8 standard, i.e. no mouse controls etc.
-Use the following function references, defined for you to save chars:


-@UncleSporky has provided the following "pretty print" function which I've made global. Feel free to call this in your code:

function pp(h,i,j,k)

-If you turn something on (via fillp(), pal(), etc) be sure to turn it off again. Exceptions are color() (assume this is regularly overwritten) and palt() / camera() (these are reset on game exiting via ret()).
-Please make it clear when you post the cart which resources you have used and where they are.
-Please make something especially for this, rather than posting something you recently completed. Existing ideas are fine.
-There is no need to produce something space-themed, as the "anomalies" (see below) are meant to take the player to random dimensions. In fact, the more eclectic, the better :)
-Make the controls intuitive, or provide tooltips.
-Each game should only play through once before booting the player back out to the meta-game. One playthrough should only take 60-90 secs because the overall aim of the cart is to play all the games in a row.
-During gameplay, at (0,123) on the screen, display a string that says "GAMENAME (YOURNAME)", max 32 chars
-Make it as polished as you can!

I've made the shell of the cart, and the "meta" game is 99% complete. See below:

Cart #48277 | 2018-01-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

In the meta-game you fly around in space looking for "anomalies", each of which takes you to a random minigame. You play the minigame only once and, win or lose, the anomaly closes and you have to find another one. The aim of the game is to close all 16 anomalies and get the highest score. Flying uses up fuel, as does touching the aliens, but you get fuel bonuses (and points) depending on how well you do at each of the games. The anomalies are at fixed positions, but there's no map, so you might want to jot down their locations as you find them (deliberately old school!).

This shell cart takes up roughly 1202 tokens, 3112 chars and 1511/15630 compressed chars (about 9.8% of cart), these stats are what I've used to work out your budgets.

I hope you have lots of fun!


P#51003 2018-03-29 16:47 ( Edited 2018-06-08 12:42)

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EDIT: This is now postponed while baby is incoming. I'll try my hardest to pick this up in the future but it's not likely to be until at least late 2018. I'm aware that @enargy and @pingo had games in progress, bringing the total potentially to 9. There were also a few others who expressed interest, and I'll probably do one or two more eventually.

If you've already posted a game, thanks for your contribution, and please feel free to withdraw your game if you don't fancy waiting.

Old post begins here:

Let's make a cart of minigames!

Games finished: 6 of 17

Discord: https://discord.gg/rncwcsR
Twitter hashtag is #17in1jam
Resources being used: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oca0s4bsr7pe6dp/17-in-1%20memory%20usage.xlsx?dl=0
Help with reducing tokens: https://github.com/seleb/PICO-8-Token-Optimizations
Help with reducing characters: https://pastebin.com/MVhr16td

Totally been done before (see @josefnpat's carts here). But we should try 16 minigames plus an over-arching "meta" game to tie them all together, give the player a "final score" etc.

I've built a space-themed meta-game already (see below). I'm looking for people to make some minigames for the player to explore. The first 16 (serious and functional) submissions that conform the the rules will be added to the cart.

Rules (please read carefully):

-436 tokens each
-3901 chars each
-865 compressed chars (about 5.6%)
-4x4 chunk of sprites from any of the 4 tabs on the Pico-8 editor. See resources spreadsheet for what's being used.
-16x16 section of map from the top half only, to avoid corrupting the sprites. This is flexible, some devs aren't using the map, so ask me and I can give you more. See resources spreadsheet for what's being used.
-4 SFX in a row, aligned to every 4 (0-3, 4-7, 8-11 etc). The shell cart uses 4 too so I guess the last dev to add sound will need to find 4 slots that are left over from the others. Please recycle other people's sounds!
-4 music patterns in a row, aligned to every 4.
-no real limit on cartdata other than check the spreadsheet and consider other devs.

These are rough estimates, and the more that devs come in under budget, the better for all of us.
If we have stuff left over I'll offer it out as required and try to get some fancy transition GFX from some of the tweetjam legends on Twitter.

More rules:

-Please use update() rather than update60()
-Do not use single-letter variable names, other than h/i/j/k/v/w/z, do what you like with these
-If you need more global variable names, pick a single letter to use as a prefix for all of your names, so if you choose 'f', your variables can be 'fa', 'fb', 'fc', 'fscore' and so on. See the resources spreadsheet to find out which prefixes have already been taken.
-Local variables you should be able to call whatever you like.
-ALL of your global variables need to be declared and initialised inside _init() so that I can just call _init() to reset your game.
-you MUST call my global function ret(n) on win/lose/die/timeout/whatever, so it can switch back out to the meta game. n should be a number 0-128 (inclusive) that represents how well the player did. This number will be used to refuel the player's ship and increase their final score.
Don't use any controls outside of the Pico-8 standard, i.e. no mouse controls etc.
-Use the following function references, defined for you to save chars:


-@UncleSporky has provided the following "pretty print" function which I've made global. Feel free to call this in your code:

function pp(h,i,j,k)

-If you turn something on (via fillp(), pal(), etc) be sure to turn it off again. Exceptions are color() (assume this is regularly overwritten) and palt() / camera() (these are reset on game exiting via ret()).
-Please make it clear when you post the cart which resources you have used and where they are.
-Please make something especially for this, rather than posting something you recently completed. Existing ideas are fine.
-There is no need to produce something space-themed, as the "anomalies" (see below) are meant to take the player to random dimensions. In fact, the more eclectic, the better :)
-Make the controls intuitive, or provide tooltips.
-Each game should only play through once before booting the player back out to the meta-game. One playthrough should take max 60-90 secs (remember the aim is to play all the games in a row).
-During gameplay, at (0,123) on the screen, display a string that says "GAMENAME (YOURNAME)", max 32 chars
Make it as polished as you can!

I've made the shell of the cart, and the "meta" game is 99% complete. See below:

Cart #48277 | 2018-01-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

In the meta-game you fly around in space looking for "anomalies", each of which takes you to a random minigame. You play the minigame only once and, win or lose, the anomaly closes and you have to find another one. The aim of the game is to close all 16 anomalies and get the highest score. Flying uses up fuel, as does touching the aliens, but you get fuel bonuses (and points) depending on how well you do at each of the games. The anomalies are at fixed positions, but there's no map, so you might want to jot down their locations as you find them (old school!).

This shell cart takes up 1202 tokens, 3112 chars and 1511/15630 compressed chars (about 9.8% of cart), these stats are what I've used to work out your budgets.

I hope you have lots of fun!


P#48113 2018-01-13 08:39 ( Edited 2018-03-01 13:48)

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Happy New Year all!

Please excuse my ignorance and do stop me if this has all been done before.

I'm thinking of bringing together a large collaborative game for Pico-8, based on the concept used in Lazy Jones for the C64:


Basically Lazy Jones was the first example I know of, of a game that features lots of minigames (18 I think). In Lazy Jones, you walk round a hotel avoiding enemies etc, and opening doors, and behind each door is a timed minigame. The aim of the game was to play all of the games and get the highest total score.

I wouldn't be looking to replicate Lazy Jones exactly, rather it would use the same general idea - an overarching "meta" game with as many minigames as possible. Naturally I'd be looking for the different games to come from you guys!

Done on the C64 this was quite the technical feat, but done on the Pico-8 with all the Tweetjam skillz I've seen on here, this could be awesome. We only have half as much RAM available, but a lot of the C64 code would have been hardware stuff that is handled automatically by the Pico-8, so maybe a fairly level playing field?

In order to try to get as many games as possible we'd have to impose a few restrictions (yay!):

> Maybe some kind of token/char limit - we'd need to strike the right balance between number of games and the scope of those games.
> Each game has some kind of final score and some kind of timer/lives system, to feed into the "meta" score.
> Screen space restrictions, to allow for general HUD stuff etc.
> Light on sprites and SFX usage - maybe share assets between games or come up with a master asset list for all games and try to optimise?
> Global music same for all games, maybe each game can decide to play it or not.

Obviously this is all very early ideas, and I'd very much welcome feedback - and as much help as possible - in shaping the final thing!

Let me know what you think :)


P#47794 2018-01-01 09:17 ( Edited 2018-01-03 16:42)

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Cart #46864 | 2017-11-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A mixture of two genres – a Roguelike and a Tetris-style game – based on a prototype I made with a friend (@ollie_read) in 8 hours during a "Crafts and Gin" Game Jam back in 2012.

• 10 levels
• Procedural generation
• Musicality!
• Old-school gameplay
• But actually winnable though

Arrow keys to move/rotate/drop blocks, X + arrows to move rogue and fight monsters.

Full instructions can be found in game. I hope you enjoy it.


This version of the game took a long time to make – more than 40 coding sessions during evenings/weekends of July-November 2017. I had the core game fully working within a few sessions, and the rest has literally been set dressing and "polish" (it still looks like programmer art!). Presentation is quite pompous in places, e.g. a full menu system; this is simply because I wanted to make the game as "finished" as possible (I teach game dev so I want to set a good example).

In order to fit the standard 10x20 grid (plus 4 invisible rows for spawning blocks) on the screen, I had to use 6x6 pixel sprites for each cell rather than the easier option of a map of 8x8 pixel cells. Making clear pixel art in 6x6 tiles is hard, but I’m quite happy with the monster designs and animations – I think they have personality.

This was my first Pico-8 / Lua game so wasn’t sure how restrictive the CPU or token/char count would be in practice. I was worried it would struggle with drawing so many sprites but seems okay? (stat() was showing about 10% CPU at worst). Token budget was more than enough too, but I only realised this once I had carefully implemented most of the critical content – so in general the code is unnecessarily dense. I was disappointed at first that it would easily fit into the restrictions, but then I noticed that I’d gone well over the limit for the compressed .p8.png format, which added a nice little challenge towards the end. Had two runs at crunching - the first involved me hard-coding a load of values and adding short function references, but this meant that I would have to retest the entire game thoroughly to check I hadn't broken anything, so instead I rolled back and just minimised the comments :)

A warning for beginners: Tetris clones might seem like an ideal "basic" project to work on, but I found there are lots of unforeseeable logic problems/exceptions, and quite a few subtle UX tricks that you have to do to make the game "feel" right (some I've done, some I haven't). So beware, I guess.

I’ve got it so the music is in sync with the GFX, but I have had to implement procedural music in order to do this. Originally I had a song that I played at a set tempo and synced up with the monsters "dancing", but if the Pico-8 loses focus (e.g. to desktop) the audio continues to play while the GFX freezes, so the music goes out of sync. Also noticed that pausing and unpausing the game seemed to cause the Pico-8 to throw the sync out by 2 ticks. In the end I created separate instruments as SFX and made my own "song" by triggering them on certain ticks. It’s no accident that the game follows a 12-bar blues pattern; finally my GCSE music lessons paid off.

With so much RNG it was hard to balance, especially while preserving the luck-factor of a roguelike. This meant that I had to complete several runs each time I changed something, to allow for fluctuations in RNG. The longer I've worked on it, the more I've lost all objective sense of how difficult it is, but it is definitely winnable. I hope you guys enjoy it anyway; do let me know how you get on.


P#46862 2017-11-30 05:06 ( Edited 2018-08-26 01:22)