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Cart #52573 | 2018-05-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is my first attempt at using PICO-8. I'm pretty impressed with how quick and easy it is.

The code's a bit messy because I didn't really know what I was building at first, and I've never used lua before.



really nice graphics. too hard for me though.

Incredible graphics! Really nice


That's a really nice platformer. Managed through the game, some jumps are really hard to master. Graphics and animations are really great (wish I could draw similar artstyle too^^); you put a lot of effort in the game.

I like the simple yet effective implementation of the camera^^.

Definitely like that game.

My score:


Very good!
Got a celeste feel in a much more aggressive environment
(or Tombraider in kinder garden?? :)
I'll try to finish it (looks like the map has some surpises...)

But man, make it 60fps - you've got plenty of cpu left and such a hardcore platformer needs those extra fps.
(yeah, I know, it means revisiting all your gameplay variables...)

Minor math comment:

function distance(x1,y1,x2,y2)
 local xd = abs(x1 - x2)
 local yd = abs(y1 - y2)
 local dsq = xd * xd + yd * yd

should be written:

function distance(x1,y1,x2,y2)
 local xd, yd = x1 - x2,y1 - y2
 local dsq = xd * xd + yd * yd

That is, there is no point abs'ing a square value!

'Use native Luke' remark: function clamp(v,x,y) is natively supported (see: mid)

Token saving: you could claim a good deal of tokens using multi-variable init:

 local a,b,c=1,2,3

Token saving again, prefer inline table initialization (saves 1 token per field):

 local f = {
	x = 937,
	y = 48,
	radius = 0,
	angle = angle}


Wow, really like your art style - spikes look really good and the metallic cave walls are both detailed and consistent with eachother.


Thanks for the kind comments everyone.

Astorek86 you did pretty well, its definitely got some hard sections and the final area is particularly punishing.

Thanks for the tips freds72. There are definately a lot of areas where I could save tokens and just generally clean up the code. I even left in some chunks of code from abandoned features that should be removed.

There are other things I'd like to have done to improve the game as well, but I don't think I'll do anymore to it, at least in the near term. It was the first game for a personal one game a month game jam which I started because I've been working on game projects on and off for years but never complete anything. It ended up taking 5 weeks so I just wanted to get it finished and move on to the next game.

Wow, I love it!


This is so good! The last section was brutal.

Really great game. Brutal at points. Make it longer and add some music and I'd say it's definitely Celeste level good. Great job, looking forward to seeing some more.

beautiful graphics and good game feel. nice work!

Fantastic, sat playing it for a long time in my living room on my Pico-8 pi system ;) Love the challenge, and the animations/graphics are top-notch. Whether or not you add music, sometimes I like having no music. It can be calming whilst attempting something difficult.

Excellent game! The inertia was a bit difficult and I do wish the controls were tighter, but enough cannot be said about how clever this was. Plus, the spikes looked so dang cool! Thank you.

324 deaths, 29 minutes. Do I get extra points for persistence? ;)

Half of it was probably at the very last section. Trickiest part was keeping it cool after occasionally making it past that very hard jump...

Really enjoyable. Looks glorious and keeps everything at a nice balance between exciting/exploratory and quick-retry-hardcore. I imagined the music from Crazy Sue Goes On playing in the background. Feels aesthetically similar to a lower-res version of that game, except with mechanics that are actually playable!

This was lovely! I'm setting my wallpaper to my victory screen. 306 deaths in 27:14.


Great little platformer! Played great on my pocket chip. Most of my deaths were on the last two 'challenges'!

Is this possible?
I think the other, who completed the game are crackers or used maybe bots.

I haven't beat the game but I can say that jump is indeed possible. I did feel as though the wall jump mechanic could be slightly tightened up for that particular area.

Never had such a rage in my life from a game, but I didn't give up and finished this game.
Now I have to buy me a new keyboard :D


The game sends mixed messages about what kind of platforming it's trying to be:

  • It doesn't want you to hold the jump button and it doesn't have jump buffering, but it has tons of sequences where you jump right after landing.

  • The jump height is fixed and it preserves horizontal movement momentum when I let go of the key, indicating that I'm supposed to commit, but then I also have horizontal air control, indicating that I'm supposed to express movement during the jump.

  • The game wants me to go fast, except that I keep having to wait for the moving objects to resynchronize because their cycle continues after death. A good 100 or so of my deaths are simply due to me choosing to wait by dying over and over until the cycle lines up.

  • The game suddenly introduces the bubble cannon element halfway through with a completely new set of jump arcs that are again commit-heavy except for the horizontal movement. I'm mostly dying to the overly large collision of the spikes.

Basically it feels like a teacher that is being strict for no reason. The graphics are good though.

527 deaths.

I'm going to call that good.



Wow, this was a great little game! I wish the hitboxes were kinder, though. I think shaving off two pixels or so on each side of the dangers would make for a much kinder experience.

This game is wild! 450+ deaths, but I got up there. Great work!

Really Hard, but very nice. I keep trying to dash though! :-P

I REALLY love how squishy and kinetic the physics in this game (and the character) feels, it's pretty much exactly what I'm trying to do with... probably far more mathematically intense code than I should be using, to be fair.

As far as the trouble spot... I'd say one more tile down to the right should remedy being stuck there. I mean, it's pretty early game, certainly not a cutoff point between winners and losers, and it still takes coordination to pull off; but that's literally the only thing about it I'd change.

Great game! I just don't have the skill to play it!

Superb platformer ! Love the wall jump. Must agree, hard as nails. But what beautiful nails they are !

You get my star for this sterling work !

Very pretty game, not my cup of tea play wise, but it seems there's definitely fans of this style, and they seem rather happy judging by the comments, so great job!

Great game! Love PICO-8 platformers <3

The art is fantastic :D


Great but hard

High quality game! But will need twice as many checkpoints for me to get through that thing! :D

Really nice! Was hard, but fair.


Perfect game!

Love this game! I loved it so much, I optimized it, then modded it, then fixed a timer glitch (you should really look into that, BTW; the "frames" part doesn't display properly), then added input recording and playback, and then worked to get a world record time of 2:13.56!


Once I clean up my local copy, I'll release it for everyone else!

@JWinslow23, watching your video. Good grief !

Wow this definitely shows me I am no good at this kind of game. Wholly smokes you totally aced this crazy thing and I can't even get past that first triple jump in there.

It's all yours, you definitely earned it ...


Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present: Tomb of G'Nir for speedrunners!

This cart allows you to record your inputs in Tomb of G'Nir and play them back later. It's also got a bunch of neat bells and whistles elsewhere (some added by me, some originally coded by @paranoidcactus but commented out).

By default, it plays back another (better) WR that I set recently. In order to play normally, you have to delete the line in which movie is defined.

If movie is defined, then it will play back a series of button inputs based on whatever movie is set to, and (if applicable) gives control back to the player afterwards. It will show "Movie playback" on the top of the screen if it is currently playing back the inputs, and "Playback stopped" once control is relinquished.

If movie is not defined (or you were given control after watching a partial movie), then your button inputs are stored every frame into a table, and if you select the "Record movie" menu option, a string containing an encoded version of that data is copied to your clipboard, which you can directly paste in the designated space at the top of the code. (Due to numerical limitations, there is a theoretical limit of about 17 minutes before it does not allow you to record anymore.) It also automatically copies the movie string to your clipboard once you complete the game.

The only thing that I've changed gameplay-wise is replacing the btnp calls with a "has this button been pressed starting on this frame" check, which isn't quite the same, but it shouldn't be too much of an issue. If I end up re-creating the btnp function more accurately, I will re-release this as v1.0.

Have fun! I would love to see people share their movies of this game!

Good. Maybe have MOVIE PLAYBACK flash only 3x then vanish so player can focus on the video.

Also you may be able to cut your time even more by jumping tighter and not hitting every "checkpoint" flag.

For instance at 00:31:00 you will definitely save some time if you can avoid hitting that checkpoint and then just dying outright after hitting the switch.

This is incredibly fun. Challenging and mechanics feel tight.

Finished with around 120 deaths (forgot the exact).
Awesome game, especially you need strategy and timing to go through the harsh obstacles.

Also, the difficulty reminds me a lot of Celeste (the remake one) which I just finished 3 weeks ago xD.

EL juego es bueno, los graficos me encanta, es dificil !!lo digo enserio!!
en especial la ultima parte ;-;

Uniquely annoying gameplay feeling.

Cute little platformer

It's very hard. I loved

Only played for a little while, seems fun. Also, please add a wall slide. That will indicate that “Hey. You see this? That means you can wall jump.”


finally! that was so rewarding. great game, and the art is awesome

Great game! Like the artwork.

It would be nice if this saved your progress. Having a hard time beating this in one session. (Had the same problem with Celeste).

Really hard game but so much funnn

I thinks for a first game w Pico its really good

The art is amazing and the dynamics and particle effects elevate this little platformer into a delight for me.

nice stage design


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