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  Found 108 results

patreon user: johanpeitz

Hi there,
I make stuff!

Check out my twitter (@johanpeitz) to see the latest!

Don't be afraid to say hi,
<3 Johan

patreon user: trasevol_dog

Hi! I make colorful stuff and video games for a living!
I love Pico-8!!

Find more of my stuff on these cool other platforms:
!! Twitter !!
!! Itch.io !!
!! WordPress !! (DevLog)
!! Twitch !!
!! Patreon !!

patreon user: Gruber99

Music and sound!

patreon user: pancelor

hi! here is some text for you to read.
and here are some games for you to play:

the tower
make ten


patreon user: bikibird
patreon user: packbat

Mid-Atlantic USian. Fan of autobiographical games, unusual game experiences, and heavily stylized graphics. (Also deckbuilders and roguelikes.) Queer, disabled, plural, autistic.

patreon user: SpongeDubsYT

Hey, look at that, I've finally added a description of myself!

Was it worth it? No.

patreon user: AzureDragon48

Just a blue awkward fluff dragon that talks too much and doesn't really have a control on his ambitions. I normally go by Azure. If I said something stupid, I'm sorry, and if it was a while ago, I'm probably less stupid now.

patreon user: adam_sporka

PICO-8 code available also at https://github.com/adam-sporka/pico-8-projects ** I am a game developer and composer. I work(ed) on Kingdom Come: Deliverance I and II, and contribute to Dying Light 2.

patreon user: nizart
patreon user: GunTurtle

Animation/Gamedev. Made a poor username choice 6 years ago- GunTurtle on most other places.

patreon user: easypeazygames
patreon user: gingerbeardman

I type stuff into computers to make them do cool things.

patreon user: thewaanderson

Maker of Things.

patreon user: notbryce

I am exploring new approaches to ancient problems.

patreon user: soundole

VGM cover artist, amateur game dev, vegan junk food aficionado.

patreon user: DontHave

I eat edible food and wear skin like everyone else.

patreon user: sharkhugseniko
patreon user: giovan
patreon user: potatoimaginator
patreon user: jasonpayne
patreon user: zzzv
patreon user: cuevadelawampa
patreon user: byme

Hi i am BYMEOVA i am a big celeste 8pico fan, so i made mods

patreon user: magicchopstick
patreon user: cheapsh0t
patreon user: gdu

Hey everyone. I'm iivii, founder of iivii.games. Currently, I'm working on a course which I hope to publish to the Skillshare platform which will serve as am introduction and eventually an in depth examination and structured learning resource on the Pico-8 platform. I have an extensive, privately cultivated wiki dedicated to all things Pico 8 which will likely be released publicly at some point.

patreon user: Bigaston

Beginner game dev, I like to discover different engine and some fantasy console!

patreon user: shakhovs
patreon user: blabcomic
patreon user: Snabisch
patreon user: rainwarrior

A video game developer, musician, bicycler, and/or food builder from Ontario, Canada. Powered by burritos.

patreon user: glenmcnamee
patreon user: Blessmyday47
patreon user: mibyledraws
patreon user: khhs

Hi! I'm khhs or Jimmy!
I am a hobbyist programmer from Sweden aiming to do professional game-dev.

I am also one hell of a procrastinator

patreon user: wimpysworld

Husband 💍 Father 👨‍👩‍👧 Open source advocate ❤️‍🔥 Linux enthusiast 🐧 Podcaster 🎙 Streamer 📡 Making Nix easier Determinate Systems ❄ Leads Ubuntu MATE 🧉

patreon user: zoeblademusic
patreon user: ochacha
patreon user: Bruh


patreon user: takaneichinose
patreon user: npckc
patreon user: mobilex1122
patreon user: arkhalis_king


patreon user: DenzelFurlow
patreon user: Nevergonnarunaround
patreon user: None

hi lol

patreon user: b3agz

Unity tutorial YouTuber. Dipped toes into the Pico water and fell in.

patreon user: labplus

Pixel Artist, animator, video creator, editor, and indie game dev | She/Her | My brain is square and I am often confused

patreon user: shantih19
patreon user: cpatti
patreon user: MasterCoding101
patreon user: lunatucker
patreon user: addiekinstudio
patreon user: jlamores

Music composer for film, TV, games,... #synths #eurorack #piano

And now learning pico8 gamedev! :-)

patreon user: Punga
patreon user: milk

Milk? Milk milk. Milk milk milk milk milk. M1lk! Milk. Milk milk milk milk milkmilk milkmilkmilk milk? Milk. >|FIW. Milk milk milkmilk milk milk. Milk milkovich milk. Milk.com for more info.

patreon user: fabsh

Journalist & writer, freelance — "Understanding is a three-edged sword"

patreon user: Charisios

Hi, my name is charisios and i really like programing! I am also a content creator and as a programer i am based in web developing!

patreon user: fibs

Hello hello! I like fantasy and dragons and cute things.

My PFP at time of writing is Rhubarb who is all three of those.

Currently working on Listra's Folly

patreon user: pooiod7

making low quality games since 2018

patreon user: sebastianscaini

I make games.

patreon user: pepperly

Pepperly or Pepperly_art on various socmeds! I basically just want to make little groups of pixels do dumb things.

patreon user: DorkOrca
patreon user: sandraystudios
patreon user: j2z
patreon user: sporeball
patreon user: ikecandraw
patreon user: ModMonster
patreon user: erikrosenlund
patreon user: CovetedLove
patreon user: kk5dire
patreon user: SonikBuster
patreon user: unevenprankster

I'm Uneven Prankster! I love making games, programs, and lots more. Hit me up and we can chat all about what skittle from the Skittles bag is nicest. (i like the funny ones)

patreon user: NA
patreon user: Linkthegamer

Coder for DemonSkunk Studios.

patreon user: UselessFodder
patreon user: filthyandfree

Christopher J. Teuton is a game developer, writer, painter, director, author, and producer living in Savannah, GA, in the United States. To find out more, visit https://linktr.ee/christeuton.

patreon user: None


patreon user: XA44
patreon user: PatrickLauser

I am a servant of God and of all servants of God, a purveyor of the strange things of our Maker.

patreon user: mikkotahtinen
patreon user: dyg
patreon user: khjk


patreon user: shindakun
patreon user: home

funny madness combat

patreon user: demdem551
patreon user: TMShader
patreon user: NOUSER

A robloxian guy

patreon user: saas


patreon user: EliasDoesAThing

hello! I'm in college and I make stuff.

Hope you're well!
have a pleasant existence.

patreon user: Midnite_
patreon user: misterveeare
patreon user: useru30038433
patreon user: You

Hi, I Am A Person. A Person With Nothing Better To Do. A Person With Nothing Better To Do That Is Bored. A Person With Nothing Better To Do That Is Bored With No Friends To Talk To. A Person With Nothing Better To Do That Is Bored With No Friends To Talk To That Is Not Socializing. A Person With Nothing Better To Do That Is Bored With No Friends To Talk To That Is Not Socializing That Would Rather Instead Play Sonic Cd On His Phone, Hence The Profile Picture. That Is It. That Is All. Nothing To It.

patreon user: LordDorogoth

Hi! I am enthusiastic about Celeste Classic, and am working with the Celeste Classic discord to "demake" the 2018 version of Celeste for pico-8.

patreon user: httpsRickAstleylnkto_listenYD

Testing games and making games

patreon user: none

izza me, a generic celeste fanboy woahh

patreon user: Whatdoesthisaccomplishifitdeletesalltheperiods

I want to make games. Let’s hope my computer doesn’t die again

patreon user: no

print("i am a new dev")

patreon user: rollerstar

Indie Dev living in Victoria, Australia. I make small games, while working full-time. Also prototyping a bunch of VR stuff!

patreon user: CapnStache
patreon user: Amiantos
patreon user: patreoncomAltos312
patreon user: httpswwwsbcglobalemailscom
patreon user: mezzoemrys
patreon user: oyun