Heal your allies during a protest by throwing band-aids at them. They all need to be conscious at the end of the countdown!
Be careful, you have a limited number of ammunitions. Reload regularly.
You can also use a little caffeine boost to move faster!
We are a team of students at Ada Tech School from Paris, France. For our school project, we had two weeks to make a game using Pico-8. We are happy to present you Heal'em'up, a non-shooter where you need to heal instead of shooting. Your mission: protect and help all the protesters.
Stanz-ie ([https://github.com/Stanz-ie/])
Hi there!
I've been using a relatively simple system for sprite animations that I find works pretty well without much overhead. It relies on a simple function to retrieve the current frame of an animation frame list (ani
) based on time
) and a given speed (spd
) in frames per second:
--get animation frame function anifrm(ani,spd) return ani[1+flr(spd*t()%#ani)] end |
That's it!
Now all we need is to define an animation as a list of sprite IDs:
--define player walk animation pwalkani={2,3,4,5} |
And we can assign this animation to our player just like assigning a single sprite:
--in _update(), during walk logic (e.g. btn left or right) player.sprite=anifrm(pwalkani,10) --in _draw(), using the normal spr() call spr(player.sprite,player.x,player.y) |
Here's an example cart to demonstrate fully, also taking sprite flipping into account:
Hey everyone!
I'm trying to prototype a little beat game in Picotron, but I'm having some issues with SFX/Music sync. I've been some references in pico8 to using stat() to read the current play time of active music tracks and use that to play SFX in sync with the beat.
There is stat() in picotron, but it's undocumented. I've tried iterating over a bunch of stat codes, but seems like it's pretty much zero after a stat code of about 9
I was wondering if anyone has had additional info about the stat method, or where else I might pull music timing info from?
I've had a very hard time reproducing the exact minimal steps to cause this crash, so I'm just going to post the cart and steps to cause the crash and hope this is useful enough to track it down.
The bug does not occur on PICO-8 desktop, only on the BBS/webplayer.
It seems to be tied to remapping draw ops / spritesheet to highmem with either of the two lines:
poke(0x5f55,0x80) poke(0x5f54,0x80) |
But these alone do not seem to be enough to cause the crash. Here it is occurring in a cart I am currently working on:
-- Press Z/C to attack right as the cart has loaded
-- Crash -
-- Move a full screen or two rightward (X is jump, press twice to doublejump)
Super Mario Bros. Demake DEMO
Hello all, today I wanted to present my Super Mario Bros. demake, in a work-in-progress state.
This has been worked on for about a month or two, mostly due to me trying to create my own platforming engine, but failing miserably, and some troubles. This demo uses the Advanced Micro Platformer engine by @mhughson. Check it out- it's pretty cool! Also, I know that his SMB remake also uses this engine, although his has larger sprites, and mine has smaller, you get what I mean..? Anyways, the cartridge is linked below, try it, although it's very barebones and spaghetti coded if you're looking into it with a technical view!
[8x8] | |
anybody here like murder drones lol, well here is a cyn themed animated wallpaper. Use it if you like :D and modify as you will :)
animation based on https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2994033827&searchtext=solver+of+the+absolute+fabric and made in pixel composer :3
I created this to teach myself PICO-8. It has animations, and should be 100% accurate to the original game, including scoring (please let me know if this is not the case). All the 2048 versions I've found on the PICO-8 BBS don't have animations, or have different rules.
Since PICO-8 only supports 16-bit signed integers, it would only allow scores up to 32767, which is a problem with 2048 where scores can go much higher than that. I had to create a long integer "class" to fix that, which took a while. However, it still only supports scores up to just over 3 million. I decided that's probably enough.
Git Repo
Original game by Gabriele Cirulli